Cyber Weekend Sales Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    A slap in the face? They gave a significant amount of Resources which would otherwise be earned over time, in exchange for Units and/or money, and in the case of the money deals, the value of what's regularly offered was increased greatly by adding other things. You're certainly entitled to your feelings on it, but it's not a slap in the face.
    Part of the problem is that each reduced the value of the other. That is, some of the cash bundles offered items completely absent in the unit offers, thus reducing the value of units. And with the value of units reduced, those units attached to the cash were also less desirable. But the cash offers (for cav, at least) aren’t strong enough to stand on their own. And the unit offers aren’t good enough to drive anyone to buy the cash bundles to get them?? These are synergistic offers, but thus time they cooperated to create a very undesirable consumer response.
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  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,171 ★★★★
    Kabam didn't; do any good by screwing over the cavalier players. because I bet the we have a lot more cavalier than throne breaker players in the market share. Anyways, these cavalier offers don't upset me one bit, I wasn't going to spend anyways. but the offers are atrocious. anyways, I will all these resources rather sooner than later. Regardless of their poor decision, I would like to Thank YOU Kabam.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    Part of the problem is that each reduced the value of the other. That is, some of the cash bundles offered items completely absent in the unit offers, thus reducing the value of units. And with the value of units reduced, those units attached to the cash were also less desirable. But the cash offers (for cav, at least) aren’t strong enough to stand on their own. And the unit offers aren’t good enough to drive anyone to buy the cash bundles to get them?? These are synergistic offers, but thus time they cooperated to create a very undesirable consumer response.
    I'm not sure why they would have to contain the same Items. There are Cash Offers, and there are Unit Offers. Some people might have to buy the Units to get the Unit Offers, but they're not automatically correlated. There are options on both fronts. I'm Cav, and the only one I didn't find to be particularly motivating is the Peter Parker, simply because the Frags and Units weren't much help.
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  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    I'm not sure why they would have to contain the same Items. There are Cash Offers, and there are Unit Offers. Some people might have to buy the Units to get the Unit Offers, but they're not automatically correlated. There are options on both fronts. I'm Cav, and the only one I didn't find to be particularly motivating is the Peter Parker, simply because the Frags and Units weren't much help.
    Because some items have been too aggressively walled behind cash, to the extant that units feel like a second rate currency. I think that point has been established by the FTP community.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    Because some items have been too aggressively walled behind cash, to the extant that units feel like a second rate currency. I think that point has been established by the FTP community.
    There is no competing with people that spend. There's no comparison. People who don't spend will never keep up with those that do. They can play alongside them, and be competitive, as BG has proven. They just can't keep up with them. That's what people are paying for. I have no idea where the F2P/P2P myth came from, but it's not going to happen.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    They gave no T2a to TB apparently. What a weird bunch of offers.
    The t5b to t2a balance has been totally out of whack for quite a while for high tier players. Same with T4cc of all things actually.
  • LPH_337LPH_337 Member Posts: 74
    At least with 12.0 i understood where they were coming from. This completely boggles my mind. So deflating. Such a slap in the face to an entire community that has made kabam rich and kept this game running strong for so long. And that really sucks because there are really people at kabam that actually do care which makes this feel so much worse. That this would come out and nobody said "wait a minute, this is very disrespectful to our players, lets rethink this."

    This is worse than 12.0 in my opinion. Worse than them trying to overheat and blow up our phones. Worse than bot plagued arenas. Worse than mercs doing legends runs. Worse than top alliances habitually cheating in AW. This is the first time ive legit thought to myself that all the time, effort, and money ive spent in this game was a poor choice. Thats a very **** feeling. Merry Christmas kabam, hope you're having a great 2020 smh 🙄
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    There is no competing with people that spend. There's no comparison. People who don't spend will never keep up with those that do. They can play alongside them, and be competitive, as BG has proven. They just can't keep up with them. That's what people are paying for. I have no idea where the F2P/P2P myth came from, but it's not going to happen.
    Did you watch his video?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    Did you watch his video?
    No, but I heard the gist of it was he was disappointed. I'm going to be totally honest here. If I had the Units I would have bought everything. Where else are you going to get a 6* AG? Not many places.
    It's not a one-stop for everything we need in the game. Who would play or work towards anything after that? The most valuable Resource is T5CCs. Do I think it sucks that it's being trickled? Sure. I'm further off than most people here. I understand it. I don't have to like it. I just get it.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    The t5b to t2a balance has been totally out of whack for quite a while for high tier players. Same with T4cc of all things actually.
    So, totally off the wall question: would you have bought some of the cav offers for the t2a, if you could have gotten them?
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    So, totally off the wall question: would you have bought some of the cav offers for the t2a, if you could have gotten them?
    Personally, no. I'm sure a lot of people may have. I stepped back from high rank AW/AQ last month so my rankups have ground to a halt compared to before and I had a decent stash of them built up prior to today
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    No, but I heard the gist of it was he was disappointed. I'm going to be totally honest here. If I had the Units I would have bought everything. Where else are you going to get a 6* AG? Not many places.
    It's not a one-stop for everything we need in the game. Who would play or work towards anything after that? The most valuable Resource is T5CCs. Do I think it sucks that it's being trickled? Sure. I'm further off than most people here. I understand it. I don't have to like it. I just get it.
    As he said in his video, that 6* in lots of instances (even after an AG) is essentially useless compared to 5*s due to a ridiculous lack of sig stones available.
  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114
    DrPIT said:

    Thank you everyone for your comments. I am also a Cavalier player who needed some T5cc and was prepared to pay with units and/or cash for a decent T5cc selector. However, the "deals" provided none of this.

    Do Abyss of Legends
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    Personally, no. I'm sure a lot of people may have. I stepped back from high rank AW/AQ last month so my rankups have ground to a halt compared to before and I had a decent stash of them built up prior to today
    Isn’t that something, though? Even for TB, the cav offers from July are still better, in some ways. This split made it easier to keep resource gates on both ends.
  • hephaestushephaestus Member Posts: 145
    I've spent at least $100 every July and November since I started playing 5 years ago. Nothing worth spending on this time.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    Isn’t that something, though? Even for TB, the cav offers from July are still better, in some ways. This split made it easier to keep resource gates on both ends.
    Today's TB cash offers had more of what I'm mostly concerned about (t5cc and 6* sigs), also more of what I don't really care at all about (3 champ nexus crystals), and less or none of what I still somewhat would have liked to see (6* shards, t2a, T4cc, and t4b).

    No offer is going to be perfect for everyone. I got mostly shafted from everything but the t5cc selectors today. Every single champ crystal was a miss or something of minimal benefit (sigs on CMM and Ghost). Unfortunately that's the nature of the game we all choose to continue to play.

    While I think the reaction to the cav offers is being blown way out of proportion (that's kind of what this community seems to do about everything though), I did think they would have been better than they were. The unit caches were just terrible for everyone and I'd really be annoyed if I was f2p and a grinder
  • Jank39Jank39 Member Posts: 139
    As a largely ftp cavalier player who whales out and spends $$$ twice a year, you've given me no incentive to spend at all as nothing on sale will help me in the final few steps to get to thronebreaker. Those units I've saved to now will be either saved till July 4 or spent on the abyss or forthcoming content... I would suggest that you've missed catering for quite a large segment of your market.
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