[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • KaZichaoKaZichao Member Posts: 65
    edited January 2021
    In-Game Name: KaZichao
    Device and Model: Samsung S20+
    Device Operating System: v11, latest
    Cellular or WiFi: both wifi and data
    Game Version Installed: 29.2.0
    Game Mode: AQ
    Description of the Issue: Died 2 or 3 times on StarLord in AQ cause dexing SP2 didnt register, used Medusa, Hyperion, both just stud there while i swiped back, and ate SP2.

    Considering map7 is expensive, and revives and pots cost, i demand refund on spend items for that specific fight.
    Also fought Nebula on that path before, suspected dex didnt register there too but cannot prove it.
    Did record 1 fight where dex just didnt happen and i swiped.

    where do i upload the video? have it ready on google drive..
  • Sketch1037Sketch1037 Member Posts: 56
    Hey Kabam worker types,

    Can we please have acknowledgement of this issue and possibly, a fix?

    We're all losing out on rewards in every area of the game. The crashing is constant.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 181
    LemoNot said:

    LemoNot said:

    not the boy
    Moto G7 Play
    Android 10
    WiFi (I have no cellular data plan)
    Latest version (recently un- and re-installed)
    All game modes

    Mcoc, by virtue of being installed, somehow manages to lag all applications on my phone (including my browser as I type this). In mcoc specifically, though, frames drop, the screen freezes, and it's generally an all-around not fun time.

    Forgot to mention! The app will sometimes drop or delay inputs, tapping on the pfp of myself and others has a 60% chance of taking decades to load, and facing/using champs such as Guardian or Silver Surfer turns the game into a PowerPoint presentation on How Did This Even Happen.
    Oh yeah, ALSO also, the game freezes frequently on character selection/upgrading champion screens. I can tell because the whole thing vibrates like a washing machine on the fritz.

    Btw, I didn't forget to mention these in my first post, they just started popping up in chronological order.
  • SantySanty Member Posts: 25
    It's is not only in those areas, but also as u know just trying to load the game it takes me about 6 minutes sometimes, or in the middle of arena I have to disconnect from WiFi and try my provider but I still have to wait like 2 minutes to re enter the game to find my self knock or timed out...
    Please help... since is hard for me to log in here and find my post....
    In game name mr. ST
    phone: S20 Samsung Galaxy
    Provider: T-mobile
    California. UsA
  • RaviDaviRaviDavi Member Posts: 800 ★★★
    edited January 2021
    In-Game name: RaviDavi
    Device: Huawei Y5
    Device OS: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version: 29.2.0
    Game Mode: AQ and EQ
    Description: While in the battle, connection is lost. It happened three times in AQ spread over 5 fights. It is very annoying and makes me want to skip AQ again (lost 50% HP on two champs and the fight hadn't even begun, the game crashed right after I pressed the 'start/begin' button). In EQ it happened too but more in between fights or before fights have begun so no HP lost. WiFi could've failed once but it was way too much to be normal.
  • 661y661y Member Posts: 1
    S10 cellular only t-mobile
  • WraitHUNWraitHUN Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2021

    I found a Guardian bug in (cavalier dif)3.2 monthly event. While i attacked havok with guardian's sp2. Guardian's armor up gone... and got a lot of plasma dmg...
  • WraitHUNWraitHUN Member Posts: 8
  • BlindAlBlindAl Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Prabu Wisnu
    Device and Model: Redmi Note 5
    Device Operating System: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular
    Game Version Installed: 29.2.1
    Game Mode: ALL
    Description of the Issue: music player force stop while open the game...

    I can't listening to music anymore while playing game since update...
    And also sometimes the game crash and forceclose
  • GoultarGoultar Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Goultar
    Device make and model: Redmi note 5A
    Device Operating System: Android V7
    Cellular or WiFi: how
    The Installed Version Of The Game: 29.2.0
    Game Mode: All
    Problem Description: Strong friezes after a couple of minutes of play in any battle
  • MAYASMAYAS Member Posts: 12
    Its been one month and half and the freezing during fights became worst after the update of this month.
    I dont know how many months we should wait to be fixed?!!!!
    Its really annoying
  • SalsegSalseg Member Posts: 1
    In-game name: salseg
    Device: galaxy s20
    DOS: 11
    Cellular or wifi: Cellular tmobile
    Game version: 29.2.1
    Game mode: load screen aq crystals
    Description: I have been receiving a network error on the game if I am playing through my mobile network. I'm not having this problem while on my wifi which gets irritating when I try to play outside my home. It happens every time I try to load the app and periodically loading into or out of a fight if it occurs while entering a fight in aq I lose half of my life. It also when opening crystals from time to time

  • CRYO_88CRYO_88 Member Posts: 59
    Kabam doesn't seem to care its been 3 months for me with a 15 to 30 log in time 10 to 20 minutes to do a fight timing out ont aq and wars sending more than 20 tickets to get the same junk that doesn't work as long as they have whales who will spend thousands on the game they dont care about the rest of us im going to send a message to Google to complain i will say this again Kabam knows about the lag and doesn't care not my phone by the way its just this game that does it and it seems to be mostly sprint users screw u Kabam
  • KtashakKtashak Member Posts: 225

    Ktashak said:

    Android - does not matters which device , i tried 4 of them, i think it's somehow connected with my account: The game is updated, the google apps are updated, in the middle of fight (EQ, AQ, war, arena, does not matters), the google account is being re-connected and the game has 0.00001 FPS, must restart the game , i lost a lot of health in the AQ because of this annoying bug in the latest game version.

