[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 488 ★★★
    In-Game Name: bawa69
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular
    Game Version Installed: Current
    Game Mode: Game won't strt
    Description of the Issue: Can’t start the game, logging in/spinning, shows no internet connection. Cellular data unlimited (all other apps are working). Can log in ONLY through WiFi.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    Have issues all the time with lag, game speed changing both during fights and starting a fight with insane speed, missed inputs and more.

    See no point in reporting them here where kabam is totally silent about everything brought up or in other locations in the forum where Kabam auto close every complaint and feedback about these things
  • DJ_SergyDJ_Sergy Member Posts: 40
    Thecurler said:

    Is it possible for any mods to confirm if the widely reported sensitivity/ input issues with the latest iPhone 12 /12 pro are being investigated and if/when we can expect a fix?

    They have been extremely quiet about this issue. It sure wasn’t addressed in this update. Hopefully it is addressed in next update. Its one of the most frustrating things that you try to block and your champ goes dashing forward or you try charging heavy and they dash back. Extremely ridiculous that this type of game performance issue goes for so long after the release of the newest iphone and to be honest the most frustrating part is kabam not recognizing the issue and in the meantime we just have to spend on pots and revives or just stop playing content
  • ZaosaflerZaosafler Member Posts: 65
    In-Game Name: Zaosafler
    Device and Model: iPad Pro
    Device Operating System: iPadOS 14.2
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: 13.576.9
    Game Mode: AQ: Try to start a fight, kicks me out of game with pseudo network error, drains 50 of the health of champ I was going to use in fight.
    Any area: Randomly boots me out with either a pseudo network error or a message of unknown error.

    After either of these errors occurs it takes several minutes before I can get back into the game. These are new errors, unfun errors that occurred after latest update as I had neither the health loss or the wait time to get back in after a boot before this weeks update..

  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    Are you ever going to fix your crappie connection? In events there are endless connection issues. Finally after minutes it times out with a stupid unknown error has occurred. It’s not unknown at all. It’s your servers or connectors not coping with the load.
  • Upanddown_69Upanddown_69 Member Posts: 249
    edited December 2020
    Yeah, I’m getting knocked out in AQ by like a Hawkeye or someone that sucks cause when I try to back up from his stupidly easy heavy, he just stands there and gets knocked out.

    Don’t want to end up letting the alliance down, so I’m constantly having to buy those damn expensive devices/potions. 😔
  • Arsenal33Arsenal33 Member Posts: 103
    In-Game Name: Arsenal 33
    Device and Model: iPad 7 gen
    Device Operating System: iPadOS most recent
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: most recent
    Game Mode: ANy
    Any area: I get booted out of fights, it happens both at the start as well as mid fight. It has gotten progressively worse. It is to the point where I’m starting AQ fights at 25% health due to crashing issues. Feel free to take a look of my log from last nigh while I was doing the Mulany challenge, I think it was nearly every other fight where the game crashed. I dont know how long I can keep this up.
  • CaptBirdseyeCaptBirdseye Member Posts: 102
    rischio said:

    Since the last patch I started to have random freeze during fights. The game hangs for a second or so then unfreezes and the fight goes on normally (and I get comboed into oblivion). It seems not to be hero dependent.
    I tried soft reset and did not solve it.
    This happens randomly after some normal fights.

    Iphone 8
    Ios 14.1
    Latest game version (29.1)
    Wifi network
    game name: rischio

    This happened in the new pork event.

    I cannot exclude other game modes.

    Exactly the same problem as above.


    Parry doesn’t seem to work properly anymore.
    The green parry writing comes up but nothing happens, no stun.
    It’s not every time but very frustrating .

    Also the heavy attack freeze. Dex when heavy animation starts but game doesn’t respond and freezes in position being hit.

    I’m using iPad
    Latest iOS
    Latest game update
    Game name as here.
  • oxeldropoxeldrop Member Posts: 9
    - Iphone 7
    - iOS 14.2 (crashing frequency increased after update to newest iOS, tried crashing analytics for developer switched on and off, game center on/off)
    - Wifi and Cell. (Have tried various switch-offs, resets, wifi networks, before/after Airplane mode...)
    - Plenty (7 Gb) of free memory

    Over the course of the last 4 days, I have seen gradually increasing crash frequency, from once every 15 minutes to not opening app at all. Crashes seemed to occur randomly, in AQ and quest. Both in fight or when moving to the next node, in-fight with or without specials, not with a particular opponent, not with a particular champ of my own.

    This afternoon, I uninstalled the game and tried reinstalling it. I currently cannot even load the game. Phone heats up quickly. Loading screens displayed for 5-15 seconds. Some attempts crash at SW-Ham, most don't get beyond Ham-with-hotdog screen.

    Tried non-english versions. The german version worked best and even let me log in, and let me download the entire game in 6 attempts. Still doesn't complete loading, and crashes instantly.

