Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2020


    Some ideas for Enchantress aka Amora.

    Signature Ability

    Mystical Mayhem: when ever enchant inflicts a debuff she heals _____ Instantly. When enchantress triggers a buff she gains _____ power instantly.

    Enchantress charms he opponent. (Similar mechanic to Ebony Mal). Generates charges over time up to 100.

    Any: reduce ability accuracy by 1% for ever charge

    25: opponent can’t critical

    50: opponents hesitate to attack; 25% for their attacks to miss

    75: opponent doesnt generate power from attacking you.

    100: 50% avoid opponent attacks. Reduces their armor by 500.00


    Prefight ability
    Enchantress can cast (select) an enchantment before battle on her self, her allies or her enemies.

    Inferno: Critical attacks and heavies inflict incinerate. Immune to incinerate.

    Serpent: Critical attacks and heavies inflict poison. Immune to poison.

    Thunder: Critical attacks and heavies inflict shock. Immune to shock.

    Critical attacks and heavies inflict coldsnap. Immune to coldsnap.

    Rust #metal opponents start with a permanent armor break debuff, reducing armor by 300 and armor buffs expire 50% quicker. #robot champions rust away, starting with a permanent degeneration debuff.

    Amora Only
    Mirage Dodge back and for 3 seconds to activate. Amora shimmers multicolored like a mirage (effect similar to ghost) making her hard to hit. Amora gains a Mirage Buff (like invisibility) for 10 seconds. While active 30% for opponent attacks to miss. 10% increased critical chance.

    Arcane Armor: Dodge back and hold dodge for 3 seconds to activate. Amora creates a green protective shield around her (Buff). The shield absorbs all damage received. It can absorb 10% of Amora’s health worth of damage before being destroyed.

    Mystic Removal

    Dodge back and hold block for 5 seconds to begin, last until you stop blocking. Every second Amora removes one debuff.

    Enchantment: Combo

    Applies a curse on fifth hit in combo.

    Light: inflict weakness for 5 seconds
    Medium: inflict power drain for 5 seconds

    Special Attack 1

    Inflict power sting and power drain.

    Special Attack 2

    Amora transfers all debuffs on her or the opponent. If she has none she instead heals by the amount of damage dealt.

    Special Attack 3

    Captures opponent with magic chains then cast a enchantment on them turning them into a frog that she proceeds to feed to a snake.

    There’s probably to much stuff here. Charm charges need way to be removed. But I think there’s some cool concepts.
  • My_Next_Prey_11My_Next_Prey_11 Member Posts: 7
    Obviously we all know that the MYSTIC class is by far the class with the least champs. Here are a few of my suggestions that I’m sure many people would agree on of being good champs for MCOC. First is Blackheart. He has been a highly requested champ. He was created by Mephisto just as ghost rider had been and would make an awesome champ. 2nd would be Blackout. He is a human/demon hybrid also very well known as he is a villain of ghost rider as well. 3rd is Lilith. She is the mother of all demons. She sent the Lilin which are demons that have lives of their own but always obedient to their mother to attack ghost rider. 4th is Morbius. Since he’s getting a movie soon either way, he would be a fantastic option to add as well. He was part of the midnight sons with ghost rider. Also he is a Spider-Man villain. 5th would be Zarathos. He is a demon who had a partnership with Mephisto. Also being a villain of ghost rider. These 5 would make great MYSTIC champs in the game. Of course all 5 don’t have to be added. You can atleast pick 2 or 3. Maybe hold a vote with all summoners to see who they would like to see from all these ghost rider villains. My 2 personal favorites are Black heart and Morbius. I strongly encourage you think about this as I have solved ur MYSTIC champ shortage problem with some really honorable mentions. Also these champs can be added with a
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    Dazzler (Mutant)

    Her powers could make for a visually awesome battle. Fireworks with every punch, explosions of color.
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200

    He could be cool. His animation could be really cool, conjuring nightmares and such. Some concept ideas.

