Specials not executing. [WORKING ON A FIX] [Merged Threads]



  • NatBornKillaNatBornKilla Member Posts: 68
    I am surprised I have not been banned, because I have gone off on them quite a few times. This is just really getting old.
  • thebest018thebest018 Member Posts: 20
    Kabam ,I m so pissed off the new bug , it's. Costing my champs health in AWs and AQs and even in quests ,during any fight I trigger special power ,it doesn't get triggered and the power bar get lowered without any damage to opponent ,so I m holding on my quests until u sought out this issue
  • 5C0T5C0T Member Posts: 28
    Any word yet on when this problem is going to be resolved?
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  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    So they've already posted that there will be a hot fix some time this week, but would it hurt for Kabam to post into this thread? Again they're failing to manage perception. Interested to know if this is going to run 15+ pages like the previous one without a word from them.

    I'm sure a lot of people would like some kind of update i.e. is the hot fix still do this week? Before AQ day 5?
  • TheOneAndOnlyTheOneAndOnly Member Posts: 690 ★★★
    RedRooster wrote: »
    So they've already posted that there will be a hot fix some time this week, but would it hurt for Kabam to post into this thread? Again they're failing to manage perception. Interested to know if this is going to run 15+ pages like the previous one without a word from them.

    I'm sure a lot of people would like some kind of update i.e. is the hot fix still do this week? Before AQ day 5?

    I agree. The problem is not the lack of a hot fix. The problem is they are allowing game content to continue running without even attempting to make amends for it. It reeks of a pay to play scheme. To not even acknowledge or attempt to refund precious resources that are being wasted for AW or AQ or even harder content like master difficulty and Labyrinth due to this bug is what has the community burning.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    I wonder....

    If there was a bug on SP moves that auto Killed the AI opponent, and allowed the summoners to walk through content, would it have taken this long to fix?

    Revisit this in 2-3 weeks/ months when this is STILL happening.

  • TheOneAndOnlyTheOneAndOnly Member Posts: 690 ★★★
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    I wonder....

    If there was a bug on SP moves that auto Killed the AI opponent, and allowed the summoners to walk through content, would it have taken this long to fix?

    Revisit this in 2-3 weeks/ months when this is STILL happening.

    Of course not because then everyone would use it to beat Labyrinth, master difficulty, and Act 5. Or if it did exist and was not fixed if you used it then it would be labeled an exploit and you would be banned!
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    It's inexcusable. it keep happening with my fights against Mephisto in master quest.

    Like they want me to spend units instead of beating with skill.
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  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    AQ6 is a nightmare! I wanna see what compensation will you give us...
  • RadascaRadasca Member Posts: 7
    This is still hapening and in aq too....
  • Crahem72Crahem72 Member Posts: 1
    Node 76 Aq map5 hulk V's symbiod iPhone 6s ios 10
  • Hulk_SmellsHulk_Smells Member Posts: 183
    So this happened to me for the first time today in AW. Luckily I noticed and was able to react fast enough and not eat a combo.

    I'm confused though, is this the same dash/blocking bug that Kabam "resolved" in the other thread that they closed, or a separate bug?
  • NgrisheNgrishe Member Posts: 2
    This special attack bug is damn annoying. It has cost me units and potions in the master quest. I doubt kabam will compensate us appropriately considering the amount of days that have passed by without them doing anything.
  • DeadpoolsDeadpools Member Posts: 6
    Yet sane special ability just drains itself no attack though, and guess what I did as they instructed pressed the button and kept thumbs off screen, and what a surprise, it didn't work and then got slaughtered as my thumbs weren't near screen quick enough to defend, every update is just more bs bugs which have been fixed once before, but yet are back, but only when you update the game, fix ya game kabam it's bs this is happening all of a sudden,
  • PaulSamuelPaulSamuel Member Posts: 1
    Same problem here. Lost 2 champs ( thor and ghost rider) in the first part of the Aq. At this point is just a matter of luck if you will win the next fight or not.
  • ajax2888ajax2888 Member Posts: 47
    Happened with me also, but I was not the victim. The computer using Scarlett Witch fired special 2, but animation played but no balls fired at me.
  • CoveCove Member Posts: 1
    The game is still broken.

