War Season Rewards poll



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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    Ever heard of sarcasm?
    Nothing in your post indicated you were being sarcastic.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    No, no and no. What are you talking about?
    Lol to summarize for you, basically "Git Gud!"

    your whole argument in this thread is based on the fact you are spending Glory and units to do AW and you find that its not worth the effort. Well stop spending those resources. You can use the glory instead on rank up materials.

    If you want 6* shards then join an alliance that can push gold 2 or above.

    AW is competitive game mode where resources you gain are based on how you do compared to others. This isn't if you do x amount of wars you get x rewards. That's what the monthly content is for.
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Lormif said:

    that is probably because I dont have my best 8 champs locked out for 24 hours..... The only thing I lose that I would use in other content is my 2099, which I have other techs that can do almost as good.

    We are talking about rewards for advanced players, not newbs right?
    I’m not advanced or newb. I play 3-5 hours a day. I’ve explored all variant and still working on exploring act 6 and there’s no many neesh encounters in act 6 it sucks not having my full roster available to me when the situation call for it all so in 48 hours I can get 160 red 200 orange and in a month less than half a 5 star and some t4basic. I ENJOY the members in my alliance. We all have kids and lives outside the game but still make time to ACTUALLY do the wars.. when they recently changed the war matchup system, we were blowing people out the first 6 wars bc the matchup system kept our alliance down for so long. I’m hoping it’ll level itself out and it’s starting to get better but we doing 2.8x (not sure the tier) and 3x point multiplier wars and it feels like it’s all for BS when our time can be spent better elsewhere but we all like playing TOGETHER
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    No, no and no. What are you talking about?
    Just bc I’m not happy with the rewards doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the wars themselves and the concept of playing competitively vs other alliances and we lost most wars bc of either defender diversity or by 1-5 kills when both teams will explore the map 100%. And I feel me being looked down upon bc they don’t properly explain the scoring system and what means more in terms of points and what is essentially irrelevant is ridiculous. Kabam hasn’t made a “war scoring” chart for us to game plan around or anything. It’s do your best and maybe it’ll be enough and maybe it won’t... just bc I HATE the system doesn’t mean I don’t like the actual gameplay and concept of the gameplay itself
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★

    lol, what boycott? A few self-serving chancers came up with half-assed and contradictory complaints not even asking for any proper change, at a time when there was no content they would be spending money on anyway, and decided before the 4th of July offers that their demands had been met even though no-one knew what the demands were. It was all a huge farce. That alliance is also nowhere near getting top rewards so they barely benefit from the buff too.

    But just the notion of it scared (for lack of better term) kabam into boosting the rewards at the top while not scaling them down to the lower tiers.. the lower tiers with the “war rewards buff” were essentially unchanged. I think silver 1 got an additional half of a t2a and thats IT. While they gave guys at the top to appease them 2 extra 6 stars a FEW extra 5s additional FULL t5bs t5cc frag crystals and loads of other stuff.... Lagacy made a video all excited ab the “reward buff” then made a vid right after apologizing bc he didn’t realize how the lower tiers were basically IGNORED like we don’t matter bc we can’t BLUFF or way into scaring kabam with boycotts that would make them feel like giving us a CHANCE to EARN better rewards. Meanwhile the top of the game gets further and further and further out of reach from the rest of us and we all supposed to just be happy with that and ignore it? Sorry I’m going to say my peace if I feel my time in this game isn’t appreciated when I could easily go somewhere else. And I’m not saying I want to go play something else I just don’t feel they appreciate the rest of the community that makes them one of the top games in all versions of “app stores”

  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Just FYI. My base hero rating is above 1M on my main and almost to 900k on my 2nd. I’m not top of game but I’m not scrub either. For whoever asked that question
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Plus wether you agree with my option or disagree, I started a conversation within the community that has over 1,000 views and an 70 diff people giving thier opinions on the issue... I did what I set out to do with the poll, which is start a conversation with multiple viewpoints
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,226 ★★★★★
    Yes if they buff rewards
    I agree, war rewards should be buffed for the lower half as well, its only fair. Why target only the community that spends items /play super competitive? Our ally lost motivation to stay Gold 1
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    930 views 69 comments

    Most of those comments are from the same people, including you me and a few others, that is not 70 differnt people. Also it is not over 1000 views
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Lormif said:

    930 views 69 comments

    Most of those comments are from the same people, including you me and a few others, that is not 70 differnt people. Also it is not over 1000 views

    Ok...... thanks for the realism.. you really added something great to the conversation
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    MetalJake said:

    Ok...... thanks for the realism.. you really added something great to the conversation
    facts and truth matter.
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    MetalJake said:

