Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,937 ★★★★★

    Super Skrull
    Class cosmic
    Size M

    Signature Ability
    Polymorphic: Super Skrull harnesses his powers with far more strength, any time that Super skrull wins a fight he gains a persistent charge, and losses one when he falls in a battle.

    For every charge that Super Skrull has his current stance increases in duration by 2 seconds. (max charges 4)

    Shifting Stance
    Super Skrull has a shifting stance that starts with Human Torch, and continues as shown below.

    Super Skrull will stay in a stance for 16 seconds before changing to the next, this is his current stance.

    When a stance changes all effects other than debuffs are removed.(example furry, Shield charges, ect.)

    Human Torch
    Super Skrull mimics the power of Johnny Storm giving him these effects:

    Super Skrull becomes Incinerate and coldsnap immune.

    Medium attacks have a 100% chance to place an incinerate that deals X damage and lasts 5 seconds.

    If the opponent has 6 Incinerates on them they are all transformed into one passive Ember that lasts 10 seconds and deals X damage per second.

    Embers deal an explosion of X energy damage when the opponent activates a special attack. The Embers are not removed when a special is activated, if there are more than 3 Embers when a special is activated Embers will be removed so that there are only 3.

    Embers are refreshed When Super Skrull activates a special attack.

    Invisible Woman
    Super Skrull mimics the power of Susan Storm giving him these effects:

    Super Skrull gains a shielding buff that starts with 50 charges, when hit Super Skrull loses 1-10 shielding charges depending on damage taken and takes 50% of the damage that would have been dealt.

    When Super Skrull activates the dexterity mastery he gains 2 Shielding charges.(max Charges 50)

    If all charges are removed cool down for 6 seconds

    Super Skrull will place 1 permanent weakness buff on the opponent that reduces attack damage by 10%, anytime that an attack misses, all weaknesses are removed if shield charges are put into cool down.(max stack 5)

    Well timed blocks Will grant Super Skrull 1 Invisible charge after 3 charges he will go invisible for 3 seconds and be unable to gain Invisibility charges. While invisible all incoming attacks will miss.

    The Thing
    Super Skrull mimics the power of Ben Grimm giving him these effects:

    Super Skrull becomes immune to bleed and shock.

    Super Skrull Gains a passive Hardened Flesh buff that increases physical resistance by X, add 1 Rock Stack.

    As long as Hardened Flesh is active Super Skrull is able to gain Rock Stacks, gain 1 Rock Stack on a well timed block. If placed on Defence gain 1 Rock Stack when struck by any attack other than heavy.

    When Super Skrull has 10 Rock Stacks Super Skrull becomes unstoppable and unblockable for 4 seconds and loses 5 Rock Stacks. When Rock Stacks are removed this way gain a permanent passive furry buff that increases attack rating by X for each rock stack removed.(max stack 25)

    If hit by a heavy attack loss 1 Rock Stack for every hit in the heavy attack. If a Rock Stack Is removed in this way Super Skrull will only be able to lose up to 3% health from this attack.

    If Super Skrull has no Rock Stacks put Hardened Flesh into cool down for 7 seconds and removes all passive furry buffs.

    Mister Fantastic
    Super Skrull mimics the power of Reed Richards and uses some of Richards technology giving him these effects:

    When attacked Super Skrull has a 35% chance to evade, when this happens the opponent will be heal blocked for 5 seconds, if another would be added it will be a power lock debuff instead that will last 5 seconds.

    When the opponent activates a special attack if Super Skrull is not stunned and is not under the effect of a bleed, shock, or poison debuff the chance to evade will be increased to 100% for the duration of the special.

    If the opponent's special attack does not make contact 3 permanent power stings will be applied to the opponent that deal X damage each when a special is activated, when a special is activated the power stings are removed.

    If the opponent uses the same special twice, they will be stunned for 1 second at the end of their special attack.

    Special 1
    Super Skrull throws 2 fireballs and then rushes into the opponent using his stone skin to bashe into the opponent.

    Places 2 incinerate debuffs that last 6 seconds and deal X damage if the opponent is blocking place 1 extra, Super Skrull becomes unstoppable for 3 seconds at the end of this attack.

    Special 2
    Super Skrull makes his first grow and punches the opponent then using both of his fists he spins into the opponent then when he is close to the opponent he creates a large shield that pushes the opponent away.

    Super Skrull gains a 100% chance to evade the next unblocked attack, The opponent receives 3 vulnerability debuffs that last 6 seconds and decrease block proficiency by 75%.

    Special 3
    Super Skrull shields the opponent then lifts them in the air removing the shield when they are high enough after that he flies around and then into the opponent. He becomes invisible, the opponent looks around to see where he went then he reappears behind them, his arm becomes stone and starts to grow then sets on fire, the opponent starts to turn around when Super Skrulls mighty fist comes crashing down.

