I feel like not releasing the 6* r4 materials is a bit rubbish

There are things that aren’t actually in game yet, like t3 alpha and t6 basic. Kabam could make the 6.4 rewards targeted towards people who have r3 6*s and want to rank them up.
What ever comes after 6.4 will prolly be r4 6*s
Raising a sixs must be a nightmare! At this point i am so over grinding for stuff to rank 5s that i don't really think i care too much about collecting 6s or building a roster even the size of my 5 roster...and supposedly there will be a 7 star eventually...feels like we are just being dragged under...my daughters boyfriend started the game 2 months ago...has reached level 55 summoner, aquired a pretty decent 4 star roster and 2 five stars and QUIT the game already. Having accomplished in 2 months, what took those of us here at the beginning a year or more to achieve, he STILL thinks it is taking too long to get anywhere...
OH! And as far as the t5b and t5c? Don't count on seeing much more of it till they do announce 7. That has been the pattern all along...and kabam is predictable if nothing else. So the longer it takes to release the 7s, the longer you will have to endure. WILL YOU?
Of course the broad answer to this question is that higher level resources do become available with time. Go back a few years and read posts and view videos when there were hardly any 5*s, or you couldn’t take a 5* beyond r4. The relevant resources for that like T4b and T4CC have become significantly more common, and that will only increase as time goes on, along with the others. But that has to be gradual, otherwise all sense of genuine progression and development in the game will be lost.
Personally I take the view the fact that different players think that different resources need to be more readily available is a sign that the balance of availability is probably about right.
“I’m 857k rating” - I still think Account Rating means something.
“I am a free player and it appears one of the few left in the forum” - My account is so bad that that everyone else whose roster is better than mine must have spent their way to theirs.
“Just in a gold tier alliance” - I’m not even in a Gold 3 Alliance and I’m complaining about resources to R5/R2 Champs.
“Top alliances have always had near exclusive access to higher tier ranking items” - I can’t join a top alliance and I’m salty that they get to get the rewards that they are getting while I can’t.
“I got 50 5*s and half a T5b” - I just started being able to 100% explore Uncollected EQ a few months ago, and have not done even a pass of Act 6 to get ONE T5B.
“I’ve been buying from the glory store” - I earn very little glory from AQ.
“50 Champs and 6 Awakened” - I’ve opened around 56-60 5* Crystals since I’ve started my account.
“4500 shards for 160k nuts is laughable” - I have a lack of nuts.
Anything I missed?
I have a 550k rating and 5 R5 5* and the only time I have spent on the game is for one of the cyber weekend offers this year which contained 60 5* sig stones...and all this without spending hours on the game everyday..so please don't preach about grinding when clearly u play the amount that any other normal player does...t5b is getting more accessible every month..if u are a cavalier in a decently active alliance doing 5x5 aq u can get 2 t2a per month without much effort...i don't know where u grind in the game but it certainly isn't the right place
I just opened my second 6* champion. They are so freaking rare still in game. Kabam is taking their time, and I can dig it!
If you think "enough" is "everything" you're not going to be happy playing progressional games, unless you're playing a Roblox game competing against eight year olds. And maybe not even then.
A Gold 1 AW alliance is going to get 9k T5B (20%), 18k T2A (50%), one T4CC crystal, and whatever drops out of three war crystals, once every six weeks. In the same six weeks you'll cycle through about five AQ weeks (eight days). Even a map 3/4 alliance is going to get enough glory to buy at least 4500 T5B fragments every week (1850 glory): that's 22500 T5B fragments. Plus a ton of AQ Map crystals.
The Platinum and Master rewards get interesting when it comes to T5B, if that's your bottleneck. But outside of that AQ tends to be more rank up resource profitable than AW. And it doesn't take a huge amount of effort to extract significant value out of the glory store.
It is true that Kabam like all game operators has to make money, but like most F2P operators they have to decide what to sell. If they sell a "thing" that thing becomes a paywall to the game: buy the thing, or not have the thing. Instead, Kabam sells speed, and they sell it to the impatient. If you're patient you can eventually do everything for free. If you want to do it now, you'll need some combination of skill, roster, and resources, and two of those require either a lot of time invested in the game or a lot of money spent in the game, or some combination of both to get quickly. By selling speed rather than paywall items the only paywall that really exists is impatience.
The whales get there first, the hard core players that aren't whales get there second, and everyone else follows. In order for this model to work, there has to be a "there" for whales to get to first, or you won't have any whales. And without them, you have to charge everyone else more for everything else to make up the difference.