Act 6 Chapter 4: The End of the Elders has Begun! [Rewards Updated]



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,485 ★★★★★
    Happy game happy life
    Eric987 said:

    Androggs said:

    What the rewards should be:

    Chapter 4 Completion
    1x Tier 5 Basic Catalyst
    3x Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst
    8000x 6-Star Shards
    15,000x 5-Star Shard
    10 Cavalier Crystals
    1x 5-Star Rank up Gem Crystal (Rank 4 to 5)
    2x T5CC Fragment Crystal (Note: This is a Special Crystal that contains 25% of a T5CC, and not the regular Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal)
    1,500,000x Gold

    Chapter 4 Exploration
    1x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystal
    3x Tier 5 Basic Catalyst
    7x Tier 2 Alpha Catalysts
    10,000x 6-Star Shards
    25,000x 5-Star Shard
    1 5-Star Awakening Generic
    2x 5-Star Rank up Gem Crystal (Rank 4 to 5)
    2,500,000x Gold

    Act 6 Completion
    1x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystal
    6x Tier 5 Basic Catalyst
    10x Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst
    15,000x 6-Star Shards
    30,000x 5-Star Shard
    1x 6-Star Awakening Gem Crystal
    1x 6-Star Rank up Gem Crystal (Rank 1 to 2)
    3,000,000x Gold

    Act 6 Exploration
    2x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystal
    20,000x 6-Star Shards
    3x Tier 6 Basic Catalyst
    3x Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst
    1x 6-Star Awakening Generic
    1x 6-Star Rank up Generic (Rank 1 to 2
    5,000,000x Gold

    The Act 6 completion and 100% rewards need to updated. However it anyone seriously thought or expected a t6 basic or t3 alphas, let alone multiple of them, you’re crazy.

    All they really need to do is add random t5 cat and 6* AG crystal to completion and then generic 6* AG and t5 class selector to 100% and it would be fine. Some more sig stones would be nice too.
    Sig ston to 6 star. Yes and the offer part u said I’m wil probably be okay with.
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
    edited February 2020
    WillieB said:

    After making my negative feelings known about the rewards yesterday and sleeping on it I think the main disconnect that Kabaam has with the player base is the fact that they think 5 stars are still the focus of players who are exploring 6.4 and Act 6. If you are able to 100% Act 6 you already have 90-95% of the 5 stars and the important champions at rank 5. With rosters at that level we want to expand our 6 star roster. With these 5 star based reward we will be forced to rank up champs we have no interest in ranking up.

    The bottom line, the game has moved to 6 star champions whether that's what you intended or not, that's the reality.

    When they released 6* champs, I remember feeling like it was a weird time for that rank considering people were just starting to get rank 5 5*s that could be used in the current END GAME content. I feel like the release of 6* champs was about 8 months too early at that time, and feel that's supported by the current state of the game.
    I pulled a 5* Cap Marvel Movie and Thing months ago, which is awesome, but I've held off taking them both further than rank 3 or using my awakening gems on them, because I haven't needed them for specific content yet, and I have the possibility of pulling both as a 6* at any time between now and when I COULD need them. This is the same position alot of players are in right now, which means the direction of the game is now onto 6*s whether Kabam is willing to admit it or not.
  • McCloud33McCloud33 Member Posts: 46
    @Kabam Miike Most everyone is talking about the final rewards and for good reason, but I think what is getting glossed over are some of the new nodes in Chapter 4. In particular the power sting.

    In speaking with others who were involved in the BETA, and doing a little research, there are only 4 champs currently in the game that can power sting on their own. Emma Frost, Wasp, Yellow Jacket and Human Torch (when in nova flames). They also have very short duration power stings in which you won't be doing 90% reduced damage, resulting in hardly any effect in damage output.

    There is one champ who can provide power sting via synergy...Mr. Fantasitc! This champ has been out less than a year and most players do not have him as a 5 star champion. This is very poor design and wreaks of the Mr. Sinister fight in 6.2 and the Poison vulnerability Mysterio in 6.3 which I believe everyone including Kabam agreed was a less than ideal design.

    What's the point in doing the BETA test if you won't listen to those trying to help out and saying that this node is too much. Could you all please look at making this a 50%-70% reduction instead of 90% so those who do not have the ONE champion that can actually do a lane can at least push through with other champions?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★

    Who cares what a single person thinks. The issue here is that the majority of the player base myself included seem to think these rewards are terrible.

