My Honest Thoughts on Cavalier Difficulty and a Response to Seatin's Video



  • SymbioticVen9MSymbioticVen9M Member Posts: 92
    @Kabam Porthos I think you should close the thread since it’s reached the stage where it’s attacking the youtuber rather then the point made originally
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Mike192 said:

    I bet a MILLION DOLLARS that Demonzfyre and Groundedwisdom disagree with Seatin. Send me your money

    Grounded is way better than before now. Not that he probably cares about anyone's opinion.
    probably because nothing big is really happening that everyone is saying "f*** kabam! y'all are money-hungry beeyotches." or the other way around where a great change happens and he goes the opposite way. once that comes, you'll see the real gw.
  • Nowan01Nowan01 Member Posts: 31
    Mike192 said:

    I bet a MILLION DOLLARS that Demonzfyre and Groundedwisdom disagree with Seatin. Send me your money

    Oh boy, we can bet on a lot of names imo lmao suddenly someone's gonna compare this to some real life event to try to make a point with no less than two thousand words.
  • endgame141endgame141 Member Posts: 8

    Sad to see the reason why ,the community has come together..
    You guys came here to hate on a man's opinion..#Seatin
    What about coming together to tell Kabam to fix all the bugs and issues of the game !?!?
    1 The problem with WARLOCK on his SP1
    2 The problem with HULKBUSTER.. when fighting class S (Small) champs his heavy doesn't connect and you miss
    3 The problem with the visual bug on Aegon Sp1
    4 The problem with the visual bug on Dr Doom Sp3
    5 The problem with the visual bug in the crystals
    6 The problem with the Kabam servers .. the constant dropped connection (for a game that is in TOP 10 MOST PROFITABLE GAMES IN THE APP STORE) they can't afford to update the servers!?
    These are just a few of the top of my hed ..
    WHY DON'T YOU GUYS FOCUS ON ONE OF THOSE THINGS .. instead of complaining about what a youtuber had to say ...
    PS. I agree with Seatin .. permanent content rewars SUCK in comparison to the effort put in .. REWARDS NEED TO BE UPDATED ..

    also have kabam fixed the physical resist armor break bug yet? coz thats been going on for like a year now and the problem is kabam take a year to fix bugs that hurt the player but bugs that benefit the play are fixed in a day like what?!?!?!!? kabam seriously need to fix up in this area but when players talk to them about it they don't want to hear it lol
  • Primis00Primis00 Member Posts: 274 ★★★

    If the issue with cavalier is the rewards are meh now and they’ll age very poorly, then I agree completely.

    However, if your issue with cavalier difficulty is purely the difficulty, then I’m sorry but no. The nodes are fine, simply asking you to branch out from using the same 2-3 champs every day.
    The health pools are fine, asking them to be lowered is shooting yourself in the foot, the content still needs to be challenging, and how do they do that if not with big health pools? By making node and champ combinations that are genuinely restrictive.

    You can’t ask for it to be easier and have better rewards, it doesn’t work like that, but you can ask for one or the other, and I’d personally choose better rewards because the difficulty is a fair challenge.

    And before anyone screams “WhAlE”, I’m not, over 4+ years I’ve spent less than 200.

    The difficulty is fine, but the rewards dont match the difficulty. Thats the problem. I dont feel rewarded for the effort i put in.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Primis00 said:

    If the issue with cavalier is the rewards are meh now and they’ll age very poorly, then I agree completely.

    However, if your issue with cavalier difficulty is purely the difficulty, then I’m sorry but no. The nodes are fine, simply asking you to branch out from using the same 2-3 champs every day.
    The health pools are fine, asking them to be lowered is shooting yourself in the foot, the content still needs to be challenging, and how do they do that if not with big health pools? By making node and champ combinations that are genuinely restrictive.

    You can’t ask for it to be easier and have better rewards, it doesn’t work like that, but you can ask for one or the other, and I’d personally choose better rewards because the difficulty is a fair challenge.

    And before anyone screams “WhAlE”, I’m not, over 4+ years I’ve spent less than 200.

    The difficulty is fine, but the rewards dont match the difficulty. Thats the problem. I dont feel rewarded for the effort i put in.
    And that’s fine, even I’m in no rush to 100% because the rewards don’t look enticing enough
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  • vQuadmastervQuadmaster Member Posts: 11
    Cavalier Difficulty exploration can be achieved only if player has right roster to counter the nodes..
    Kabam expects everyone who plays at Cavalier difficulty have,
    1. Bleed and poison immune champs
    2. Champs who can put 3 Debuff on defender
    3. Champs who has 3 buff as an attacker
    4. and so on

    The community wants to know those players who have explored the Cavalier Difficulty 100 percent.. What roster did they use..that would help us put a case with kabam so they can have a look next month.

