How long do you grind arena daily?
So 2 days ago I finally gave in and started grinding arena for a couple of hours a day and it’s not bad, in fact I’m finding it fun and addicting plus I’m getting units which before I’d only get by logging in (like 100 monthly) or from doing quests. I’ve set myself a goal of at least 25k battle chips a day and so far I’ve done roughly 33k battle chips a day since I started. I’m going to save until like 500k or so and then do a massive opening. How many hours a day do you grind arena? And please specify if you leave decide to leave a comment, thanks
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How long do you grind arena daily? 156 votes
I used to do a lot more, but I've scaled back a bit because I'm busier in general. And sometimes when I have a day off and no errands or projects to do I might do a ton of grinding, as in five or six hours or more. But these days that's a once in a couple months thing.
My primary goal is to hit the 1-10% rank reward in the 5* featured, which just recently moved slightly higher than 15 million so I'm now doing 16 million to be safe (I was putting in 15 million for the past several months). Then I try to go for the milestones in the 4* featured, and if I still have time I go for the milestones in the 4* basic. If I'm on vacation and have nothing to do, I would eventually go for the 3* milestones.
I used to do the Sunday ones, but these days only when I'm really bored.
The best practice is to do as much as you can, but if you're getting bored or frustrated just take a break. You don't want to push yourself to the point of hating the arena, you should think of it as free rewards and extra practice that you can take or leave at will. It is a buffet, and there's a lot of stuff there - BC, units, etc - but that doesn't mean you have to gorge yourself until you're sick. Take what you can, leave the rest behind, have no regrets.
135 units in the 5* featured milestones, the 4* featured, and the 4* basic arenas. 65 in the 3* featured and 2* arena. That's 135 x 3 + 65 x 2 = 535 units. That's in a three day event window. You can do that twice a week, times four weeks, which is 535 x 2 x 4 = 4280. Depending on your roster that could take you 300-500 rounds to do, which could be four to six hours a day of grinding. Not something most people would want to do or could reasonably do, but it also means however much effort you want to put into it, the reward you can get are essentially unlimited, or rather limited only by the effort you want to put it.
Notice this doesn't count the units you get from battlechips. Someone doing this much arena could easily be getting 6k or 7k units a month. Again: not suggesting anyone do this, just that what's on the table is big, and even a fraction of it is pretty good.
When I was younger I’d have no problem spending hours a day playing games, including to grind (that Gold Chocobo in Final Fantasy VII wasn’t going to breed itself), but now that I’m all grown up I just don’t have the time.
Featured 5: early morning, lunch, evening. I hit 12M by the second day, then i just use my 6* after that to hit 16M. That leaves time to switch my 5*s to the featured 4* arena. I only need 2 runs to hit 4M for ask the milestones. Basic 4* arena is just done throughout the 3 days when I feel like it, only use my maxed 4*s so not much time spent. Goal is roughly 3k units each month.
I also hoard battlechips and only use when necessary, like when I needed extra units to get vision and dupe last year and then switching to suicides this past December. I try to keep my chips at 5M.
Oh well, sometimes I'll grind the first three milestones for the gold but that's it.
I do 3,000,000 in the 5* featured arena.This gets me 500 5* shards and 45 units. On average it's 23 fights.
I do full 4* featured 4,000,000. This usually gets me 200 5* shards and 135 units. On average it's 54 fights.
That's 360 units weekly for not a lot of time.
If I have some free time and not burned out I'll putter away at the 4* basic Around 20 fights can net me another 75 units.
I can hit around 9-10.5 million in 5 star and 2-3 million in 4 stat feature.
I almost never run regular arena unless I’m short of units or close to forming a 5/6* crystal.
I had a run of about a year and a half from late 2016-2018 when I ran all but 2-3 of the basic 4* arenas to get the basic champ. That was a very long time ago and I haven’t done anything remotely like that since then.
The reason: I don’t need 4*’s, and I can only hit around 15-18M in the featured 5* arena without refreshes or resorting to running R1/2 5*’s. For me, the 5* featured arena is simply grinding for scraps that eventually comprise a ~1/130 shot at any individual 5* champ.
Dr. Zola
So I never have to "find time" for arena. It's casual and easy. For example, I was done with milestones in 3 current arenas with 20 hours left. So now I can chill. 🥶👍
Rank 5 of 4* champ can get 10k points/fight (at x3 multiplies)