    The Act progression makes no sense.

    Act 4 you could 5/50 a champ of your choosing with full exploration.
    Act 5 you could R5 a champ of your choosing with full exploration AND you also got some AG's along the way.
    Act 6 you MIGHT be able to R3 a champ that you DIDN'T choose. Also only a random AG for full exploration is being viewed pretty negatively.

    Taking away the players ability to rank a champ of their choosing for finishing an entire act is what appears to be the biggest miss here. The "sense of accomplishment" isn't there when you are given RNG rewards. You could sit on a T5CC and/or a random AG for quite a while with no viable rank up options. Not really satisfying if you ask me.

    Say what you want about players that are holding out for God tiers for too long but nobody is ranking or awakening Magneto, Beast, DPX if they have mutant materials for example.

    Proposed changes which just about EVERYBODY is agreeing on:
    Change the random AG to a generic for full exploration
    Add a random AG for Act completion
    Add some domination of T5CC for Act completion. Getting zero is pretty heartless.
    Add more 6* shards at least enough where you can get 3 for completion and another 3 (or more) for exploration. Whether you think the meta isn't 6* yet you can't possible believe that considering you made 6* gates for 6.2....Taking a month to spin a 6* for people at the end game is kind of ridiculous.

    They make sense for where the game is at now. Taking a 6* to R3 has only just been introduced. For that matter, a 6* AG is as rare as it gets in the game. Even more rare than T5CC. An R3 6* is proportionately higher than a Max 5*. Which is why it's being paced appropriately. Otherwise, the rest of the game won't catch up to the shift. As for Generic Gems, people would always prefer those over random. You just can't put the cart before the horse.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    Meaning people can feel it's not enough based on doing it, but if the game is not at the point where adding more is viable, that stands to be mentioned.
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Spanky said:

    This is the first time I have posted on the forums because it is the first time i have felt no interest in completing new content as big as the culmination of act 6 should be. I am a member of Kenob (jedi master) and I have done legend runs for 6.1 (4th) 6.2 (33rd) 6.3 (90s). I have been apart of 6 straight AW season championships and I was a part of the summoner showdown in NY. I completed the abyss within 80 hours of it's release. Personally when I finished abyss I should have felt good but I was extremely disappointed because of the rewards I got. I got 2 cosmic and my best options at 6* are phoenix and unduped cull. The way 6.4 rewards are set up and lack of 6* based resources just sets me up for the same feeling of disappointment and I have talked to many other players who feel the same. I know my perspective can be skewed from playing at the top but I know a lot feel the way I do. The rewards for 6.4 being very heavily 5* based is the beginning of the end of the game for many people in my opinion. Like Indrick said in his post he is at a point where neither abyss or act 6 rewards are worth the effort to complete. I know for a fact he is not alone in his way of thinking so where does that leave the game and players being able to progress in the game? If your not getting good rewards for 6*s in something like act 6 then where would it come from? 5* are no longer worth the effort to put resources into for a lot of players and you can't get rewards that allow to you to get 6* champs you feel that are worth the effort to rank unless you are a huge whale. You can also see that players are caring less and less for 5*s based on recent arena scores. Most people that are at a point where they have the roster to complete act 6 or abyss don't care about ranking 5*s anymore. They want resources to accumulate more 6*s and the materials to be able to rank them to further progress in the game. A big issue with 99% of rewards in the game are they are RNG dependent. Not only do you have to get a champ you like you also have to be "lucky" enough to pull the right resources to rank that champ. It can leave you waiting 6 months just to rank a champ you like which is very demotivating to want to put the effort to get it done. I feel there needs to be a balance between RNG based rewards and rewards you have control over to help you progress. For gifting which was 100% about spending money the rewards were choose your t5cc but for content that takes actual skill it is random and also an alliance that wins 7 straight AW seasons is 8th in overall prestige just proves that money is greater than skill in this game and it is so unbalanced between whales and F2P players. F2P players rely on these rewards to progress so when they are underwhelming it just creates a bigger gap and leaves players in limbo not wanting to complete anything because you are unable to progress your account which is why most people play in the first place. I hope kabam finally listens to the community instead of just hearing and not creating a better quality of life for the players. The meta has shifted towards 6*s and so should the rewards.

