Alliance War Matchmaking unfair [Merged Threads]



  • TangywolfTangywolf Member Posts: 27
    Galaxy76 said:

    It shouldn't be only based on war rating...kabam should consider alliance rating too.

    Alliance rating no. Prestige yes!
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★

    AW matchmaking should be based on war rating only. Have no idea why they added prestige in the equation. It is not fair when there were alliances with lower prestige in Masters and none of the high rating alliances could fight them. Any alliance wants to be in Masters should fight master alliances.

    I know why because those master alliances we're using old retired shell alliances with high War ratings to manipulate the matchmaking system to give them easy wins that's why they started using prestige. So if you'd like to thank anybody let's think the guys at the top that can't play fair
  • Taiphoon_zeroTaiphoon_zero Member Posts: 110
    edited April 2020

    So we are a facing a platinum level ally, they have rating better then us and 33 deaths on one single defender, I mean a true platinum ally can't afford such terrible performance, unless they don't belong there and are taking the spot of better alliances
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,416 ★★★★★
    Lmao said:

    Well, our six million alliance really just got matched with a 28 million alliance for war. Thank you Kabam, for your fair matchmaking in war.

    Same thing happened to my ally. We crushed the other team, and I am sure they're pissed, and I would be, too. They had no chance, with only four stars and even a three star defender, and our ally running 5/65s and 6 stars.

    I am not sure what happened with today's AW, but with the large number of complaints in the forums, something was changed with the matchmaking. If it was only one or two alliances complaining, I would dismiss it, but this seems widespread.
  • IamFlashJLIamFlashJL Member Posts: 30

    We are only a 6M ally and they are 18M
  • rock65xrock65x Member Posts: 25

    We have been trying sooo hard to get to Gold status. We were Gold3, we WON and somehow we got demoted to silver. That’s another complaint though...

    Please take a look at this Matchup you guys arranged. Our opponent more than doubles our rating, is a Gold 2 and they are destroying us in this War. This is NOT FAIR. why would the game match us up so unequally???? I demand an explanation, want this war to not count against us and compensation for all the resources we wasted fighting a war that was lost before we even started.
  • GoatzukyGoatzuky Member Posts: 1

    Our rating is only 6M and their rating is 18M
  • GoatzukyGoatzuky Member Posts: 1
    This is unfair. Kabam please look into it
  • Pancake_FacePancake_Face Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★★
    ya this is a huge problem right now. my alliance got paired up against three plat 1 alliances and we are losing to a plat 2 cause they have r3 and r2 6*s and r5 5*s
  • rock65xrock65x Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2020

    We’re fighting our butts off, riding the line between Silver 1 and Gold 3, which changes every war - if we win or lose. Now this crapp? Thanks a lot.
  • pheonixcreatorpheonixcreator Member Posts: 69
    I know same I found myself having to take on a 5 star r 4 IMIW with a 4 star yondu !
  • pheonixcreatorpheonixcreator Member Posts: 69
    Some balancing really needs to be added
  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 811 ★★★★
    edited April 2020
    This is my test alliance, we were beneficiaries of the old system.

    There's no way in a fair system this alliance should be in tier 6 with that kind of war rating. Our current match is against an alliance at twice our prestige but our war rating is very close. That's how matches should be rather than the sub 3000 ones with as much as a 500 war rating difference we've gotten in the past.

    We have no business being in tier 6 then again neither does the 6k prestige alliance we are facing.

    Disclaimer: this is 1 BG wars

  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    edited April 2020
    If war rating is the same/similar then the system is finally working properly
  • Agentk100Agentk100 Member Posts: 35
    It’s because matchmaking seems thankfully to only be based on war rating now
    There’s a good difference between your allies so I assume your doing 1 or 2 bg
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian

    Mauled said:

    It looks like they’ve changed the matchmaking to only take war rating into account where before prestige was a huge factor. It’s going to be a bumpy couple of weeks but when it settles down you’re going to be fighting alliances who are
    A - whales but rubbish
    B - not whales but very good

    If you’re at the top of the tree, most likely Whales who are very good, but then if you’re there chances are you’re also going to be a whale who’s very good.

    Up until this point there have effectively been two seasons running parallel that I dubbed whale wars and baby wars. NoName fall into the baby category- low prestige, undoubtedly very good players but can’t kick it with the true giants. Now they’ve made it War rating only it’s going to let all the alliances fight each other and let the chips fall where they may but there will be no false war rating by the end of next season if this is permanent (assuming it’s probably take around 5-10 wars to start to level out).

    did you forget about the whales that just hire mercs to play for them? ex. COWhale
    They’re going to stay at the top aren’t they as they’ll fall under whales but very good - even if it’s not them who are actually good. Bit of a sad existence though 🤷‍♂️
  • Agentk100Agentk100 Member Posts: 35
    You have more war rating then them makes sense
  • rock65xrock65x Member Posts: 25
    Our opponents had 27 6*s out of 2 BGs. A bunch of them R2.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian

    Mauled said:

    It looks like they’ve changed the matchmaking to only take war rating into account where before prestige was a huge factor. It’s going to be a bumpy couple of weeks but when it settles down you’re going to be fighting alliances who are
    A - whales but rubbish
    B - not whales but very good

    If you’re at the top of the tree, most likely Whales who are very good, but then if you’re there chances are you’re also going to be a whale who’s very good.