    Class: Mystic

    Ability probably charge based or special debuffs. If charge based he’d place “fear” charges/debuffs on the enemy that weaken them and strengthen him. If special debuffs I imagine it’d be like the void (debuffs over time) or ghost rider (inflict debuffs from certain combos and attack.
    He could get stronger the more debuffs on the enemy and the lower their health (fear).


    Enemies: Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo?

    Dimensional Terrors: Dormamu, Mephisto, Annihilus?

    Fear: Void (increase power of fear for both)

    Dream come true: Symbiote Supreme
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    So here is a kinda obscure villain...


    Class: Mutant (Could be Science too but idk)

    Awakened Ability

    Madcap can survive almost any blow! If Madcap has more power than his opponent, he cannot be knocked out by physical or energy attacks, or if he has more health than his opponent.


    Immune to all Fatigue debuffs, and has a 10% chance to shrug off 1 non-damaging debuff per hit. All debuffs except for Stun suffer 60% reduced duration.
    Non-critical Basic Hits landed on Madcap regenerate 20% of the damage done. If any damage exceeds 34.7% of his maximum health, Madcap regenerates 100% of the damage done. Madcap's regeneration rate cannot be lowered to or past 0.

    Basic Hits
    5% chance to Regenerate 50% of the damage the hit dealt.

    Heavy Attacks
    100% chance to inflict a Disorient debuff, reducing their Block Proficiency by 50% and Defensive Ability Accuracy by 70% for 8 seconds.

    If the opponent hasn't landed a hit in 10 seconds, inflict a Concussion debuff, reducing Ability Accuracy by 60% for 10 seconds. If the opponent is suffering from a Disorient debuff and they haven't landed an attack in 6 seconds, inflict a Concussion.
    Opponents suffering from a Concussion will have a -100% chance to attack and have a +100% chance to hold block for the duration of the Concussion. Cooldown, 20 seconds.
    If the opponent's Block is broken while they have a Concussion debuff active, deal 70% of the opponent's attack as direct damage.

    Special Attack 1
    100% chance to inflict a Disorient debuff, reducing Block Proficiency by 50% and Defensive Ability Accuracy by 70% for 8 seconds. If the opponent is suffering from a Concussion, Regenerate 40% of the damage dealt by this attack.

    Special Attack 2
    This attack gains +2058 attack if the opponent is suffering from a Concussion.

    Special Attack 3
    Refreshes all Concussion effects and Regenerates 20% of the damage done. Deals 270% of the opponent's attack as direct damage.
  • RedminotaurRedminotaur Member Posts: 13
    edited January 2020
    My Top 10 villains:
    1. Tombstone
    2. Mangog
    3. Iron monger
    4. Super Skrull
    5. Onslaught
    6. Destroyer
    7. Baron zemo
    8. Evil Hyperion
    9. Bullseye
    10. Minotaur

    Honorable mention:
    1. Grim reaper
    2. Sandman
    3. Goblin Queen
    4. Black Heart
    5. Lady Deathstrike
    6. Enchantress
    7. Mandarin
    8. Mole man
    9. Lizard man
    10. Klaw
    Yes I'm bored ....!
  • RedminotaurRedminotaur Member Posts: 13

  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    This isn’t a new champion I would like to add, but an update to the current AOU vision.

    Vision (AOU) update

    Immune to bleed, poison and inverted controls.
    Vision’s vibranium body decreases damage from critical hits by 25%, and allows perfect block on well-timed blocks.
    Vision uses the mind stone to allow his special attacks to be unblockable.

    35% chance when struck to activate for the next 1 second
    35% chance when the opponent activates a special attack to phase for 2 seconds.
    Upon phasing, remove all damaging debuffs.
    Whilst phasing, vision’s and the opponents attacks miss, even into a block.
    Performing a well-timed block deactivates phasing.

    Special attack 1
    Beam burns 100% of a bar of power. Power stings for 5 seconds.

