Act 6.3.6 BEARDO boss!

KABAM!! What was your intention while you removed the important node and added aggression fury on CAPTAIN AMERICA boss.
Were you trying to nerf act 6 or make CAPTAIN the second pain point of act 6 like the previous Champion boss and lead to leaving of many players from the game. I want an answer please.
If possible then from MIIKE!
Were you trying to nerf act 6 or make CAPTAIN the second pain point of act 6 like the previous Champion boss and lead to leaving of many players from the game. I want an answer please.
If possible then from MIIKE!
Guess my only real choice is Doom with synergies.
An alliance mate of mine did it with Stark Spidey too. As for Ghost, she only needs the Hood synergy for this fight. Now since he has aggression fury instead of unlimited power, you can reliably bait his heavy and then launch your sp2 without having to worry about block damage or just intercept his dash with your sp2.
You shouldn’t be able to permanently stun lock the final boss of an Act6 chapter. That stun lock was long enough for Seatin to run out and grab a drink and still have time to refresh the stun.
Taunts work, power drain options work, hell you could pin them in the corner with Magik and go ham. There’s a lot of options still, it’s just the one option that made the fight easy has gone away.
other options to get solo include
Corvus with cosmic boost and using back to back sp2s.
Ghost with Hood
awakened Gwenpool
high crit champs that can do decent damage
Rocket Racoon
Yondo ( if awakened you may be able to tank sp3s if you place debuffs on him before he activates sp3)
Hit monkey
elsa bloodstone
Symbiote Spidey
OG Spiderman
massacre ( better if awakened and high sig)
having heimdall will allow these champs to tank a sp3 and survive. Also using special 3 defense may also allow you to tank sp3.
other options
Emma frost ( good power control and taunt)
Hawkeye (sp1 power drain decent crit) pair with Cap IW to increase all skill champs crit rating.
Killmonger ( Sp2 to tank sp3s) plus if you have above cap IW synergy with hawkeye then he has a good crit rating.
Awakened NightThrasher ( again paired with cap IW skill synergy) he has taunt
Pair the Spider champs with GG synergy and you will get more power while criting and can launch more specials.
OG spidey has good synergy with hit monkey
I'm sure there is more synergies
But as you can see there is a lot more champions that could be used now as opposed to before where you basically had to play without parry and intercept cap IW to do damage.
Sure majority of the ones i have listed can't solo him but they will be able to do decent damage. Pair some of these champs with heimdall and the sp3 boost you could survive 2 sp3 rotations before you die.
I have used them before and they seem to work. The special 3 defense boosts don't say they are for a particular game mode unlike the invulnerability boost and others marked for AW.