Which champ do you feel is the best amongst the skill class?

There are some nice additions to the skill class that have been added over the years. My personal favourite is Nick Fury himself. Which champ do you feel is the best amongst the skill class?
Which champ do you feel is the best amongst the skill class? 161 votes
Did I forget to add that he has two lives with duped ability?
1) Nick
2) Aegon
3) Stealth Spider-Man
4) Blade
5) NT
From my personal experience I would say Blade has, and still is a great servant. He shredded the aggression precision for me in 6.4 (Annilius mini), and he still gets good use on mystic and villain heavy paths across Act 6. It should be remembered that all the way to 6.2.6 most of the final bosses are e it her mystic or villains.
His regen is also something of incalculable value in my opinion. In normal questing he has probably saved me £000s of units, and while I don’t run him in AW these days his heal to 70% in most matchups is again a massive saving.
For me he is the jack of all trades and until you dive down very specific matchups he is definitely well up there.
Stealthy can do 4 hit combos (into a light) for easier application of debuffs. I prefer stealthy got unstoppable countering and his high damage output. His slow is very easy to keep up after the special 2 and it makes US fights very easy. Definitely much better evade counters out there (nick). I think stealthy has about the same potential as NT. NT just needs very high sig while stealthy just benefits from it a bit. I still think they are both top 5 skill though
In my opinion
Nick and Aegon; interchangeable at 1 and 2 depending on content
3) NT
4) Stealthy
5) Blade