    Activate all stances for 16 seconds, pause current stance until all other stances are removed (the current stance is the stance closest to the left side of the screen, if on defence the current stance would be on the far right.)

    ready for super Skrull @Doppelganger
  • MegamindMegamind Member Posts: 19
    A rough concept for Shocker (yes, another Tech class Spider-Man villain. It's this or a guy in leopard print tights.)
    Assuming Shocker is Rank 5, level 65 and signature level 200:
    Champion Class: Tech #Villain #Metal #Size: M #Sinister Six #Defensive: Utility
    Passive- Shocker Suit. Shocker's unique suit absorbs vibrations, reducing physical damage taken by 25%. This reduction extends to energy damage against Mutant champions, but the sheer strength of Cosmic champions overrides this ability.
    Passive- Shocker Gauntlets. Shocker's iconic gauntlets account for his first medium, and all light attacks. These deal bursts of energy damage, but note they count as contact attacks. Attacks made with Shocker gauntlets ignore 85% of block proficiency, extending to 100% and ignoring perfect block against Mutant champions but falling to 70% against Cosmic champions.
    When stunned, taunted, or hit with a 5-hit combo: Gain a rage passive, increasing attack rating by X until landing 5 hits or any Special attack. This stacks up to 6 times. Upon reaching 6 stacks, convert into a Hatred debuff, which renders all attacks unblockable and increases critical rating by X for 1.5 seconds per stack of rage used to create the Hatred debuff. After expiry, this ability goes on cooldown for 15 seconds, reducing to 11 seconds against Mutant and Spider-verse champions, but extending to 18 seconds against Cosmic champions.
    Special 1: Shocker falls on the time-honored classic of blasting the opponent with dual concussive blasts.
    -This attack hits 5 more times if triggered while Shocker suffers from hatred, and counts as direct damage regardless. (Note: This attack is near-identical to the SP1's of OG Iron Man, OG Vision, etc. and can be avoided with a simple Dexterity dash back. But the extra 5 hits make it like Winter Soldier's SP2, where the opponent is forced to block.)
    -This attack deals 1.25% of Shocker's max HP if it hits while he suffers from Hatred.
    Special 2: Shocker shakes the ground beneath his opponent to set them off balance, before leaping onto them with a crushing slam.
    -This attack places a Concussion passive on the opponent for the duration, reducing Defensive ability accuracy by 100%. If this attack lands, the passive remains for 15 more seconds. If this attack lands because it broke the opponent's block via Hatred, Hatred goes on cooldown for an additional 6 seconds.
    -Due to the unstable ground, only #Flying, #Size: XL, #Spider-verse, or Cosmic champions can dodge this attack with the Dexterity mastery.
    Special 3: Shocker discharges two blasts at the opponent, stunning them, before closing in with a jack-hammer fast barrage of Shock-punches to the jaw.
    -This attack removes all active Rage or Hatred effects, gaining +X attack and critical rating for each effect removed in this way (Hatred counts as 6 rage effects for this purpose.)
    -The first two hits of this attack ignore armor rating, and also reduce the opponent's attack rating by X% for 10 seconds. All hits after count as Shocker gauntlet attacks, and gain +1 attack rating for all damage done by the first two hits of this attack.
    Signature Ability: Vibrational Shield. Shocker gets a much-needed suit upgrade, boosting his confidence in the process.
    -All damage against Shocker is reduced by up to 100% based on current power levels. When this effect would prevent Shocker from dying or reduce damage to below 0.3% of his max health, the opponent takes damage equal to 80% of his base attack rating, and the Vibrational Shield passive goes on cooldown for 8 seconds.
    -When Shocker stuns the opponent, lands a Special attack or 5-hit combo, gain a Confidence passive, increasing critical rating by X and increasing offensive power rate by 2%. Confidence passives Purify Hatred debuffs, and remove all Rage passives. For every Hatred or Rage (once again, Hatred=6 Rages) removed in this way, another Confidence passive is gained. Max stacks: 100.
    I REALLY, REALLY HATE THAT GUY Lvl.3- Spider-Man (Classic), Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), Spider-Man (Stealth Suit)
    Shocker: Can now hold 2 additional rage passives before converting to Hatred.
    Spider-Men: Evade abilities cannot trigger while blocking and have +500% ability accuracy while stunned.
    Hey That's My Shtick- Electro
    Shocker: Gauntlet attacks now deal direct damage instead of energy damage.
    Electro: SP2 Power Steals 300% of Power gained from the attack.
    Thug Life: Hood, Kingpin, Joe Fixit
    Shocker: Confidence passives also increase attack rating by 12%.
    The Hood: Gains +15% attack rating while Invisible.
    Kingpin: Rage debuffs have a 25% chance to duplicate. Duplicates cannot make duplicates.
    Joe Fixit: Double Down can be refreshed by a heavy attack.
    Sinister What?: Vulture, Venom, Doctor Octopus
    Shocker: Vibrational Shield Cooldown reduced by 1.5 seconds.
    Vulture: Raptor Strike uses 17 less Chitauri Energy.
    Venom: Genetic Memory Buffs can duplicate once each without counting towards max count.

    Playstyle Notes: Shocker has never been a character that screamed "creativity". He's a tough guy in a cool suit that uses shockwaves to rob banks and fight Spider-Man. Therefore, I designed this concept of him to be simple, reminiscent of older times in MCOC, without being outdated like older champions. You hit him too much and get too parry-crazy? He's gonna hit hard and go unblockable. Fingers crossed he doesn't go for a Special Attack while he's at it. Bring power control, and preferably energy-resistant (Havok or Ultron, for example, would tear the poor guy to B-lister shreds.) champions, and play passively enough that you don't trigger Hatred. If he's awakened, he has power-based damage gimping, so power control is a must. Alternatively, you could mindless tear through his shield, but where's the sense of adventure? And as far as playing the man himself? Unawakened, he's a bore, with bad to meh utility and would be a bigger threat on autofight building up Rage.
    Awakened, however, is a different story. He can build up some serious power gain as well as crit his brains out, and with all that extra power can choose to either go for the Weakness and Concussion of SP2 and SP3, good options if you're looking to neuter a boss or hard-hitter, or keep fighting with reckless abandon, hiding behind a cheese shield of damage reduction. I'd put him down as a pretty good champ with no amazing abilities but a blast to play and a killer of an Alliance War Defender.
    (For completion's sake, here are his Special Abilities.)
    Physical Resistance
    Direct Damage

