Summer of Pain??? [Merged Threads]



  • AztecAztec Member Posts: 293 ★★
    so summer of pain is only for the very end game player 100% act 6, 100% abyss right. cool
  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    TRONG94 said:

    ItsDamien said:

    tafre said:

    We haven't made an official announcement, because we haven't made a decision yet, but it may be delayed. There's a lot of content coming out right now (Summer Smackdowns, Back issue 5, Cav difficulty), and it might not make sense for it to happen right now. It also comes down to team capacity. I will confirm as soon as I can.

    Posting this from the roadmap.

    You guys gave the roadmap yourselves, nobody forced anybody. Too much content is such a ridiculous excuse to not release content just my opinion. I know no decision is made yet but this really feels like it will be delayed which is massively disappointing for me...
    So you'd rather have a content flood, followed by a content drought of nothing, than having content spread out a little more? Seems legit.
    Makes sense that contents shouldn't be released in a bulk. But... it is Kabam who gave out the roadmap, so it is their fault this time.
    And they also said that its subject to change. So it's not their fault this time.
  • Mattylo22Mattylo22 Member Posts: 6
    Aziz5253 said:

    TRONG94 said:

    ItsDamien said:

    tafre said:

    We haven't made an official announcement, because we haven't made a decision yet, but it may be delayed. There's a lot of content coming out right now (Summer Smackdowns, Back issue 5, Cav difficulty), and it might not make sense for it to happen right now. It also comes down to team capacity. I will confirm as soon as I can.

    Posting this from the roadmap.

    You guys gave the roadmap yourselves, nobody forced anybody. Too much content is such a ridiculous excuse to not release content just my opinion. I know no decision is made yet but this really feels like it will be delayed which is massively disappointing for me...
    So you'd rather have a content flood, followed by a content drought of nothing, than having content spread out a little more? Seems legit.
    Makes sense that contents shouldn't be released in a bulk. But... it is Kabam who gave out the roadmap, so it is their fault this time.
    And they also said that its subject to change. So it's not their fault this time.
    I'm new to the game; but is it the norm for players/customers in this game (assuming that these accounts defending 'Kabam's honor' are actual players) to defend a company so wholeheartedly? I can attest from experience that when you stop holding people accountable, things go down-hill quickly.

    I would hope that those of you defending Kabam are doing so as you may personally benefit from "spreading out the content", rather than because you are all, excuse the terminology, "boot-lickers". When you have this many people on a game forum smashing that dislike button for a player bringing up a sincerely fair question, I question if this is a community/game I would want to be a part of, or more importantly, spend money on.

    When techs, engineers, game designers, moderators or employees in general are not held accountable or worse yet have customers defending everything they do, accountability goes out the window- then everyone is wondering why a critical in game bug that negatively effects players doesn't get patched for months or are up in arms when a character or aspect of the game is changed as it wasn't in the companies best monetary interests. When that happens, you can blame the guys above. But keep puckering those lips!

    What's worse is the moderators tone in his response. Like WTH is that about?

    "Nothing is ever set in stone, and we were not shy about making that clear many times in the past. Delays will happen."

    Really? Lmao. This is normal / okay? He sounds like a blast! I guess it just takes time to drink the kool-aid and get on the same page as some of you. (Enjoy the dislike button.)
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,131 ★★★★★
    Fall of Pain (new working title)
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,434 ★★★★★
    Summer of Pain or any other content being delayed so that they don't have to deal with bugs is totally fine. I just wish they did something about the compensation revives and item cap. There literally is no use for compensation items if they're going to expire before you need to use them. I used them on V5 and still have content to do, but for those folks who have already done 100% of everything and are just waiting for Summer of Pain to use, it definitely sucks. There should be an increase in item cap or atleast such revives shouldn't expire. Compensation is kinda useless in that way.
    But again, if they take time and release content without bugs, kudos to them.
  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    Mattylo22 said:

    Aziz5253 said:

    TRONG94 said:

    ItsDamien said:

    tafre said:

    We haven't made an official announcement, because we haven't made a decision yet, but it may be delayed. There's a lot of content coming out right now (Summer Smackdowns, Back issue 5, Cav difficulty), and it might not make sense for it to happen right now. It also comes down to team capacity. I will confirm as soon as I can.

    Posting this from the roadmap.

    You guys gave the roadmap yourselves, nobody forced anybody. Too much content is such a ridiculous excuse to not release content just my opinion. I know no decision is made yet but this really feels like it will be delayed which is massively disappointing for me...
    So you'd rather have a content flood, followed by a content drought of nothing, than having content spread out a little more? Seems legit.
    Makes sense that contents shouldn't be released in a bulk. But... it is Kabam who gave out the roadmap, so it is their fault this time.
    And they also said that its subject to change. So it's not their fault this time.
    I'm new to the game; but is it the norm for players/customers in this game (assuming that these accounts defending 'Kabam's honor' are actual players) to defend a company so wholeheartedly? I can attest from experience that when you stop holding people accountable, things go down-hill quickly.

    I would hope that those of you defending Kabam are doing so as you may personally benefit from "spreading out the content", rather than because you are all, excuse the terminology, "boot-lickers". When you have this many people on a game forum smashing that dislike button for a player bringing up a sincerely fair question, I question if this is a community/game I would want to be a part of, or more importantly, spend money on.

    When techs, engineers, game designers, moderators or employees in general are not held accountable or worse yet have customers defending everything they do, accountability goes out the window- then everyone is wondering why a critical in game bug that negatively effects players doesn't get patched for months or are up in arms when a character or aspect of the game is changed as it wasn't in the companies best monetary interests. When that happens, you can blame the guys above. But keep puckering those lips!

    What's worse is the moderators tone in his response. Like WTH is that about?

    "Nothing is ever set in stone, and we were not shy about making that clear many times in the past. Delays will happen."

    Really? Lmao. This is normal / okay? He sounds like a blast! I guess it just takes time to drink the kool-aid and get on the same page as some of you. (Enjoy the dislike button.)
    Wait, I don't get this.

    I'm a boot licker for pointing out that they said the dates for stuff in roadmap was subject to change?

    Welp, stonks!
  • DarkSoulDLXDarkSoulDLX Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Waiting throughout the Summer is the real Pain
  • DarkSoulDLXDarkSoulDLX Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Summer is almost over Kabam needs to address us soon!
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,192 ★★★★

    It's September 23rd and summer is officially over. Truly a painful wait for nothing.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Can you guys at least confirm it’s still coming? And at least say if it’s this year if it is
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,457 ★★★★★
    Fall of Pain, baby. Let’s get it!
  • DarkSoulDLXDarkSoulDLX Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    There is still some optimism left but there won't be any if Kabam do not address this occurrence
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    Would be nice if it was released before all these champion boss compensation resources expire.
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