    I don't care as much about all the in-game instabilities, such as poorly working parries, lags, my champs randomly running into defender's special attacks, and all of the other bs you see above, which we all encounter and adapt to...

    I run 9 own accounts, spread over 2 alliances, and log in multiple times per day in each of them. I'm losing my log-in streak, have turned into a liability for my 2 main accounts in the very active alliance, and therefore will be replaced soon, losing all sorts of rewards. I cannot even place a ticket in any of the accounts bc I can't stay logged in long enough to access that screen before it crashes.

    I don't care about compensation. Fixing it would be nice though.

    Thank you

    Yalla Hapoel
    Jeff Vader
    Yalla Hoepel
  • JJJmJJJJJJmJJJ Member Posts: 135
    With the last version (29.01) it started again to overheating and lag and crash and frustration...
    JJJmJJJ said:

    In-Game Name: JJJMJJJ
    Device and Model: Iphone X
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.0
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed:Version 28.1.0k
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena
    Description of the Issue: Overheating causing lags, lags cause defeats and defeats cause frustration...
    Of course apple says it's not a phone's problem.

  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    Three updates still buggy af, iPhone 8 latest iOS and game, wifi or cellular. Drops inputs. Special timing is out. Specials I used to evade are hitting me with the same timing used. Parry is often just failing to block after a small lag. Still crashes randomly and throws me out of the game
    Fix it please. I’ve been waiting to do an abyss run for three months, no chance I’m doing it in this state
  • elmj001elmj001 Member Posts: 20
    Kabam support is horrendous! Game crashing constantly, and I still haven’t gotten anything done about my purchase that I never received for Cyber Weekend. The THIEVES got my money though! Never get another penny from me!
  • nique1057nique1057 Member Posts: 12
    In-Game Name: Nique1057
    Device and Model: iPhone 12 Pro
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.2
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: latest version
    Game Mode: All
    I have been having an issue where I will get stuck in the heavy animation for few seconds and the only way to get out is getting hit, waiting for a few seconds, or throwing a special attack. This has gotten worse since the last update as I was able to finish off the couple of paths I had to do in Cav difficulty. However, right now I’m trying to finish the John Milano challenge and I can barely get through one fight without this bug happening.
  • Kuzuri_1832Kuzuri_1832 Member Posts: 207
    My issue, as I've reported in here several times, with the game constantly crashing seems to have stopped.

    The trick is to not play the game much. I login, do AQ and AW, maybe some EQ, then I get out. Perhaps Kabam thought that we were in game too much and that Arena is overrated, so they added a 'feature' that restricts our time in game.

    I used to grind the arena all the time, putting up 20m every time in the 5* basic, while also getting the milestones in the others. The game crashed in every game mode for me. However, not a single crash anywhere since I stopped doing arena.

    Kabam clearly doesn't care about this issue (since they are radio silent in here), but the issue is real and is a continued problem for many (31 pages doesn't lie).
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    edited December 2020
    iOS 14.2 iPhone 8, latest update, game hasn’t been right in months, 4 hit combo to special as I’ve always done them now stops doing the 4th hit just before contact to launch the special, which leaves enough time for the defender to block the special, leaving me wide open, (been playing 5.5 years, I know my timings) also after combos my swipe backs are often failing, other bugs are some of the special timings are out when I evade them, there are lags all the time, often the end ko sequence, either opponent isn’t falling over, (esp if a dot effect) it just says ko and they are still punching each other then the game just begins the fade out screen, sometimes the kids person falls over (2 seconds after they are ko, sometimes they don’t, the game is the worst it’s been ever for gameplay right now
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,636 ★★★★
    they can't fix this. too many bugs going on. the bugs are too deep and rooted. the only way is to prioritize where the money goes instead of creating champions and content. as an matter of fact i think we already have enough champions that we haven't been able to get our hands on...the amount of time it takes to farm the resources to r5 a 5* or r3 a 6* is long time and not quick. so i would like to use my money, if i worked and owned kabam, to continue creating contents... but pause the champions creation design and while the champions creation design is paused the team go to bug section and work their best... then when it's done go back to champions creation design and mcoc is good to roll again.
  • nitequalnitequal Member Posts: 3
    This is crazy i can't even get the rewards i want to get beat the quest i know im supposed to had been finish. Getting kicked out of alliance because I can't even log in unless I'm at home using wifi. Ever since the November update I have haven't been able to log in outside of wifi. Its been a month kabaam please fix this problem
  • Kuzuri_1832Kuzuri_1832 Member Posts: 207
    JSourp said:

    My issue, as I've reported in here several times, with the game constantly crashing seems to have stopped.

    The trick is to not play the game much. I login, do AQ and AW, maybe some EQ, then I get out. Perhaps Kabam thought that we were in game too much and that Arena is overrated, so they added a 'feature' that restricts our time in game.