    I aint an endgame player but completed abyss a few weeks ago and explore Act 6 apart from mordo and champion quest. I have the resources and champions to explore the last 2 quests of 6.2 but I wanted to wait for 6.4 to drop to see how much exploring 6.4 will cost me. Even though I got extremely lucky with abyss rewards (got my CMM duped and to rank 3) I still dont enjoy the idea of giving random rewards when it comes to catalysts. Even though I dont have the largest 5 star roster(only 800k rating and have like 70ish percent of 5 stars) I personally wouldnt rankup more than 8 5 stars to rank 5 from the current pool. If someone like me is looking towards 6 stars then I cant imagine people who actually have good 6 stars and double my 5 star roster. Also the lack of 6 star sig stones is extremely disheartening.
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
    So I see Kabam Miike just popped in not too long ago to speak to a subject in this thread non related to everyone's issue with the rewards, so it's at least good that they're actively monitoring this, but leaves me thinking that we won't hear any Kabam feedback on our main concern regarding rewards.... which is honestly discouraging.

    I know he earlier noted that there wouldn't be any change to the rewards, but that was early in the 11 PAGES of negative feedback and alot of constructive criticisms I hoped would help change Kabam's mind and promote them to revisit certain aspects of the completion and exploration rewards (generic ressources to properly reward ALL players, and motivate us to keep playing.

    Might be time to take a full on break from the game, or move on to something else if rewards aren't guaranteed to help you progress (looks at my stash of 5 Skill 5* awakening gems with no champs to use them on :neutral: )
  • PitPenguinsPitPenguins Member Posts: 22
    _ASDF_ said:

    What i dont understand, is the total lack of 6* shards. You can give me 1,000 T2A, but I still dont have a 6* worthy of R3 and i probably wont have one after the measly 40k in 6* shards. Pull 2 Kamala's from the featured lmao. What a joke.

    With the 5* gems plus the t2a and tb5, you're going to have a lot of rank up resources you most likely can't use because of the lack of 6* shards. I'm at the point of no longer ranking 5* champs unless there is an immediate content need (HT for AOL was my last 5* rank up). 5* rank up gems are nice but I'm past needing them. I need 6* shards to try to luck out on a champ to go with the t5b I pull and the awakening gem I pull.

    Typing that out I realize that to use all the rewards you need to hit three good pulls in a row. And that's not even taking into account the lack of any 6* sig stones.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Great - days of silence, and then Miike pops in to comment on a flipping node. Bravo 👏👏👏
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    👏🏻. The “yesterday” comment is priceless.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268

    I am sorry if you do not believe the concerns about the rewards are legitimate. I am going to chalk that up to poor word choice. Trust me, the concerns about the rewards are legitimate because the rewards are a gigantic miss. I think the multitude of comments back that up.

    Edited to change that. I'm not saying that concerns over rewards are not legitimate. We are discussing the feedback, but have nothing to add at this time.
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  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Are you able to elaborate what changes were made from beta? I explored probably about 40% while in beta, maybe less, did a couple paths of each quest. Just curious if what was in beta will largely be what is represented in the actual content
  • PitPenguinsPitPenguins Member Posts: 22

    I am sorry if you do not believe the concerns about the rewards are legitimate. I am going to chalk that up to poor word choice. Trust me, the concerns about the rewards are legitimate because the rewards are a gigantic miss. I think the multitude of comments back that up.

    Edited to change that. I'm not saying that concerns over rewards are not legitimate. We are discussing the feedback, but have nothing to add at this time.
    Do you know (or can share) the reason they diverted away from the Act 4 and Act 5 rewards? The act 6.4 rewards feel closer to the 5.3 rewards at the time than the 5.4 rewards.
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    Chovner said:

    So I see Kabam Miike just popped in not too long ago to speak to a subject in this thread non related to everyone's issue with the rewards, so it's at least good that they're actively monitoring this, but leaves me thinking that we won't hear any Kabam feedback on our main concern regarding rewards.... which is honestly discouraging.

    I know he earlier noted that there wouldn't be any change to the rewards, but that was early in the 11 PAGES of negative feedback and alot of constructive criticisms I hoped would help change Kabam's mind and promote them to revisit certain aspects of the completion and exploration rewards (generic ressources to properly reward ALL players, and motivate us to keep playing.