    This bug with the SP's not activating is really putting players at a huge disadvantage. Especially in content where you have to rely on your champ's SP to be able to get thru... like all-or-none nodes in AQ MAP6, or AW opponents on mystic dispersion, or just the plain grind in the arena. This bug is seriously causing players to unnecessarily use items and units in order to get thru content that you know, by your own experience, that you can get thru unscathed.

    The reply of kabam that "we will have a fix soon" is, to me, unacceptable and does nothing to quell the players' annoyance and disgust with how this game is being run. This bug has been reported as early as Sept 29... it is now Oct 3... 5 days already and still no fix. So by the time they come out with a fix "a few days from now"... we players would have gone thru at least 3 broken wars, a full sequence of broken Alliance quests, lose our streaks in arena grinding, and probably even waste resources on the story / special quests. That means players will have spent / wasted resources on this game within that span of time... resources that we no doubt can use on more difficult content in the future.

    Seriously kabam... do you have a core of beta testers that test your "updates" before you release them? coz every time an update comes out, the game just glitches to bits... leaving the players to agonizingly play your game. everytime you have a glitch like this, it really leaves a bad impression on your company's ability to "listen to the players" as you always so aptly put in your e-mail replies whenever we report bugs and crashes.

    I hope you fix this game soon. And I hope you will give your players ample re-imbursement for the inconveniences caused by these glitches. It should not be enough to say "we recognized the problem... sorry for the inconvenience... thanks for your support." you should hold yourselves accountable for messing up the game for the players. Maybe if you played your own game... and you spend the same amount of time, effort, and sometimes money like other players do... maybe you'd understand why players are pissed and disappointed at what's happening.

    So again... you should fix this game and fix it now. And give re-imbursements to players as well. Man-up to your mistakes and do something about it.
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  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★

    Next thing we will hear is to make sure your phone screen is clean
  • DaymanDayman Member Posts: 22
    Hey All,

    We are aware of this bug and are working on a fix for it at the moment. Because this bug is caused by control inputs following the activation of a special, the way to avoid this from occurring is to avoid making any inputs within the first few frames of the Special Attack.

    This means activate your special, then avoid tapping on the screen while the Special activates. For instance, tap your combo (MLLLM), then hit the special button, then thumbs off the screen while the special starts, and then back into playing.

    I've tried this in AW and it doesn't work. Used my special, took thumbs completely of the screen, yet my special didn't fire. I've also tried this in arena and it works sometimes but not always. Basically, specials aren't working at the same rate as if I just kept tapping the screen. using iPhone 6s with iOS 11. So basically the advice is keep paying as you usually do because the work around doesn't work, much like any new patch.
  • DaymanDayman Member Posts: 22
    Can we ban Kabam for using these bugs to exploit the player base into using an unnecessary amount of resources to get through relatively easy content?
  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    wowww.... nice solution.... instead you wud have said use your portion while we fix it....
    Lol...this reminded me of #antennagate way back when apple said u are not holding the phone right.... in this case...u not tapping it right
  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    Same thing happened to me, SEVERAL TIMES while clearing the master event!
    Glowing gloves for SW was the best one!

    One more bug we players need to deal with.
    this is BS i had to use a reserve of ITEMS I PAID FOR because of this little "problem" kabam i DEMAND my items back and compensation or we will organize a FULL SCALE BOYCOTT
  • TrackerX55TrackerX55 Member Posts: 45
    Unlike a real business software company Kabam doesn't have to actually face their customers and be held accountable. Their only accoutability is basically here in the forums and they can delete anything they deem counterproductive to their ends and they have done so. If one of my vendors failed to produce a product that failed to meet certain standard's they wouldn't get paid or would end up in court if it wasn't fixed in a timely manner. Nothing will change as long as the status quo remains as is and they aren't held accountable for their poor quality standards.
  • Harb2017Harb2017 Member Posts: 1
    So the new issue im seeing and I’m not sure if it’s somewhere in the list. People in my alliance are seeing that when opponents are firing specials. They are randomly getting unstoppable buff. It’s absolutely ridiculous that you have to face a duped 5* spidey in aw and he is getting unstoppable that doesn’t run out. after every special fired. He gets unstoppable and it doesn’t go away until he gets his first hit in. The fact that you guys are holding a fix for this while we are spending items makes no sense. Get this fix out ASAP.
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