    I used to grind the arena all the time, putting up 20m every time in the 5* basic, while also getting the milestones in the others. The game crashed in every game mode for me. However, not a single crash anywhere since I stopped doing arena.

    Kabam clearly doesn't care about this issue (since they are radio silent in here), but the issue is real and is a continued problem for many (31 pages doesn't lie).

    Welp, they managed to suck me back into the arena. At win streak 6 in the 6* shard celebration arena, boom, game crashed. Perhaps there is a correlation here.

    Kabam, thoughts?
  • CimmerianCimmerian Member Posts: 2
    Now I can,t even play any part of this game since last update. I log in and about 20 seconds
    Later I am disconnected. My internet works well, as do other connections, it's only Mcoc
    I have problems with. Is it where I live(south east Scotland)
  • Wroobel1Wroobel1 Member Posts: 2
    on the ipod you can not play max 2 minutes and crashes the game to the menu who odes me for unity height
    I have been reporting the problem in aq and arenas for 2 months and Kabam doesn't give a ****.
  • Wroobel1Wroobel1 Member Posts: 2
    even one fight I can not do on aq who will refund me for revki spent for unity 6 years I play this game and it was never so bad
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    I'm beginning to think that they purposely sabotaged the game, since it has to go out the new one, hoping that people are tired of this and start to play with the new one.
    Personally if I stop I just stop.
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 522 ★★★

    I'm beginning to think that they purposely sabotaged the game, since it has to go out the new one, hoping that people are tired of this and start to play with the new one.
    Personally if I stop I just stop.

    We'll find out on the 16th...
  • FabiusBRFabiusBR Member Posts: 296 ★★★
    Game crashing is much worse tonight. Game is near unplayable. Maybe Kabam is trying to drive us to another game.
  • Kavya30Kavya30 Member Posts: 213 ★★★
    Playing from iPhone 11 Pro. Game is crashing and lagging especially in arenas and is nearly impossible to play well. Losing the streak in the arenas arenas helpful Kabam :’(
  • Deuce2180Deuce2180 Member Posts: 121
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra is any of these cmplaints going to be acknowledged. Kabam happy to take peoples money just not fix the game. I currently run 2 accounts both phone i get randomly kicked out on/parry not working properly still/lag after lag normally when fighting someone with a lot of animations / constant loading symbol/just so many things wrong and nothing is said. Do we have to get the whales to say something before you sort it?
  • kicsiheadkicsihead Member Posts: 32
    Mind kibaszott nyomorultak vagytok, szart sem tudtok kijavítani ezen a kibaszott játékon. Folyamatosan tele vannak hibákkal, vagy a block nem működik.... nem működik, nincs is baszd meg XD Parry....az néha ismeretlen fogalom, meg hasonló finomságok. Kibaszott unit-ból kibaszott energy refill-t "veszek" és az előbb említett kibaszott bug-ok miatt baszd meg folyamatosan előlről kell kezdenem. És azért annyira nem vagyok szar geci, hogy amiatt kelljen újrakezdenem, mert geci béna vagyok. Azért tudom mikor vagyok balfasz, meg mikor fos ez a szar. De szerintetek minden fasza. Kíváncsian várjátok a hibákat, majd amikor az ember NORMÁLISAN ír, akkor "a játék jól működik". Ja, értem. Akkor a rákos kurva anyátokért várjátok a válaszokat idióták? Ha csak olyanokat lehet írni, hogy "uu minden jó leszopnálak titeket" akkor mi a gecinek van hibabejelntő meg hasonlók? Fél óránként a játék beszarik, tölt világba, connection problem már mindennapos... Vágod egy ilyen játéknál, amibe annyi de annyi milliók folynak be ha nem is hetente, de legalább havonta, és mégis ekkora szar. Kabam mike geci..... nyomorultak...nem is tudom, kisbabák a fejlesztők ott, vagy mi? A kutyám jobban megcsinálná ezt a szart, mert ti....
  • kicsiheadkicsihead Member Posts: 32
    A kibaszott csapatotok max a kis faszukat markolgatja és veri pornóra, nem dolgozik a problémákon....nem is tudom mi a kurva anyátokat csináltok ti ott baszd meg.....van egyáltalán számítógép ott vagy mi a rák van?
  • kicsiheadkicsihead Member Posts: 32
    És naná, az ilyen posztok ki lesznek törölve, mert a buzi kis fejetek nem bírja elviselni ha gecire kritizálva vagytok ti kis szüzies faszcibáló gecirágók. Inkább javítsatok meg mindent egyszer s mindenkorra ti seggfejarcú nyomoroncok. Kabam csicskái..... Könnyebb törölni meg tiltani mindent, ami rávilágít a hibáitokra ti kis geciszopók. Kurva anyátok <3
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