    Up until this point there have effectively been two seasons running parallel that I dubbed whale wars and baby wars. NoName fall into the baby category- low prestige, undoubtedly very good players but can’t kick it with the true giants. Now they’ve made it War rating only it’s going to let all the alliances fight each other and let the chips fall where they may but there will be no false war rating by the end of next season if this is permanent (assuming it’s probably take around 5-10 wars to start to level out).

    It will take more than a season to even out more than likely, especially with ratings frozen in off-season. Since they'll be matched with similarly rated alliances the rating loss per war won't be huge. It will take a while for alliances like NoName who I think are around 3400 to actually level out.
    I’d agree tbh, I think that they’re going to have to unfreeze war rating in off season or it’s going to take too long. Still sooner they start the sooner it levels out
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,401 ★★★★★
    The matchmaking is fine, you're not addressing the real issue here, alliances using shells during the season. Until kabam bans this activity, then this will go on forever.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,457 ★★★★★
    edited April 2020
    I mean you really can’t blame the alliance for doing this; this is almost a direct result of how war is - you’re putting more effort than what you’re gaining and it’s not really an enjoyable experience because the higher you go in the ladder, the more perfect the alliance has to be in terms of their performance. I mean, not a lot of people don’t want to deal with that stress for 16+ seasons.

    On top of that, the rewards in Masters has been significantly reduced because of the nonexistent T2As. Put these two factors together and you have higher rated alliances lowering their rating to have a better time in war.
  • OnmixOnmix Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    And for those of you that are now getting ridiculously difficult matchups, remember that’s how others have felt the past 2 seasons.
    We were getting matched with very strong alliances just because we had high prestige and we had to use resources, boosts, etc to maintain a bracket in war that should’ve been way easier while you took better rewards than us.
  • Agentk100Agentk100 Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2020
    TP33 said:

    Agentk100 said:

    TP33 said:

    Agentk100 said:

    It’s because they have a similar war rating it’s a fair matchup unless it’s the case of they started a new ally and are climbing up in that scenario that’s just bad luck

    But matchmaking should take more into account than war rating, taking into account rating and average member rating/prestige would probably fix all the problems currently in AW. Also for all of its stresses/BS the rewards aren’t really good enough
    That actually causes way more problems
    Prestige has been a factor in aw until very recently and it’s allowed low prestige allies to get into master/plat without facing any allies that actually belong there due to their low prestige
    Yes but if we put together prestige, war rating and rating together I don’t see much room for error. If I’m really honest they should just match up with the 2 ally’s above and below it in the leaderboard and then check if the rating difference is over 1/2 mil, after that pair the allies that are left with each other
    That’s what the old system very recently was and it allowed very low allies to go into master plat because they literally couldn’t matchup with the other master allies and therefore were winning pretty much every war
    I won’t lie it’ll be a bumpy ride for a lot of allies for this season but I’d say by next season most allies will be in their appropriate tier
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,401 ★★★★★
    Matchmaking is fine, it's not the system that's the issue. Matchmaking is based on war rating not who's actually in the alliance. The issue is with so many alliances playing the shell game. That is what's causing high end alliances with low ratings match up with legit lower rated alliances. This practice has not been deemed illegal, though something should be done to prevent it.
  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 811 ★★★★
    Has no one ever wondered why all of a sudden a consistent Gold 3 alliance jumps up to Gold 1? Yes you may have gotten better at war but it would take leaps and bounds in terms of skill level and roster to jump up 2 tiers.

    You've been the benefactor of a change to match making after season 8 where you've only been getting matches against similar alliances without ever facing larger alliances that may have had the same war rating.
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Matchmaking should have a useful, not useless, purpose.

  • OnmixOnmix Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    QuikPik said:

    Has no one ever wondered why all of a sudden a consistent Gold 3 alliance jumps up to Gold 1? Yes you may have gotten better at war but it would take leaps and bounds in terms of skill level and roster to jump up 2 tiers.

    You've been the benefactor of a change to match making after season 8 where you've only been getting matches against similar alliances without ever facing larger alliances that may have had the same war rating.

    Exactly. And how they feel now is how the rest of us have felt since then.
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,676 ★★★★★
    Right, another long(ish) post today.

    Today and today only we’ve seen what feels like 100s of complaints about AW matchmaking, people complaining about animations breaking, getting logged out in AW etc. All sorts. Something is wrong, it’s clear as day, so why aren’t you talking to us or telling us what’s happening? I mean come on, just a small, simple message saying ‘we’re looking into it’ or ‘it’s already known about’ would be fine but the fact that you haven’t responded to ANY of the threads about ANY of these issues is really disappointing. Usually you guys are OK about telling us these things so why the silence guys. Really, I’m just confused.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    What I think that a lot of people are missing here in attributing blame to lower prestige alliances is that it’s not a conscious decision to keep their prestige down to benefit from this.

    The big prestige alliances tend to keep together and will only recruit high prestige players because of AQ. Likewise the players that want to get the best AQ wars will prioritise high prestige rank ups so that they can get into these alliances. That is why there are two quite distinct sets of alliances here - those who push AQ and those who don’t. You’ll find that most of the alliances getting high tier AW rewards are running lower AQ because of a combination of either donations/time commitment or choosing between AQ and AW (like my alliance prioritise AW because it’s more fun, despite the worse rewards).
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