  • ColdSummers36ColdSummers36 Member Posts: 1




    Diableri of chaos

    Darkstar (sasha roerich)
  • Soumemiakas1926Soumemiakas1926 Member Posts: 354 ★★★
    Please make Thanos playable for everyone. Or a deal like the red Deadpool. I really want to play with him.
  • FisichellaFisichella Member Posts: 86
    Are Kabam employees adding characters from the MC2 universe?
  • AburaeesAburaees Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    Quicksilver Concepts

    MCU version

    * Double/triple hit basics e.g. M-L-L-L-M would be 3-2-2-2-3
    * Cannot be evaded
    * Guaranteed evades
    * Cannot be parried or perfectly blocked, and has block penetration that decreases based on how long his opponent has held block
    * Vulnerable to projectiles

    Fox version

    * Multiple hit basics e.g. M-L-L-L-M would be 7-5-5-5-7
    * Starts fight with 3 full bars of power (greyed out like Terrax) that decreases by 1% every time opponent’s HP decreases by 1%
    * Whilst he has power every attempt to hit him will miss, and he has an unblockable passive
    * Against telepaths his power drains from 100% to 0% over 10 seconds, at which point he becomes tethered and cannot attack/block/dex.

  • DigletGamingDigletGaming Member Posts: 849 ★★★★
    Champion spotlight: Prowler

    About Prowler:
    Aaron Davis started out as a tech thief. After getting caught by Spider-Man, he became grateful that Spider-Man didn't turn him into the police, and started becoming a hero. Getting the new name “Prowler”

    Prowlers Mechanics:
    Prowler wields some of the best tech in the world. This allows him to have many different utilities. Such as true strike, immunities, and many other different powers. As he obtains more of his power meter, the higher damage he does. Prowler gains more and more block proficiency for every attack done on block. He gains extra energy damage on the special 2, based on the amount of “Claw buffs on him”.

    Base stats & abilities:
    Note: Based on 5 star rank 5
    Max P.I With Signature Ability
    Max P.I Without Signature Ability
    Block Proficiency
    Character Class: Skill
    Basic Abilities: Vigilance, Prowler Claws, True Strike, Direct damage, Fury, Precision, Cruelty, Prowler Stealth mode, Prowler Damage, Power gain, Prowlers Search, Prowler Reveal, armor break, power lock, bleed, incinerate, coldsnap, shock, poison, weakness, and persistent charge

    -Buffed up
    Prowlers starts the fight immediately with his power gain, fury, and precision.
    Prowler gets more block proficiency for each armor break debuff. You can choose between what you want more of, damage, block proficiency, or critical chance from the Prowler buffs. You can also choose which Prowler buff you want to start with from the persistent charge.
    -Mix Master
    When the opponent evades 5 times, Prowler gets a permanent true strike. For every time the opponent evades, Prowler also gains 10 percent extra attack
    -Hit Me, I Dare You
    Every 10 hits, prowler gives the opponent armor break.
    -Explosive Personality
    When the defender gets hit on block, they have a 50 percent chance to armor break

    Prowlers' damage relies on his buffs. Nullify gets rid of buffs.
    -Power Burn
    Prowlers special attacks activate his different modes which allow him major damage
    When Prowler gains weakness, the weakness potency is doubled. This does not apply if he’s in a Prowler mode.


    -Prowler stealth mode-60 sec
    Every single attack that the opponent would have landed, misses instead. This does not apply when the opponent hits the prowler's block. You can de-activate this by using a heavy attack.

    -Prowler Damage Mode-60 sec
    Every single attack done by Prowler consumes a hit for 10 extra damage. This scales based on the amount of hits you have landed. Prowlers critical damage is also increased based on your hit count. This can be removed by finishing a combo with a light attack

    -Prowler Claws-Permanent
    Each Prowler claw gives a 10 percent chance to activate bleed. And increases damage by 10 percent. When the special 2 is activated all prowler charges are dropped for energy damage.

    Prowler Search-30 sec
    The opponent is unavailable to evade, miss, or auto block when Prowler is searching. Upon expiry activate “Prowler Reveal”.

    Prowler Reveal-25 sec
    Each medium applies a passive armor break lasting 5 sec. The opponent is always passively petrified during this phase. When Prowler Reveal expires, do physical damage for 15 percent of the opponents health. This only occurs when the opponents rating is under prowlers
    Pre-Fight Ability: Prowlers choice, and his choice only
    Prowler gets to choose between his 2 different modes. You can choose to start with either “Prowlers Stealth mode” or “Prowler damage mode”. You may also choose to start with both of the modes. Each mode has a 2 fight cooldown on the pre-fight.

    Apply permanent passive armor breaks on the opponent. If the opponent reaches 5+ armor breaks, armor breaks become debuffs, and last 6 sec. Heavy attack also gives prowler 3 of his claws. Convert all Prowler debuffs into energy damage for 0.5 percent.

    Special 1: Prowling Blast
    Feel the blast of prowlers rain. Refresh Prowler stealth mode. Apply 2 weaknesses. Activate power lock for 4 sec. Apply 50 passive incinerates doing no damage.

    Special 2: Prowling Cycle
    Prowlers motorbike is summoned to destroy the opponent. Gives the opponent 3 stacks of incinerate. Refresh all prowler modes. Convert all Prowler Claws to Energy damage. Prowlers passive cruelty, fury, precision all change to a timer of 50 sec.