    Ok...... thanks for the realism.. you really added something great to the conversation
    Guess there’s always “that guy” though.... it’s not “To” it’s “TOO”

  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Lormif said:

    facts and truth matter.
    Did it really though? To point out semantics in such a petty post

  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Lormif said:

    facts and truth matter.
    When someone
    scrolls past the topic on the forum this is what they see, so ya... petty

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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    MetalJake said:

    When someone
    scrolls past the topic on the forum this is what they see, so ya... petty

    And unless they are a newb they are not going to see that as 75 different people.
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Ima step out on a ledge and say most people don’t spend all day on the forums, they actually go PLAY THE GAME.. how the numbers work on the forums is the same way scoring works in AW.... known to some and not to all bc it’s NOT STATED anywhere.
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    I'm not asking for 6-Star shards. I'm also aware that I can move to a G2 ally. I'm just asking for lower toer rewards not to be steaming hot garbage.
    That’s exactly what I meant by saying they didn’t scale the rewards to the lower tiers when they buffed the whales.... I don’t expect 4-5 6 stars at the end of the season but if you drop that by 50% per tier working ya way down, silver should get at least 1000 6 star shards or a fully formed 5 star.. silver 1 today I got what... 3500 5 star shards for a season of wars where my alliance finished 7-2 in the 9 wars
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,563 Guardian
    MetalJake said:

    But just the notion of it scared (for lack of better term) kabam into boosting the rewards at the top while not scaling them down to the lower tiers

    It amuses me to think there's anyone anywhere that thinks the "boycott" did anything. There aren't enough quote marks in existence to wrap that word in the number it deserves.
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Lormif said:

    930 views 69 comments

    Most of those comments are from the same people, including you me and a few others, that is not 70 differnt people. Also it is not over 1000 views

    Up to 80 comments so thanks for the interactions shown on page....4 that most people will never see, just helps keep it on the first page of “General Discussion” tab.
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  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    edited August 2020
    DNA3000 said:

    It amuses me to think there's anyone anywhere that thinks the "boycott" did anything. There aren't enough quote marks in existence to wrap that word in the number it deserves.
    I’m not saying it in itself did anything to the game itself. I’m saying the CONVERSATION started by Seatins “quitting my alliance” video made kabam start thinning ab how to keep y’all happy before something ACTUALLY did take place.

  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    MetalJake said:

    That’s exactly what I meant by saying they didn’t scale the rewards to the lower tiers when they buffed the whales.... I don’t expect 4-5 6 stars at the end of the season but if you drop that by 50% per tier working ya way down, silver should get at least 1000 6 star shards or a fully formed 5 star.. silver 1 today I got what... 3500 5 star shards for a season of wars where my alliance finished 7-2 in the 9 wars
    silver 1 and you expect 6* shards and a fully formed 5*? yea, not for a long time. We have been talking about gold, now you throwing out silver, that is not even considered anywhere near competitive, you can fall and make silver.
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    I can't speak for anyone else here, but I still need to finish up exploring act 6, and finally have an abyss team assembled (void and not torch, oh well). There's plenty of other things in the game to keep me focused that I have zero interest in doing the AW grind.

    Tying my champs in AW has to be weighed against my ability to use those same champs to clear content. And on top of that, you have the stress of trying hard not to die in wars, and the frustration of others dying in wars.

    So no thanks, I'll stick to wrapping up what I have left in story and then I'll give competitive AW a thought.

    And for those who are going disagree, have at it, it never really bothers me. But you cannot deny that AW is a cost/reward formula, and for me the cost outweighs the rewards right now.

    My thought process is starting to follow your outlook on it but I do like the concept of it. I just want it to be worth the cost analysis of what I could be doing instead

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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    S1 give 3.5k, G3 gives 6k. The scaling and amount of shards is awful.
    That is a much smaller gap then every other change in major tiers. The scaling is fine, especially since there is no way a silver player should need to spend anything.
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Lormif said:

    silver 1 and you expect 6* shards and a fully formed 5*? yea, not for a long time. We have been talking about gold, now you throwing out silver, that is not even considered anywhere near competitive, you can fall and make silver.
    We finished the season 7-2. We won 7 of our 9 wars and still got less that 1/3 of a 5 star... honestly DONT care if there’s 6 star shards associated with it I just want to feel like the month long commitment a season takes FEELS worth the effort. And it doesn’t esp of you compare what the top 6? Tiers get and try scaling down to where you are and there’s ABSOLUTELY no comparison
  • MetalJakeMetalJake Member Posts: 343 ★★
    Lormif said:

    That is a much smaller gap then every other change in major tiers. The scaling is fine, especially since there is no way a silver player should need to spend anything.
    Don’t scale it from the tier directly above it, scale it as whole, from top to bottom for a better picture and stronger argument

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