10% T5CC Dilemma

Kabam has said many times that these are to be very rare resources. We have seen almost 0 T5CC selectors in the game, and they’re the only way to be able to control what class you get.
However, at this point we have seen them a very large amount of times in cash offers.
Now I get that Kabam is a for profit company, so these will be in cash offers every once in a while for those who will spend.
But f2p players haven’t even had a chance to get these almost at all. Other than the Omega boss rush, these have been selectively cash items.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think a single one has been in a unit deal. I also don’t understand why the 10% T5CC crystal objective isn’t a selector. That’s just my opinion though.
However, at this point we have seen them a very large amount of times in cash offers.
Now I get that Kabam is a for profit company, so these will be in cash offers every once in a while for those who will spend.
But f2p players haven’t even had a chance to get these almost at all. Other than the Omega boss rush, these have been selectively cash items.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think a single one has been in a unit deal. I also don’t understand why the 10% T5CC crystal objective isn’t a selector. That’s just my opinion though.
Pay cash for t5cc or stay as a cavalier and watch thronebreaker having good rewards..
Else complete abyss or act6 100% ..
or the more else is leave the game until some t5cc earning content is released..
This is going to be a huge cash grab by kabam..
Like adding 1 - 2 more paths to each quest or
Upping the opponents Health and Attack values 20% all across the board.
Daily high chance to have a 5 * champion is anyday better..
Many of us having t5cc but unworthy 6* which makes situation more worst..
It’s completely false or even delusional, believing that the game is being run only by whales 🤔
And I also don't see the point to splitting hairs when Kabam says something is going to be scarce, when it is obvious to most people that they mean in general. There's no rule that says something that is scarce in-game must be equally scarce in cash offers. In fact, the exact reverse is true. If cash offers didn't include things you couldn't get in-game at equal frequency, that would make cash offers largely pointless. The game's monetization scheme rests primarily on selling players things today that players will be able to earn in-game tomorrow. It sells early access. So of course the highest value things will arrive at higher frequency in cash offers first, before they become more common in-game later.
This is not just reasonable, it is *desirable*. There's only two things people buy in large amounts. Things you can't get in the game now, or things you can't get in the game at all. Of the two, the former is better for the game than the latter. Making exclusive items that you cannot get at all in-game creates paywalls. Making items easier to get or more frequently available in cash offers first, and then in-game later, just annoys the impatient. The rest of us can just hum along and play the game, knowing that what the spenders are getting now we will be getting later even if we don't spend. And I'm more than fine with that.
T5CC is actually way more available in-game than I ever thought it would be. It is starting to rain T5CC fragments, albeit at a relatively slow rate now. But when you consider that a rank 3 upgrade requires one T5CC and four T5B, in effect the T5CC we're earning is actually at least four times more valuable than the T5B fragments we earn, fragment for fragment. The 10% here and 10% there that the game is making available now is comparable to getting 80% of a T5B in relative earning power, if not more (because this completely discounts the costs to rank 2). It is actually a super high rate for what is supposed to be the highest and rarest upgrade catalyst in the game. I'm not complaining they are rare. I'm worried Kabam is burning up the 6* rank up ladder too quickly. The day of reckoning of what to do next is approaching several times faster than I thought it would be.
I do recognize there are lots of opportunities for crystals, but I was referring to the selector. Since the selector is the only 100% guaranteed value.