Just get rid of parry at this point?

It's gotten past being annoying. Since 12.0 parry have been literally dusted, and with last update it's worse than ever, dying in a horrible, slow way. It's so annyoing seeing you time it perfectly just to get your 700ish block dmg as reward. I'd rather have it removed.
That said, ive played quite a tons of games where parry is the main mechanic. Even with timings of 2,3 frames. I do think i can recognize when a failed parry is my fault or it isn't just working properly. And what i think is:
1) As of 12.0, an internal timer in parry was put in place.
Whenever we raise guard and don't receive a hit from the enemy, trying to parry right after alwais results in another blocked hit. No matter how many times i tested it, i couldnt block without getting hit then parry right away. Dashing back, or hitting the enemy tho alwais seems to reset that "timer" and allow back parry window.
2)The AIs were changed before the new AQ Season. I do not remember if it was with 12.0, but we could notice a huge change in enemies' AIs (passive, less aggressive, walking/stuttering towards players not allowing parries and ista reacting hits). Expecially Symbioids.Expecially inAQ. Overall, reaction times were skyrocketed almost past human reflexes (hence AIs already hitting you past special3, and so on).
3) Game engine didn't change. while everything got revamped, and got faster, the game engine is still the same, besides the adds. I do believe so also because new Ais, faster gameplays on smoother devices actually did bring not only many problems, crashes and such, but even a loss in terms of performances. To make an example, in my free time i play from work, and i use my iphone with the power saving option enabled. While before the game would still run smoothly, aside from longer loading times, past 12.0 it would lag switching from "desktop" back to the game, and nowadays completely freezes the game for at least 20 seconds. Stuttering and mini lag spikes have increased too.
4)It's not about device's performances. While few problems may be caused by using an older device, parry isn't one of them. As matter of facts, i tried fighting in arena, and AQs from both an Iphone 7 and a Samsung S5. While iphone 7 gameplay was smoother, faster, and overall better, parry problems were a thing, and still are. Ironically, on a much laggier, less smooth, and even buggy gameplay like that of S5, with slower fps fights, i could reliably parry VERY close to 100% of times, aside lag spikes.
I do think that parry problems aren't located in devices, but in the game's engine itself. I do believe that the new AIs brought too much for the old pump to carry on. Now i'm not a technician. but it REALLY does seem to me like the AI speed and commands imput is so fast that the time the engine takes to register a parry (and we saw MANY times in which the "parry" word popped up but no parry followed) is actually slower than the time it takes to the AI to chain a follow up, whatever it is. Which basically results...in the game engine considering the parry actually already expired?
Again, that's just my line of thought, and he could very well be confutated, but since months Kabam HAS included parry in the list of "recognized issues" and has yet not only to fix it, but even to mention investigations over it. And again, if the AI speed were the problem, it'd be actually understandable they're keeping it silenced. As remaking that much work from scratch to not let it mess with parry mechanic looks a huge hassle.
In any case, Kabam actually finally releasing an official statement about Parry and why it's acting (or better say NOT acting) weirdly would at least make us a little less skeptic about alwais being looking for hidden paths in their way of making things.
That said, ive played quite a tons of games where parry is the main mechanic. Even with timings of 2,3 frames. I do think i can recognize when a failed parry is my fault or it isn't just working properly. And what i think is:
1) As of 12.0, an internal timer in parry was put in place.
Whenever we raise guard and don't receive a hit from the enemy, trying to parry right after alwais results in another blocked hit. No matter how many times i tested it, i couldnt block without getting hit then parry right away. Dashing back, or hitting the enemy tho alwais seems to reset that "timer" and allow back parry window.
2)The AIs were changed before the new AQ Season. I do not remember if it was with 12.0, but we could notice a huge change in enemies' AIs (passive, less aggressive, walking/stuttering towards players not allowing parries and ista reacting hits). Expecially Symbioids.Expecially inAQ. Overall, reaction times were skyrocketed almost past human reflexes (hence AIs already hitting you past special3, and so on).
3) Game engine didn't change. while everything got revamped, and got faster, the game engine is still the same, besides the adds. I do believe so also because new Ais, faster gameplays on smoother devices actually did bring not only many problems, crashes and such, but even a loss in terms of performances. To make an example, in my free time i play from work, and i use my iphone with the power saving option enabled. While before the game would still run smoothly, aside from longer loading times, past 12.0 it would lag switching from "desktop" back to the game, and nowadays completely freezes the game for at least 20 seconds. Stuttering and mini lag spikes have increased too.