    Special 3: Gadgets Made To Fight
    Prowlers gadgets each do their own debuff. Apply weakness, amorbreak, bleed, poison, incinerate, Shock, Coldsap, and power lock. Generate 100 prowler claws. If any debuffs fail, all debuffs fail. Give the prowler an extra passive fury, passive cruelty, and passive precision. Each is permanent until you use the special 2.

    Signature Ability: Destructive Tech (Based on a Sig 100)
    Prowler gains extra attack by 10 percent for each passive debuff the opponent has. Prowlers attack is reduced based on if he has a class disadvantage. This also makes all prowler modes last longer.

    Synergy Bonuses: (Based on 6 star)

    Family (Miles Morales):
    All champions: Gain 6 percent health

    Caught by the hero (Spider-Man Classic, Spider man Stark-enhanced):
    When Prowler would gain claw charges, he gets double
    Spider man classic:
    When the opponent has an armor break, spider man gets a fury every hit
    Spider man (stark enhanced):
    Emp web does 30% more power drain

    Old Friends...(Coming soon, Rhino, Coming soon)
    30 percent extra attack based on his every 10 hits. Stops count at 200 hits
    Coming soon:
    Coming soon:
    30 percent attack based on signature ability

    Tech heroes: (Iron man, and darkhawk):
    Iron man:
    50% chance to apply a weakness and armor break for every hit
    Null mode can be triggered by getting hit 10 times
    All prowler debuffs last 2 secs longer.
  • Sokami06Sokami06 Member Posts: 2

    I think it would be nice if they added Knull the Symbiote God in a future update.
    As one of his abilities would have regeneration, among his immunities would be to incineration, bleeding and poisoning.
    His a
    A singular ability could be symbiote god, which if a character with the simbonte category causes him a stun debuff at x time of battle and activates pain, to the characters in general he can apply bleeding debuffs and some exclusive debuff of the ( I just can't think of anything)
  • Sokami06Sokami06 Member Posts: 2
    A list of characters that could be put, I leave at your disposal the improvements, disadvantages and immunities that they have.
    * Superior Spider-Man
    * Anti-Venom
    * Absolute Carnage
    * Spider-Man 2099
    * Quicksilver
    * Odin
    * Beyonder
    *Sand Man
    * Hydro man
    * Doppelganger
    * Kaine
    * Mystique
    * Onslaught
    * Korvac
    * Baron Zemo
    * Thor Herald of Galactus
    * Captain America Worthy (end game version)
    * Thor infinity war
    * Black Panter Infinity War
    And characters that can improve, Ultron and Dark Phoenix.
    And a new version of the character, Thanos Infinity war
  • GulfmarshallGulfmarshall Member Posts: 1

    Lumen (Earth-616)

    Smash (Earth-616)

    Human Torch (Jim Hammond)

    Reed Richards (Earth-4280)

    Doom 2099 upgrade
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    Shock29 said:


    Signature Ability - Immortal Ruler of the Dark
    Dracula will gain one additional Regeneration Buff while Below 10% granting +X Health over 8 seconds.
    Bleeds inflicted will last up to X% longer based on Power.
    Miss will trigger up to X% more often based on Health.
    X% Chance to Apply Bleed after a Buff has been Nullified or a Stagger Debuff has ended.

    +543.74 Physical Resistance
    -700 Energy Resistance
    Being a Vampire grants Dracula 65% Resistance to Degeneration, Bleed, and Rupture Affects but Incinerates gain +45% Potency.
    Dracula's enhanced undying immune system grants him immunity to the Poisons of the Contest.
    Every 20% Health interval, Dracula will gain a Regeneration Buff granting X% Health over 8 seconds

    30% on all Basic Hits to apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 12 seconds.
    20% for all Basic Hits against Dracula to Miss. If Dark Manipulation is active, this extends to all Hits.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.

    Dark Manipulation
    Against Skill, Cosmic, and #Dimensional Beings, an Indefinite Dark Manipulation is applied, reducing Ability Accuracy and Block Proficency by 55%. The Ability Accuracy reduction bypasses immunities to Ability Accuracy reduction.

    Additionally, Dracula gains the following bonuses while Dark Manipulation is active:
    +158.5 - 2698.6 Attack Rating
    + 25% Critical Rating and Bleed Potency
    +15% Ability Accuracy
    On all Critical Hits, 20% to apply Critical Bleed dealing X Damage over 7 seconds.
    Opponents suffer -40% Defensive Power Gain
    Dark Manipulation will not trigger against #Psychic Shielding and #Robot Tagged Champions.

    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.
    While near a Bleeding Opponent, Dracula generates 8.35% a Bar of Power every second for each Bleed Debuff active.
    Additionally, if the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula will Life Steal 70% of the Damage done to the Opponent on his Mediums and the Last hit of his Special 2.
    Bleeds are paused during Special Attacks as each Bleed Active provides +X Critical Damage Rating.

    If the Opponent Misses, Refresh all active Leech and Stagger Debuffs

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Apply Stagger, Nullifying the next Buff active on the opponent.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, apply Leech as well, stealing 25% a Bar of Power over 5 seconds. This debuff cannot stack and cannot be refreshed on Heavy Attacks.

    Special Attacks
    100% to Apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 8 seconds.

    Special 1 - Vamperic Suprise
    Dracula teleports directly in front of his opponent before slashing them.
    Guranteed to Apply one Critical Bleed if the opponent is already Bleeding.

    Special 2 - A Sword from the Void
    Dracula beats into his opponent before pulling his sword from the dark to send them surrying back.
    Gain a Power Gain Buff granting 40% of Max Power over 8 seconds

    Special 3 - "Welcome to my Kingdom"
    In the darkness, I hunt my opponent. And I, am hungry...
    Refresh all Active Bleeds with +30% Potency
    This attack gains +X Attack Rating of each Bleed that was active while the Special Attack was used.