    Might be time to take a full on break from the game, or move on to something else if rewards aren't guaranteed to help you progress (looks at my stash of 5 Skill 5* awakening gems with no champs to use them on :neutral: )

    Like you said.. they already gave a response to the main concern..

    Honestly I don't know why they are leaving this thread open.. people are just continuing to rehash the same arguments. Kabam has already made their decision.. if people don't like it.. they can just move on to something else.. seriously, what more needs to be discussed regarding this subject matter?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268

    Are you able to elaborate what changes were made from beta? I explored probably about 40% while in beta, maybe less, did a couple paths of each quest. Just curious if what was in beta will largely be what is represented in the actual content

    For sure. This is the list of Changes:

    Special Connoisseur: Now includes ALL Prowess Effects, and fixed bugs where damage reduction was reducing Damage to 0, instead of by 90%. This was based on Feedback that there were too few Champions that had access to a Prowess Buff.

    That's Gonna Sting: Added an additional 40% Attack while Power Sting is up. We still wanted to enforce Power Sting usage but needed to Reward Players more for following the Intention of that Node.

    Polka Dot Power: Increase power gain potential from the node, and made it easier to understand. Players found the Combat was too slow, even while using a Damage Over Time during the Beta.

    Quest 6: The Number of nodes was cut down significantly.

    There were also a number of Changes made to the final Boss Fight, but since that was a much smaller group of Beta Testers, I want to ensure that we share our changes with them first.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    Are you able to elaborate what changes were made from beta? I explored probably about 40% while in beta, maybe less, did a couple paths of each quest. Just curious if what was in beta will largely be what is represented in the actual content

    For sure. This is the list of Changes:

    Special Connoisseur: Now includes ALL Prowess Effects, and fixed bugs where damage reduction was reducing Damage to 0, instead of by 90%. This was based on Feedback that there were too few Champions that had access to a Prowess Buff.

    That's Gonna Sting: Added an additional 40% Attack while Power Sting is up. We still wanted to enforce Power Sting usage but needed to Reward Players more for following the Intention of that Node.

    Polka Dot Power: Increase power gain potential from the node, and made it easier to understand. Players found the Combat was too slow, even while using a Damage Over Time during the Beta.

    Quest 6: The Number of nodes was cut down significantly.

    There were also a number of Changes made to the final Boss Fight, but since that was a much smaller group of Beta Testers, I want to ensure that we share our changes with them first.
    Out of curiosity did you add a ‘venom path’ that goes directly to grandmaster? Heard a lot of feedback from those in the beta that this was a good idea, though less nodes is not a bad solution either
  • SpankySpanky Member Posts: 9

    Chovner said:

    So I see Kabam Miike just popped in not too long ago to speak to a subject in this thread non related to everyone's issue with the rewards, so it's at least good that they're actively monitoring this, but leaves me thinking that we won't hear any Kabam feedback on our main concern regarding rewards.... which is honestly discouraging.

    I know he earlier noted that there wouldn't be any change to the rewards, but that was early in the 11 PAGES of negative feedback and alot of constructive criticisms I hoped would help change Kabam's mind and promote them to revisit certain aspects of the completion and exploration rewards (generic ressources to properly reward ALL players, and motivate us to keep playing.

    Might be time to take a full on break from the game, or move on to something else if rewards aren't guaranteed to help you progress (looks at my stash of 5 Skill 5* awakening gems with no champs to use them on :neutral: )

    Like you said.. they already gave a response to the main concern..

    Honestly I don't know why they are leaving this thread open.. people are just continuing to rehash the same arguments. Kabam has already made their decision.. if people don't like it.. they can just move on to something else.. seriously, what more needs to be discussed regarding this subject matter?
    If there are this many players upset about what is happening and leave the game because of it then no one will be playing the game because there will be no game to play.
  • SpankySpanky Member Posts: 9

    Spanky said:

    This is the first time I have posted on the forums because it is the first time i have felt no interest in completing new content as big as the culmination of act 6 should be. I am a member of Kenob (jedi master) and I have done legend runs for 6.1 (4th) 6.2 (33rd) 6.3 (90s). I have been apart of 6 straight AW season championships and I was a part of the summoner showdown in NY. I completed the abyss within 80 hours of it's release. Personally when I finished abyss I should have felt good but I was extremely disappointed because of the rewards I got. I got 2 cosmic and my best options at 6* are phoenix and unduped cull. The way 6.4 rewards are set up and lack of 6* based resources just sets me up for the same feeling of disappointment and I have talked to many other players who feel the same. I know my perspective can be skewed from playing at the top but I know a lot feel the way I do. The rewards for 6.4 being very heavily 5* based is the beginning of the end of the game for many people in my opinion. Like Indrick said in his post he is at a point where neither abyss or act 6 rewards are worth the effort to complete. I know for a fact he is not alone in his way of thinking so where does that leave the game and players being able to progress in the game? If your not getting good rewards for 6*s in something like act 6 then where would it come from? 5* are no longer worth the effort to put resources into for a lot of players and you can't get rewards that allow to you to get 6* champs you feel that are worth the effort to rank unless you are a huge whale. You can also see that players are caring less and less for 5*s based on recent arena scores. Most people that are at a point where they have the roster to complete act 6 or abyss don't care about ranking 5*s anymore. They want resources to accumulate more 6*s and the materials to be able to rank them to further progress in the game. A big issue with 99% of rewards in the game are they are RNG dependent. Not only do you have to get a champ you like you also have to be "lucky" enough to pull the right resources to rank that champ. It can leave you waiting 6 months just to rank a champ you like which is very demotivating to want to put the effort to get it done. I feel there needs to be a balance between RNG based rewards and rewards you have control over to help you progress. For gifting which was 100% about spending money the rewards were choose your t5cc but for content that takes actual skill it is random and also an alliance that wins 7 straight AW seasons is 8th in overall prestige just proves that money is greater than skill in this game and it is so unbalanced between whales and F2P players. F2P players rely on these rewards to progress so when they are underwhelming it just creates a bigger gap and leaves players in limbo not wanting to complete anything because you are unable to progress your account which is why most people play in the first place. I hope kabam finally listens to the community instead of just hearing and not creating a better quality of life for the players. The meta has shifted towards 6*s and so should the rewards.

    100% this. My roster isn't the biggest, but I can clear all the content if I want to. When I completed the first Abyss path, I got a skill t5cc which I can't use and a science AG which I can but not on anyone that would benefit me right now. When we clear content this big we should feel excited by what's coming next. I literally said "Oh cool, a skill t5cc if I ever dupe Fury or get and dupe Aegon. I can awaken my 6* Thing but can't r3 him any time soon. Great." and those resources still sit there, untouched and will until I can r3 Thing or awaken Fury.

    I know Kabam Miike said we can do it later at our leisure, but at the top of the ladder later means being kicked out of alliances for not keeping up with prestige and having issues with newer, harder content like Abyss. There are only two places currently to get t5cc reliably and they are Act 6 and Abyss. If you don't finish #1 or #2 in AW seasons, the most you can get of a single t5cc is 16% if you open all the 2% crystals(which are a total joke by the way) and get the same class. It will take months to a year to get enough to get a single t5cc.
    I agree. Players obviously shouldn't be able to choose everything they want but for end game content there should be some choice in using your rewards and instant gratification instead of maybe one day being able to use what you spent time and money to finish.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★

    _ASDF_ said:

    What i dont understand, is the total lack of 6* shards. You can give me 1,000 T2A, but I still dont have a 6* worthy of R3 and i probably wont have one after the measly 40k in 6* shards. Pull 2 Kamala's from the featured lmao. What a joke.

    With the 5* gems plus the t2a and tb5, you're going to have a lot of rank up resources you most likely can't use because of the lack of 6* shards. I'm at the point of no longer ranking 5* champs unless there is an immediate content need (HT for AOL was my last 5* rank up). 5* rank up gems are nice but I'm past needing them. I need 6* shards to try to luck out on a champ to go with the t5b I pull and the awakening gem I pull.

    Typing that out I realize that to use all the rewards you need to hit three good pulls in a row. And that's not even taking into account the lack of any 6* sig stones.
    There are other sources of 6* Shards. Not just 6.4. There are also Shards included, as well as 5* Shards which will inevitably yield 6* Shards. One area of the game won't give everything you need.
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