    All Cavalier players should atleast get a chance for exploration.. But if content requires specific counter.. Those players will definitely be upset and ignore the content since the only thing which stops them is that they don't have right counter..
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★

    I like Cavalier difficulty. I think Kabam nailed everything on except the rewards. In Seatin's "leaving my alliance" video and as many others have mentioned, MCOC players want fun nodes to compliment challenging nodes. And Kabam did EXACTLY that. And people were still mad. I'm gonna have to disagree with everyone who thinks that Cav difficulty is too hard or too consuming. Just don't do it. I think Kabam nailed the node design down for about 85% of cav difficulty, which is very impressive for Kabam's recent standards. They had exactly what players wanted: fun nodes to compliment challenging nodes. Buffed up and the cosmic aptitude node. That was so fun. The science quest was very fun as well and the nodes complimented each other very well. The mystic quest as well, especially if you had a great mystic nullifier/high special attack dealer. Mutant was amazing with Omega Red and okay with other champions (could always bring Colossus as well cuz he's bleed immune). The skill and tech nodes kinda missed the mark but at least 2/3 of the fun nodes were good.

    I think people are too focused on the rewards (which need improvement) than the difficulty itself. The difficulty is fair. The health pools are Act 6 like, which is what everyone wanted before cav difficulty was released. But now, suddenly, people are complaining about the health pools. Well guess what, we also have these cool new class-specific nodes in each quest that increase a champion's damage so that those fights can end faster. There's no excuse about the health pools, they're very fair.

    I don't think enough people are applauding Kabam's work in making cav difficulty both fun and challenging. Seatin called it a massive fail, and I'm gonna have to disagree big time. Seatin and most other players said they wanted both fun and challenging nodes in future content, and Kabam did just that. Seatin said that it was too tedious, but he 100% explored it all in 2 days, which took 8 hours. Of course it would be tedious for him. The "correct" way to play event quests is to do 1-2 paths a day and space it throughout the entire month, not do it all on release. Now, with Seatin being a youtuber and all, I understand why he did it all on the first 2 days and I appreciate it as he was able to do all the paths and show us an example of how to beat those paths. But saying it's tedious isn't an excuse to call Cav difficulty a massive fail.

    Closing thoughts: I think Cav difficulty is actually a positive step for MCOC. Bar the rewards, which need to be bumped up a bit (6 star shards from 5000 to 7500 and a bit more T2A imo, could be other changes), I think Kabam nailed the node design down. Even that Apocalypse fight was fun because if you intercepted (which requires skill), you benefit with a massive 200% attack increase for 5 seconds. For every challenge, there was a benefit that required skill to complete. I think you're fooling yourself if you say it's a massive fail because it isn't. It includes fun node designs and incorporates those with challenging node designs to keep you interested. Everyone was complaining that Uncollected EQ was too easy for the past year or so and when Cav difficulty came out, it was either too hard or too tedious for people. Don't be a flip flop. If you think Cav difficulty is too hard, don't do it. If you think it's too tedious, don't do it. Do you really want the future of MCOC to be rewards handed to you on a plate with little work required? I sure don't. I want to work for those rewards and have fun while doing that. And Cav difficulty has done just that for me, although I would like a bit of a rewards buff, as I said earlier. Overall, Cavalier difficulty has been a fun, permanent addition to the game to keep you enticed and on your toes.

    Leave your thoughts below. I'd love to discuss.

    Almost everything you said Seatin said is a lie, I just watched his video. The rewards do suck for this difficulty. All you Kabam cronies should actually listen instead of making stuff up. If the OP is so great, what your YouTube channel? So we can see if you're as good as you say you are.
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  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    The complaint that it’s more difficult If you don’t have a wide roster with perfect counters: ludicrous. Come on.

    That was the whole point of making adjustments to Act 6 — that content was requested to be more accessible to smaller rosters and players with a bit less skill.

    Monthly EQ, with scaled difficulty, was requested to be where the hardest stuff was, with Cavalier being the hardest.

    You aren’t supposed to be able to blow through it with a soft roster and average skills
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    AnndreyGo said:

    Glad to see that the community can come together!
    Sad to see the reason why ,the community has come together..
    You guys came here to hate on a man's opinion..#Seatin
    What about coming together to tell Kabam to fix all the bugs and issues of the game !?!?
    1 The problem with WARLOCK on his SP1
    2 The problem with HULKBUSTER.. when fighting class S (Small) champs his heavy doesn't connect and you miss
    3 The problem with the visual bug on Aegon Sp1
    4 The problem with the visual bug on Dr Doom Sp3
    5 The problem with the visual bug in the crystals
    6 The problem with the Kabam servers .. the constant dropped connection (for a game that is in TOP 10 MOST PROFITABLE GAMES IN THE APP STORE) they can't afford to update the servers!?
    These are just a few of the top of my hed ..
    WHY DON'T YOU GUYS FOCUS ON ONE OF THOSE THINGS .. instead of complaining about what a youtuber had to say ...
    PS. I agree with Seatin .. permanent content rewars SUCK in comparison to the effort put in .. REWARDS NEED TO BE UPDATED ..