4)It's not about device's performances. While few problems may be caused by using an older device, parry isn't one of them. As matter of facts, i tried fighting in arena, and AQs from both an Iphone 7 and a Samsung S5. While iphone 7 gameplay was smoother, faster, and overall better, parry problems were a thing, and still are. Ironically, on a much laggier, less smooth, and even buggy gameplay like that of S5, with slower fps fights, i could reliably parry VERY close to 100% of times, aside lag spikes.
I do think that parry problems aren't located in devices, but in the game's engine itself. I do believe that the new AIs brought too much for the old pump to carry on. Now i'm not a technician. but it REALLY does seem to me like the AI speed and commands imput is so fast that the time the engine takes to register a parry (and we saw MANY times in which the "parry" word popped up but no parry followed) is actually slower than the time it takes to the AI to chain a follow up, whatever it is. Which basically results...in the game engine considering the parry actually already expired?
Again, that's just my line of thought, and he could very well be confutated, but since months Kabam HAS included parry in the list of "recognized issues" and has yet not only to fix it, but even to mention investigations over it. And again, if the AI speed were the problem, it'd be actually understandable they're keeping it silenced. As remaking that much work from scratch to not let it mess with parry mechanic looks a huge hassle.
In any case, Kabam actually finally releasing an official statement about Parry and why it's acting (or better say NOT acting) weirdly would at least make us a little less skeptic about alwais being looking for hidden paths in their way of making things.
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Nailed it with this right here. By the time they figure out what's going on, I have already adjusted. It's just become the norm now for me.
I took a hit between the 1st and 2nd hit of a backflip heavy earlier lol. First kick landed, enemy hit me before I completed the flip. I don't rly expect a fix at this point, but I do like to find the common threads when they're there. Your explanation would also cover the randomness of experiencing those issues, I think.
I did notice that parry and block was a little off going through heroic but but going through Master mode 100% I can guarantee there is something wrong.
Sometimes my regular blocks weren't even working against light and medium attacks. The "auto-parry" at the start of the fight often wouldn't parry.
I did some testing if I just had to adjust my timing, perhaps block slightly quicker and I found it wasn't consistent at all. A few fights it was like parry was no different than a couple weeks ago, then those same fights a little later were off.
I don't care what anyone says, I run end game content all the time and I've never missed so many parry's and blocks since I first started this game. It caused several deaths for me in situations where I would normally not even get hit.
The other thing I noticed when I tried to fight without blocking or parrying at all was that the AI behaved differently. I found baiting specials to be easier but coaxing the AI into a position to intercept to be harder. Almost like the AI became a little more "intelligent". They would often back off and swipe back and try coax me into swiping right into an intercept.
I used both an iPad Pro and an iPhone 7 to do these tests and didn't notice any change from either device aside from the inconsistencies mentioned earlier?
Hyperion vs Symb Spidey:
Frame of the moment I tapped
Frame showing the moment I tapped
As you can see, in both the cases, I tapped at exactly the same moment but the results were very different. Hyperion vs Symb Spidey isn't an isolated case. I have several other videos with different champs showing exactly the same thing.
First it was swipes not registering, and now it's taps not registering either. On top of that, the AI can "block" special attacks without starting the blocking animation (main reason why you can't chain a 5 hit combo into a special), ignore your intercept and keep hitting you, dex evade in the middle of your combo and the thousand other gameplay bugs—it's a really fun and interactive game!
Really need to learn that skill. All we need is to learn to adapt!
I hate to sound negative but the lack of bug fixes is ridiculous. Some like DD whiffing has been around for a long time.
It doesn't require Sherlock Holmes-level deduction to figure out that all these changes lead to one undeniable reason;
The developers wanted to gimp our progress and ability to complete end-game content on skill alone without lining their pockets.
This is why parry will never be what it once was, no matter how much they tell us they're "looking into it".
I really want to say it's just bugs, but I don't think it is either.
Why can't we just get a clean game? Sabotaged controls at a cost to us won't do anything but instill mistrust. You can make the content harder (which you already do), just don't cripple us on purpose. The examples above clearly show there's an issue with the game.Why can't Kabam take it seriously?
LoL I agree with @FamousRy. Parry works fine. You can't always parry after a 5 hit combo anymore but in general parry is working for all content. LOL, AQ, act 5, master quest, arena. It works well enough after a five hit combo that you can still do it in AQ if you don't mind a little chip damage when it doesn't work. Otherwise back up after a five hit combo and then parry.
No timer is set on how many you can do
I'm glad parry seems to work for some people but you can understand the frustration we feel when a basic mechanic doesn't work for others. I know Morgan isn't a noob and I'm far from it. So it's fair to say we know what we are talking about.
I sort of dismissed people complaints about parry when 12.0 happened but after 14.0 I understand what they are talking about.