    Dracula who is that, there is no like marvel character
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    The new characters now I founded

    Eternals team
    Another spiderman miles morales
    Another black panther
    Spiderman 2099
    Yelena belova
    Kate bishop
  • waspinswaspins Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021
    Ghost Rider 2099 (Zero Cochrane) TECH
    Imagine nice holographic fire, chainsaw and infraspace weapons.

    Singularity COSMIC
    Great opportunity for some cool graphics for her skin and attacks.

    MCU Spectrum / Monica Rambeau COSMIC

    Valkyrie / Scrapper 142 SKILL

  • GreenCamand26GreenCamand26 Member Posts: 1

    All Father Ultron (Earth-14831)
    Synergys with: ultron, odin, thor and iron man
    Sp1 should activate regeneration
    Sp2 or Sp3 should stun the opponent
  • Marvelfoce527Marvelfoce527 Member Posts: 1

    Strong Guy


    Major Mapleleaf





    Lord Armageddon
    Cyrus black

  • KRoNX1KRoNX1 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    for some reason i have a feeling that if strong guy ever comes to the game, he'll have some kind of recoil mechanic
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Silver Samurai (Mutant)

    Timeslip (Mutant)

    Echo (Skill)

    Hammerhead (Skill)

    The Maker (Science)

    Shuma-Gorath (Mystic)

  • RedAlaska59RedAlaska59 Member Posts: 1

    Shade (Jacob Nash)


    Madame Swarm


  • Morgue666Morgue666 Member Posts: 4
    1. Morgue
    2. Kurse
    3. The Blob
    4. What If universe ( Thor Venum )
    5. Goliath ( Masters Of Evil )
    6. Doc Samson ( Old rendition)
    7. Madcap
    8. Zeus
    9. Thing ( Spiked version )
    10. Hammerhead
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 571 ★★★

    Shock29 said:


    Signature Ability - Immortal Ruler of the Dark
    Dracula will gain one additional Regeneration Buff while Below 10% granting +X Health over 8 seconds.
    Bleeds inflicted will last up to X% longer based on Power.
    Miss will trigger up to X% more often based on Health.
    X% Chance to Apply Bleed after a Buff has been Nullified or a Stagger Debuff has ended.

    +543.74 Physical Resistance
    -700 Energy Resistance
    Being a Vampire grants Dracula 65% Resistance to Degeneration, Bleed, and Rupture Affects but Incinerates gain +45% Potency.
    Dracula's enhanced undying immune system grants him immunity to the Poisons of the Contest.
    Every 20% Health interval, Dracula will gain a Regeneration Buff granting X% Health over 8 seconds

    30% on all Basic Hits to apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 12 seconds.
    20% for all Basic Hits against Dracula to Miss. If Dark Manipulation is active, this extends to all Hits.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.

    Dark Manipulation
    Against Skill, Cosmic, and #Dimensional Beings, an Indefinite Dark Manipulation is applied, reducing Ability Accuracy and Block Proficency by 55%. The Ability Accuracy reduction bypasses immunities to Ability Accuracy reduction.

    Additionally, Dracula gains the following bonuses while Dark Manipulation is active:
    +158.5 - 2698.6 Attack Rating
    + 25% Critical Rating and Bleed Potency
    +15% Ability Accuracy
    On all Critical Hits, 20% to apply Critical Bleed dealing X Damage over 7 seconds.
    Opponents suffer -40% Defensive Power Gain
    Dark Manipulation will not trigger against #Psychic Shielding and #Robot Tagged Champions.

    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.
    While near a Bleeding Opponent, Dracula generates 8.35% a Bar of Power every second for each Bleed Debuff active.
    Additionally, if the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula will Life Steal 70% of the Damage done to the Opponent on his Mediums and the Last hit of his Special 2.
    Bleeds are paused during Special Attacks as each Bleed Active provides +X Critical Damage Rating.

    If the Opponent Misses, Refresh all active Leech and Stagger Debuffs

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Apply Stagger, Nullifying the next Buff active on the opponent.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, apply Leech as well, stealing 25% a Bar of Power over 5 seconds. This debuff cannot stack and cannot be refreshed on Heavy Attacks.

    Special Attacks
    100% to Apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 8 seconds.

    Special 1 - Vamperic Suprise
    Dracula teleports directly in front of his opponent before slashing them.
    Guranteed to Apply one Critical Bleed if the opponent is already Bleeding.

    Special 2 - A Sword from the Void
    Dracula beats into his opponent before pulling his sword from the dark to send them surrying back.
    Gain a Power Gain Buff granting 40% of Max Power over 8 seconds

    Special 3 - "Welcome to my Kingdom"
    In the darkness, I hunt my opponent. And I, am hungry...
    Refresh all Active Bleeds with +30% Potency
    This attack gains +X Attack Rating of each Bleed that was active while the Special Attack was used.

    Dracula who is that, there is no like marvel character
    He is. Look it up @sudeep9680. or even one better i'll provide you with a link
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 571 ★★★
    Class: Science

    Signature Ability - Living Sand
    Flint's bitterness and anger towards society leads him and his sand to strike back in the most violent way.
    Sandman's personal Debuffs last X% longer. +15% Duration Against Mystic and #Spider-Verse Heros Champions
    When a Sanded or Grit Debuff is applied to the opponent, X% to apply a corresponding Sanded or Grit Debuff
    Personal Debuffs are paused for 3.5 seconds when Sandman or the Opponent activates a Special Attack.