    Special attack 2
    Beam burns 50% of max power, activates phase for 2 seconds.

    Special attack 3
    Beam burns 100% max power, activates phase for 2 seconds.

    Signature ability
    Each time the opponents power is drained, gain 50% of what was drained. Additionally, gain [5%-50%] of a bar of power at the start of the fight
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    New champion:

    Thor (infinity war)

    Thor’s physiology allows him to be immune to shock damage. Whenever he would be affected with a shock, he gains 1 shock charge.

    Stormbreaker hits (medium, heavy, special attack 1: hit 2; special attack 2: hit 1 and 2)
    This attack ignores all armour.
    Consume 1 shock charge to deal [50% of basic attack] instantly as shock damage

    Heavy attack charging
    Gain 1-2 shock charges

    Special attack 1
    The first attack shocks the opponent for 3 seconds, dealing [30% of base attacks]. The second attack tears the opponents armour, applying an armour break for 10 seconds, reducing armour by 2000.

    Special attack 2
    The first hit has a 50% chance to stun the opponent for 2 seconds, and the last hit has a 50% to stun the opponent for 3 seconds.

    Special attack 3
    Gain 10 shock charges
    Places 5 shock on the opponent, each dealing [50% base attack] over 7 seconds

    Signature ability
    Each time a shock is placed on the opponent, gain an instant crit buff for the next hit, increasing critical rating by 2000, and critical damage by 1000.

    Each time a shock would trigger on thor, he gains a fury buff for the duration of the shock, increasing attack by [60% of base attack].
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    New champion:


    Dashing backwards allows quicksilver to dodge all incoming attacks.
    All projectiles have a 25% chance to be evaded.

    quicksilver charges
    Quicksilver gains charges throughout the fight to be able to activate super speed.
    Upon reaching 50 quicksilver charges, quicksilver can dash back and hold block for 1.2 seconds to activate super speed, granting a 50% chance to evade attacks, and the ability to counter attack after each evade. 5 charges are lost every second.
    Upon reaching 100 charges, quicksilver enters super speed (20 seconds)

    Heavy attack charging
    Gains 10 quicksilver charges exponentially

    Special attack 3
    Gain 100 quicksilver charges

    Signature ability - gain 1 persistent charge at the end of each fight.
    Quicksilver carries over [20%-100%] of his quicksilver charges to the next fight. If Quicksilver starts the fight with 100 quicksilver charges, he gains a cruelty buff, increasing critical damage rating by [x%] for the first 10 seconds of the fight.

    'Long lost father'
    Gain 5 charges on well-timed blocks

    +5% health

    Phoenix, Beast, Cyclops, Havok, Colossus, Wolverine, Magneto, Storm, Psylocke, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Bishop, Gambit
    All champions gain +0% attack, This synergy increases attack by 2.5% for each x-men on the team.
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    Hazzalec1 said:

    New champion:


    'Long lost father'
    Gain 5 charges on well-timed blocks

    +5% health


    Why does he have two synergies with magneto? Are they for the different versions?
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    Hazzalec1 said:

    This isn’t a new champion I would like to add, but an update to the current AOU vision.

    Vision (AOU) update

    Immune to bleed, poison and inverted controls.
    Vision’s vibranium body decreases damage from critical hits by 25%, and allows perfect block on well-timed blocks.
    Vision uses the mind stone to allow his special attacks to be unblockable.

    35% chance when struck to activate for the next 1 second
    35% chance when the opponent activates a special attack to phase for 2 seconds.
    Upon phasing, remove all damaging debuffs.
    Whilst phasing, vision’s and the opponents attacks miss, even into a block.
    Performing a well-timed block deactivates phasing.

    Special attack 1
    Beam burns 100% of a bar of power. Power stings for 5 seconds.

    Special attack 2
    Beam burns 50% of max power, activates phase for 2 seconds.