    In addition to, but not limited to:
    -The problem of archangel being glanced

    - Claire's bug versus infinity man and annihilus where she's not gaining charges from annihilus stun immunity, and infinity man purifying a bleed when he activates an armor.

    - Oh, and how about the issue where Android players have to wait a minute when entering an AQ fight, 5 when entering an LoL fight, 3 when entering an abyss fight, about 10 extra, unnecessary seconds when waiting for a war of quest fight to load that isn't boss rush or RoL

    - And also, the horrendous lag spikes that probably caused more than half of the thousand units I spent!

    - What's up with the AI walking up to you when you whiff an attack anyway? All the flawless light intercepts, getting parried in war, backdrafted, sidestepped, etc.
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
    ESF said:

    The complaint that it’s more difficult If you don’t have a wide roster with perfect counters: ludicrous. Come on.

    That was the whole point of making adjustments to Act 6 — that content was requested to be more accessible to smaller rosters and players with a bit less skill.

    Monthly EQ, with scaled difficulty, was requested to be where the hardest stuff was, with Cavalier being the hardest.

    You aren’t supposed to be able to blow through it with a soft roster and average skills

    They could have included a path in each chapter that removed the more restrictive nodes (Buffed Up, Diss Track, etc). That would have paved the way for people who just got Cavalier to do a run through of the new difficulty. That's what they said they were going to do, but ultimately didn't in my opinion.

    I think calling it a "massive failure" is a bit too strong but as someone who already finished exploration I thought it was very "meh". Especially considering we waited almost 3 years for it.
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  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    I’m held off on commenting until now but this has gone off the rails and I want to be part of it. I’m an attention wh**e what can I say.

    Firstly, rewards aren’t good. They’re not absolutely dreadful, but they are particularly inspiring either. I think my issue with the rewards is symptomatic of the issue with T5CC overall. It’s RNG. With T2A and T5B, you’re guaranteed to get closer to your next rank every time you get some

    With T5CC, you could form a catalyst you have no use for in the next 2 years, stifling account progression and eventually people will lose interest in the game. I think it’s also worth noting here that this plus the side quest is probably going to be the only sources of T5CC for most players. Each bit they get matters. That’s why I think the challenge objective every month should be a selector. It’s provides the guaranteed progress month upon month that will motivate players to push for it

    6* shards should be 7500, I don’t see any reason why fully exploring this EQ plus UC shrouding give a 6*. It’s stingy, I can’t justify it better than that

    The 6* sigs are pitiful. If this was in combination with other sources, fine. But at least split it into 5 generic, 5 random. All generic of you’re feeling generous. If they have to be all random, pump up the amounts. It’s literally the only content besides Abyss players get 6* sigs without dishing out. Monetise the prestige race, fine, but giving FTP players and small spenders a way to boost up those sigs a bit, not 2/3 per month if you’re lucky. Spenders will still be much further ahead

    As for the difficulty, I’ve made it clear in the past that I think the base difficulty should have been Act 6 completion, especially after the nerfs. The jump between UC and cavalier is much less than act 6 completion to exploration, and the UC to Cav has variants to support it.

    However, the node design was good, and it wasn’t. If you had a counter in the right class, it was excellent, 10/10. If you didn’t, it could be...frustrating to put it mildly. I don’t think it’s entirely fair for me to comment on this since I have a stacked 4 and 5 star roster.

    One idea I did have was something like, let’s say it’s quest 4, “If the attacker intercepts the opponent, and is of the cosmic class, they gain a fury buff lasting 15 seconds granting 0% attack rating”. Something to reward skilled players who maybe don’t have a super developed roster play around the node. It’s still requires you to use a champion of the class that you are pushed to, while opening up options, especially for fresh cavaliers

    Finally, the completion rewards fiasco.

    I think the fact that cavalier completion gives less 6* shards than UC completion did, says it all.

    There is no sense of achievement, no real dopamine hit. Without a dopamine hit, players are going to feel less motivated to do it again. For players who can explore, it makes no difference. I get that. I think it’s right to push people towards exploration. But I don’t think this is how you do it. I think this system diminishes player achievement.

    Anyway, that’s my thoughts. I’m not really going to weigh in on the Seatin thing. I agree with him on some things, disagree on others. I don’t think bashing him achieves anything. Critique away, insulting people stifles debate and only serves to divide people. Grow up.

    And now to watch those disagrees rack up. How exciting.

    oooh I do like that cosmic intercept fury node thing. if people wanted an easy path, you could put that node on it, but it depends if kabam want to reward roster depth for everything, including completion
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