    +748 Physical Resistance
    Sandman's body both lacks both blood, flesh, and conductivity, giving him full immunity to Bleed, Poison, and Shock.
    Flint's sand form makes him vulnerable to Incinerates and Energy Damage. Incinerates gain +30% Potency and Duration.
    -743 Energy Resistance

    Sand exhausts the enemy weighing them down. Sanded reduces Defensive Power Gain by 10% lasting 10 seconds.

    Grit in the eye is never fun. Grit reduces Ability Accuracy by 10% lasting 10 seconds.

    All hits by Sandman and the opponent that are not non-contact and projectile based have 20% to Apply either Sanded or Grit
    90% to Apply Grit when ending a combo with a medium attack
    90% to Apply Sanded when ending a combo with a light attack
    Physical Resistance and Critical Resistance Buffs on the opponent reduce the Potency of Grit and Sanded Debuffs by 14%. This cannot reduce the Potency below 0%.

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Apply Sanded and Grit

    Special Attacks
    In either form, Special Attacks against Sandman suffer -20% Critical Rating due to his shifting sand body.

    Sifting Sand Form
    Sandman will start in Sifting Sand when entering a fight
    +X Physcial Resistance
    20% for all hits that make contact with Sandman to Glance
    Non-Damaging Debuffs suffer -35% Duration and the opponent recieves -45% Defensive Power Gain. Additionally, the opponent suffers -55% Healing Potency from all sources.
    However, Sandman has not focused his sand yet, giving him -15% Ability Accuracy. This does not affect the Parry Mastery nor Heavy Ability Accuracy.
    Sanded Debuffs recieve +25% Potency and Duration

    Solid Sand Form
    To gather his sand into a more solid from, Dash back and hold block for 1.5 seconds.
    +X Critical Resistance and +X Block Proficency
    +15% Ability Accuracy and Perfect Block Chance
    +2695 Attack Rating and +1245 Critical Damage Rating
    Sandman has focused his form but cannot probe for weaknesses as well, giving him -15% Critical Rating.
    Grit Debuffs recieve +25% Potency and Duration.

    When a Debuff is Purified
    If one of Sandman's personal Debuff is purified, apply Grit and Sanded. This has a cooldown of 15 seconds and cannot happen while in Solid Sand Form.

    When a Special Attack is Activated
    When the Opponent activates a Special Attack, apply Weakness, reducing Attack by 30% for 6 seconds. This can stack up to 3 times.

    Against Mystic Champions
    Effects applied by Special Attacks will apply through the block.

    Special Attacks
    Each hit of Sandman's Special Attacks does X Direct Damage for each Sanded and Grit Debuff. At the end of Special Attack, consume 50% of Grit and Sanded Debuffs.
    While in Sifting Sand, Special Attacks have +X Critical Rating and do True Damage ignoring all Armor and Physical Resistance.
    While in Solid Sand, Special Attacks have 75% to Stun for 2.5 seconds and the first hit of each Special Attack is Unblockable.
    If #Spider-Verse Heros have both Grit and Sanded on them, regardless of the form, they suffer -105% Evade Ability Accuracy during Sandman's Special Attacks.
    These effects will not trigger if the Opponent does not have at least one Sanded or Grit Debuff on them.

    Special 1 - Fists of Sand
    Sandman creates massive fists out of sand to pound the opponent.
    Apply 2 Sanded and 2 Grit
    Refresh all active Grit and Sanded debuffs.
    At the end of this Special Attack, enter Sifting Sand. 6 second cooldown before being able to enter Stiff Sand.

    Special 2 - Sand Wall of Weapons
    Sandman forms a wall, letting out a sand fist, a sand club, and a... sand mace!? Then the opponent gets sand blasted to throw them clear.
    Apply Grit and Sanded if 2 Grit and Sanded are active on the opponent upon activation of this special attack.
    100% to apply Armor Break reducing Armor Rating by 1270 lasting 12 seconds

    Special 3 - Sand Storm of Rage
    Sandman unleashes all his rage in the form of a storm throwing the opponent under and around the sand before smashing them into the wall and leaving them defeated and buried.

    100% to apply Quicksand, lasting 12 seconds. When under the effect of Quicksand, 35% when the opponent Dashes forward to be passively stunned for 1.25 seconds +65% when the opponent holds block for 1.75 seconds.

    Consume all Sanded and Grit Debuffs to create a Regeneration Buff with each Sanded and Grit debuff granting +X Health per debuff consumed over 10 seconds. If no Grit and Sanded Debuffs are upon the opponent, the Regeneration Buff will not trigger.
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    Shock29 said:

    Shock29 said:


    Signature Ability - Immortal Ruler of the Dark
    Dracula will gain one additional Regeneration Buff while Below 10% granting +X Health over 8 seconds.
    Bleeds inflicted will last up to X% longer based on Power.
    Miss will trigger up to X% more often based on Health.
    X% Chance to Apply Bleed after a Buff has been Nullified or a Stagger Debuff has ended.

    +543.74 Physical Resistance
    -700 Energy Resistance
    Being a Vampire grants Dracula 65% Resistance to Degeneration, Bleed, and Rupture Affects but Incinerates gain +45% Potency.
    Dracula's enhanced undying immune system grants him immunity to the Poisons of the Contest.
    Every 20% Health interval, Dracula will gain a Regeneration Buff granting X% Health over 8 seconds

    30% on all Basic Hits to apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 12 seconds.
    20% for all Basic Hits against Dracula to Miss. If Dark Manipulation is active, this extends to all Hits.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.