    Special attack 3
    Beam burns 100% max power, activates phase for 2 seconds.

    Signature ability
    Each time the opponents power is drained, gain 50% of what was drained. Additionally, gain [5%-50%] of a bar of power at the start of the fight

    I was actually planning on requesting that they give Vision density shifting abilities just today! He really should have them, it’s his most unique power.
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Minvis said:

    Hazzalec1 said:

    New champion:


    'Long lost father'
    Gain 5 charges on well-timed blocks

    +5% health


    Why does he have two synergies with magneto? Are they for the different versions?
    No, this is intentional. He has 2 magneto synergies on purpose. One unique synergy and one generic one.
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    Minvis said:

    Hazzalec1 said:

    This isn’t a new champion I would like to add, but an update to the current AOU vision.

    Vision (AOU) update

    Immune to bleed, poison and inverted controls.
    Vision’s vibranium body decreases damage from critical hits by 25%, and allows perfect block on well-timed blocks.
    Vision uses the mind stone to allow his special attacks to be unblockable.

    35% chance when struck to activate for the next 1 second
    35% chance when the opponent activates a special attack to phase for 2 seconds.
    Upon phasing, remove all damaging debuffs.
    Whilst phasing, vision’s and the opponents attacks miss, even into a block.
    Performing a well-timed block deactivates phasing.

    Special attack 1
    Beam burns 100% of a bar of power. Power stings for 5 seconds.

    Special attack 2
    Beam burns 50% of max power, activates phase for 2 seconds.

    Special attack 3
    Beam burns 100% max power, activates phase for 2 seconds.

    Signature ability
    Each time the opponents power is drained, gain 50% of what was drained. Additionally, gain [5%-50%] of a bar of power at the start of the fight

    I was actually planning on requesting that they give Vision density shifting abilities just today! He really should have them, it’s his most unique power.
    Yes, but I wanted to go further than phase. I wanted to touch up on a couple of other bits and pieces. Hopefully this vision is actually desirable haha
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    Hazzalec1 said:

    Minvis said:

    Hazzalec1 said:

    New champion:


    'Long lost father'
    Gain 5 charges on well-timed blocks

    +5% health


    Why does he have two synergies with magneto? Are they for the different versions?
    No, this is intentional. He has 2 magneto synergies on purpose. One unique synergy and one generic one.
  • Powerpellet55Powerpellet55 Member Posts: 4

    Awakened Ability
    Mastered Psammokinesis
    Every time a special attack is activated, sandman has a 50% chance to gain a 40% Armor up buff for 10 seconds.

    Sandman is composed of sand particles thus he doesn’t have any blood.
    Whenever sandman gets an incinerate or shock debuff, he consumes it turning it into a heat charge.
    Once sandman hits 6 heat charges, he enters glass mode.

    Glass Mode

    Sandman gains a permanent Armor break during glass mode.
    Sandman is now shock and poison immune.
    Sandman gains a fury charge for every 3 debuff he is immune to.
    Sandman starts with 5 furys
    Sandman has a 30% chance to inflict bleed on medium, heavy or special attacks.
    His ability Accuracy cannot be changed
    Glass mode lasts for 30 seconds.

    Special 1

    Sandman turn his fists into mallets and hits the enemy around.
    100% Armor break for 10 seconds
    33% concussion for 10 seconds

    Special 2

    Sandman turns into a sandstorm and attacks the enemy

    100% concussion for 10 seconds
    100% stun for 3 seconds
    50% Armor break for 5 seconds

    Special 3
    Sandman turns giant and suffocates the enemy

    100% stun for 6 seconds
    100% fatigue for 12 seconds
    60% slow for 8 seconds
    50% weakness for 12 seconds


    Sinister Six
    Doc Ock, Electro,Mysterio, Vulture, Rhino,

    Ability Accuracy increased by 20% (+5% for each member)

    Partners in Crime

    Sandman gains furys faster during glass mode

    Rhino has a 60% chance to inflict bleed on medium or heavy attacks


    Human Torch, Electro, Storm

    Sandman starts the match with 2 burn charges.