    Dark Manipulation
    Against Skill, Cosmic, and #Dimensional Beings, an Indefinite Dark Manipulation is applied, reducing Ability Accuracy and Block Proficency by 55%. The Ability Accuracy reduction bypasses immunities to Ability Accuracy reduction.

    Additionally, Dracula gains the following bonuses while Dark Manipulation is active:
    +158.5 - 2698.6 Attack Rating
    + 25% Critical Rating and Bleed Potency
    +15% Ability Accuracy
    On all Critical Hits, 20% to apply Critical Bleed dealing X Damage over 7 seconds.
    Opponents suffer -40% Defensive Power Gain
    Dark Manipulation will not trigger against #Psychic Shielding and #Robot Tagged Champions.

    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.
    While near a Bleeding Opponent, Dracula generates 8.35% a Bar of Power every second for each Bleed Debuff active.
    Additionally, if the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula will Life Steal 70% of the Damage done to the Opponent on his Mediums and the Last hit of his Special 2.
    Bleeds are paused during Special Attacks as each Bleed Active provides +X Critical Damage Rating.

    If the Opponent Misses, Refresh all active Leech and Stagger Debuffs

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Apply Stagger, Nullifying the next Buff active on the opponent.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, apply Leech as well, stealing 25% a Bar of Power over 5 seconds. This debuff cannot stack and cannot be refreshed on Heavy Attacks.

    Special Attacks
    100% to Apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 8 seconds.

    Special 1 - Vamperic Suprise
    Dracula teleports directly in front of his opponent before slashing them.
    Guranteed to Apply one Critical Bleed if the opponent is already Bleeding.

    Special 2 - A Sword from the Void
    Dracula beats into his opponent before pulling his sword from the dark to send them surrying back.
    Gain a Power Gain Buff granting 40% of Max Power over 8 seconds

    Special 3 - "Welcome to my Kingdom"
    In the darkness, I hunt my opponent. And I, am hungry...
    Refresh all Active Bleeds with +30% Potency
    This attack gains +X Attack Rating of each Bleed that was active while the Special Attack was used.

    Dracula who is that, there is no like marvel character
    He is. Look it up @sudeep9680. or even one better i'll provide you with a link
    No it is fake I can't believe, if he is also marvel character then means why didn't cast at marvel movies or comics, check it

    Sometimes marvel decides to remove this character and not casted in any trilogy

    Then means search these champions


    And describe these champions class include dracula

    But I believe one side he is also marvel character
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 571 ★★★

    Shock29 said:

    Shock29 said:


    Signature Ability - Immortal Ruler of the Dark
    Dracula will gain one additional Regeneration Buff while Below 10% granting +X Health over 8 seconds.
    Bleeds inflicted will last up to X% longer based on Power.
    Miss will trigger up to X% more often based on Health.
    X% Chance to Apply Bleed after a Buff has been Nullified or a Stagger Debuff has ended.

    +543.74 Physical Resistance
    -700 Energy Resistance
    Being a Vampire grants Dracula 65% Resistance to Degeneration, Bleed, and Rupture Affects but Incinerates gain +45% Potency.
    Dracula's enhanced undying immune system grants him immunity to the Poisons of the Contest.
    Every 20% Health interval, Dracula will gain a Regeneration Buff granting X% Health over 8 seconds

    30% on all Basic Hits to apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 12 seconds.
    20% for all Basic Hits against Dracula to Miss. If Dark Manipulation is active, this extends to all Hits.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.

    Dark Manipulation
    Against Skill, Cosmic, and #Dimensional Beings, an Indefinite Dark Manipulation is applied, reducing Ability Accuracy and Block Proficency by 55%. The Ability Accuracy reduction bypasses immunities to Ability Accuracy reduction.

    Additionally, Dracula gains the following bonuses while Dark Manipulation is active:
    +158.5 - 2698.6 Attack Rating
    + 25% Critical Rating and Bleed Potency
    +15% Ability Accuracy
    On all Critical Hits, 20% to apply Critical Bleed dealing X Damage over 7 seconds.
    Opponents suffer -40% Defensive Power Gain
    Dark Manipulation will not trigger against #Psychic Shielding and #Robot Tagged Champions.

    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.
    While near a Bleeding Opponent, Dracula generates 8.35% a Bar of Power every second for each Bleed Debuff active.
    Additionally, if the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula will Life Steal 70% of the Damage done to the Opponent on his Mediums and the Last hit of his Special 2.
    Bleeds are paused during Special Attacks as each Bleed Active provides +X Critical Damage Rating.

    If the Opponent Misses, Refresh all active Leech and Stagger Debuffs

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Apply Stagger, Nullifying the next Buff active on the opponent.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, apply Leech as well, stealing 25% a Bar of Power over 5 seconds. This debuff cannot stack and cannot be refreshed on Heavy Attacks.

    Special Attacks
    100% to Apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 8 seconds.

    Special 1 - Vamperic Suprise
    Dracula teleports directly in front of his opponent before slashing them.
    Guranteed to Apply one Critical Bleed if the opponent is already Bleeding.

    Special 2 - A Sword from the Void
    Dracula beats into his opponent before pulling his sword from the dark to send them surrying back.
    Gain a Power Gain Buff granting 40% of Max Power over 8 seconds

    Special 3 - "Welcome to my Kingdom"
    In the darkness, I hunt my opponent. And I, am hungry...
    Refresh all Active Bleeds with +30% Potency
    This attack gains +X Attack Rating of each Bleed that was active while the Special Attack was used.