    Human torch, electro and storms debuffs are more potent and lasts 1 second longer.


    Spider-Man (Classic), Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), Symbiote Spider-Man and Spider-Man (Stealth Suit)

    All Champions gain +6% attack

  • Z2f6hQZ2f6hQ Member Posts: 36
    My new character wishlist
    1) Black Ant
    2) Gogo
    3) Radioactive man
    4) Kurse
    5) Bloodaxe
    6) Phantom Rider
    7) morlun
    8) Mister Negative
    9) Silver Samurai
    10) Pluto
    11) Exodus
    12) Fantomex
    13) Wraith
    14) Archer
    15) wallflower
    16) Xorn
    17) Chamber
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Dansen Macabre

    Class: Mystic

    Awakened Ability

    Dance of Hypnosis
    If the opponent spends more than 5 seconds near Dansen Macabre, they are Stunned for 2 seconds.
    When Dansen Macabre stays idle, the opponent's controls are inverted until she breaks her idle state.


    Dance of Death
    Whenever Dansen Macabre stays idle she deals 1 damage, and for every 1 second after, she deals twice the amount of damage she did before as a result of staying idle.

    Opponents cannot Evade Dansen Macabre's attacks.
    Whenever inflicted with a Stun debuff, she has a 20% with each hit she receives to reflect the Stun onto the attacker for the duration of the debuff.

    Heavy Attack
    This attack cannot Miss, and renders the opponent immune to all buffs for 5 seconds.

    Special Attack 1
    If the opponent triggers a buff during the duration of this attack, they are immediately Stunned for 2.4 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    If the opponent has a buff on them during this attack, 30% of their max power is stolen. All buffs are Nullified and deal 694 energy damage per buff nullified.

    Special Attack 3
    Dansen Macabre Auto-Blocks any Medium or Light attacks for 10 seconds. Triggers Parry.
    If the opponent has a buff during this attack, place a Mesmerize debuff on the opponent, lasting 10 seconds. When the timer expires, or this debuff is removed, inflict a 2-second Stun. This doesn't interrupt Special Attacks.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 892 ★★★
    Heightened senses,..dexterity,..speed
    Expert in hand to hand combat,..and knives of course
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200

    Mister Negitive and Silver samurai would be cool.
  • RedminotaurRedminotaur Member Posts: 13

  • King_SternyKing_Sterny Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2020
    Who would I like added? Hmm. How about a brown and gold Wolverine whose mechanics allow him to exist as a 5*/6* Champion? Other additions: Jean Grey (NOT Phoenix, just Jean), Scorpion, Jubilee, playable Jessica Jones, Colleen Wing (Netflix version from the end of the Iron Fist series), Mandarin, Titanium Man (old school green), Crimson Dynamo, Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale), Black Knight, Prowler, Dazzler, Black Cat, Enchantress, Callisto, Pyro, Kraven the Hunter.
  • Musicyoda88Musicyoda88 Member Posts: 2
    Just finished Serpent War!
    Love to see:

    (maybe some savage Avengers to boot??)
    and I know it's not the right space but goes with the post: a buffed MOON KNIGHT!


    Reskinned Mooney: Mr. Moon Knight is a classic!

    Seeing Hercules would be super cool!

    -Forbush Man! 😂
  • RedminotaurRedminotaur Member Posts: 13

  • DougEFresh210DougEFresh210 Member Posts: 3
    We need Endgame Thor! With Stormbreaker!
  • WaszumdeibelWaszumdeibel Member Posts: 26
    Please introduce Bullseye.
    Would be absolutely awesome
  • TH3_STONETH3_STONE Member Posts: 56
    Devil dino... zeus... odin....
    Weapon h ... mimic... america chavez ....mystique
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,155 ★★★★★
    We need more electric type characters. How about zzzax?

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