    Dracula who is that, there is no like marvel character
    He is. Look it up @sudeep9680. or even one better i'll provide you with a link
    No it is fake I can't believe, if he is also marvel character then means why didn't cast at marvel movies or comics, check it

    Sometimes marvel decides to remove this character and not casted in any trilogy

    Then means search these champions


    And describe these champions class include dracula

    But I believe one side he is also marvel character
    Its not fake, @sudeep9680 and they can't cast every marvel charcter and there is less of a chance the weirder and more obscure the charcter is that they will in fact be in a movie. Blade hunts vampires and Dracula is his enemy.
    There is supposedly a Blade movie in the making. Morbius is coming out too, rather soon i think. Dracula could show up in either.
    And also to be fair, the version of dracula in the picture has been a more popular version over the last couple of years but its not the original so that could be a little confusing
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    Shock29 said:

    Shock29 said:

    Shock29 said:


    Signature Ability - Immortal Ruler of the Dark
    Dracula will gain one additional Regeneration Buff while Below 10% granting +X Health over 8 seconds.
    Bleeds inflicted will last up to X% longer based on Power.
    Miss will trigger up to X% more often based on Health.
    X% Chance to Apply Bleed after a Buff has been Nullified or a Stagger Debuff has ended.

    +543.74 Physical Resistance
    -700 Energy Resistance
    Being a Vampire grants Dracula 65% Resistance to Degeneration, Bleed, and Rupture Affects but Incinerates gain +45% Potency.
    Dracula's enhanced undying immune system grants him immunity to the Poisons of the Contest.
    Every 20% Health interval, Dracula will gain a Regeneration Buff granting X% Health over 8 seconds

    30% on all Basic Hits to apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 12 seconds.
    20% for all Basic Hits against Dracula to Miss. If Dark Manipulation is active, this extends to all Hits.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.

    Dark Manipulation
    Against Skill, Cosmic, and #Dimensional Beings, an Indefinite Dark Manipulation is applied, reducing Ability Accuracy and Block Proficency by 55%. The Ability Accuracy reduction bypasses immunities to Ability Accuracy reduction.

    Additionally, Dracula gains the following bonuses while Dark Manipulation is active:
    +158.5 - 2698.6 Attack Rating
    + 25% Critical Rating and Bleed Potency
    +15% Ability Accuracy
    On all Critical Hits, 20% to apply Critical Bleed dealing X Damage over 7 seconds.
    Opponents suffer -40% Defensive Power Gain
    Dark Manipulation will not trigger against #Psychic Shielding and #Robot Tagged Champions.

    If the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula can block Unblockable Attacks.
    While near a Bleeding Opponent, Dracula generates 8.35% a Bar of Power every second for each Bleed Debuff active.
    Additionally, if the Opponent is Bleeding, Dracula will Life Steal 70% of the Damage done to the Opponent on his Mediums and the Last hit of his Special 2.
    Bleeds are paused during Special Attacks as each Bleed Active provides +X Critical Damage Rating.

    If the Opponent Misses, Refresh all active Leech and Stagger Debuffs

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Apply Stagger, Nullifying the next Buff active on the opponent.
    If the Opponent is Bleeding, apply Leech as well, stealing 25% a Bar of Power over 5 seconds. This debuff cannot stack and cannot be refreshed on Heavy Attacks.

    Special Attacks
    100% to Apply Bleed dealing X Damage over 8 seconds.

    Special 1 - Vamperic Suprise
    Dracula teleports directly in front of his opponent before slashing them.
    Guranteed to Apply one Critical Bleed if the opponent is already Bleeding.

    Special 2 - A Sword from the Void
    Dracula beats into his opponent before pulling his sword from the dark to send them surrying back.
    Gain a Power Gain Buff granting 40% of Max Power over 8 seconds

    Special 3 - "Welcome to my Kingdom"
    In the darkness, I hunt my opponent. And I, am hungry...
    Refresh all Active Bleeds with +30% Potency
    This attack gains +X Attack Rating of each Bleed that was active while the Special Attack was used.

    Dracula who is that, there is no like marvel character
    He is. Look it up @sudeep9680. or even one better i'll provide you with a link
    No it is fake I can't believe, if he is also marvel character then means why didn't cast at marvel movies or comics, check it

    Sometimes marvel decides to remove this character and not casted in any trilogy

    Then means search these champions


    And describe these champions class include dracula

    But I believe one side he is also marvel character
    Its not fake, @sudeep9680 and they can't cast every marvel charcter and there is less of a chance the weirder and more obscure the charcter is that they will in fact be in a movie. Blade hunts vampires and Dracula is his enemy.
    There is supposedly a Blade movie in the making. Morbius is coming out too, rather soon i think. Dracula could show up in either.
    And also to be fair, the version of dracula in the picture has been a more popular version over the last couple of years but its not the original so that could be a little confusing
    Ok, I accept it and as your wishthe dracula will appear in blade as villain
    When the blade confirms in mcu

    Search this character
    Wiccan and speed
  • 81daylight81daylight Member Posts: 1

    Ulysses Klaw




    Thor (special Battle Armor mejingjord)
  • Another_NameAnother_Name Member Posts: 180
    Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Summoners and Thronebreakers, surely there is one character we should all receive, if not in 2022, then definitely in 2023

    It's a mutant no one would have ever thought of (or cosmic, or science)

    Jack of Hearts

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Zarathos (Mystic)

    Lasher (Cosmic)

    Sleeper (Cosmic)

    Deathlok (Tech)

    Spinneret (Tech)

  • BrassHarbourBrassHarbour Member Posts: 1




    Growing man


    Colonial punisher
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