    Bug #2: When i am clicking fight in AQ or labyrinth of legends, the game freezes for 20-50 seconds, then the fight starts. It's also very annoying!

    More info: Wifi or Cellular, Provider?
    Wifi and Cellular, it's not provider based, but my game/google profile based.. Nothing happened for months with lag before AQ or LOL fight, also after december update i must restart the game every 5-10 fights , because it starts to lag and i am losing resources/expiring buffs, also must invest units. really annoying
  • RodrigoLucc10RodrigoLucc10 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Huggin .
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Redmi 5 plus
    Device Operating System:Android 8.1.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Game Reinstalled with the latest version
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Unresponsive controls. Controls work normal but in every fights it simply look like it has been disabled and I can't move the characters for a limited time in the fight.
  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    i have a motto gpower and the only problem i have is lag trying to prossed thro the map name is jerees 123
  • CRYO_88CRYO_88 Member Posts: 59
    There is nothing like doing the first part of the event that should take me less than 5 or 10 minutes but turns into nearly a hour do to game lag and connection issues thanks Kabam im done
  • SchmooSchmoo Member Posts: 19
    Dazitmane said:

    In-Game Name: dezzuzu
    Device and Model: pixel 2
    Device Operating System: android 11 October 5 2020 update
    Cellular or WiFi: cellular, T-Mobile usa
    Game Version Installed: 29.1.0
    Game Mode: log in
    Description of the Issue: I keep getting the red weak connection icon when trying to log into the game, even though my connection works for every other app. Sometimes I can get past the login screen, but then the icon returns when I try to do anything else like claim rewards. This has happened since October's update, so I don't know what I should do. I can only play over WiFi, and I've already tried turning off my private DNS and restarting my phone while on cellular. Please help.

    Join the club. I and numerous others have posted about this issue many times, but to date haven't heard a peep from Kabam. Extremely frustrating; thankfully I use wifi at home, but I haven't been able to play much at all while I am out.
  • saorpssaorps Member Posts: 81
    In-Game name: RafaThanozGoku
    Device: Samsung Galaxy 10+
    Device OS: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi / 4G
    Game Version: 29.2.0
    Game Mode: AQ , EQ and Arena
    1. Game frozen during battle for one or two seconds, then continue with no chance to defend or parry or intercept.
    2. commands not responding at the beginning of the fight resulting in no defense and ko.
  • BasamiBasami Member Posts: 15
    Ingame: basami
    Device: huawei p30 pro new edition
    Problems: Aq just keeps loading when I click fight and it won't start the fight. Losing half my health and need to use units to top up my Champs.

    Aq fight starts but can't use any controls. Champion sits there and gets knocked out.

    Arena got a death match at 22 streak with 3 r1 6 stars of 10k pi eaxh

    Arena ai is sometimes back to the old passive one

  • KeeneKeene Member Posts: 9
    Google Pixel 2 XL
    Android 11
    Both cellular and WiFi
    Version 29.2.1
    Mode: all but, mostly affected is AW and AQ since the freezing causes me to lose fights, thereby negatively affecting my team
    1. I am experiencing a heavy lag and freeze issue throughout most of the game. When I go in to a part of the game (i.e. a fight or my champion roster, etc), the game stays on the load screen (see attachments) for 1-10 minutes. Yes, I left my phone on my counter and watched it for 10 minutes. The app crashes and I have to reopen. The issue is this is happening during fights that is costing me and my alliance because the fight recovery feature is not activating either.
  • CaptainMarvellCaptainMarvell Member Posts: 42
    since loading the 29.2.1 android only update to fix the bug for the AQ & AW the game will either crash or freeze after every 2 fights in any quest I'm in & will crash after 1 round of arena. I can't do the side quest as long as this is happening. I'm not risking losing half my health in AQ or AW so I've had to quit & restart for every champion I face there. how am I suppose to grind the arena when jubilee & stryfe come out if I cant even do them. it take more time reloading the game then I get to play before I have to do it all over again. there is also extremely bad lag when it comes to game play.

    for a game that's 6 years old you would think they would know how to fix a problem right away but because it causes people to spend to buy potions & revives they take forever to fix them. stop doing patchwork fixes which aren't working & take the game down for a day or 2 so you can actually fix all the bugs that are in the game right now
  • CRYO_88CRYO_88 Member Posts: 59
    Ive noticed that the game reviews are finally starting to tank in app store due to the lag and Kabam not caring to fix it
  • heruheru511heruheru511 Member Posts: 164 ★★
    I'm having problems getting into the game lately. It's all the same with Wi-Fi and Cellular, it's pretty annoying tbh. I have no issues with either of my internet. Fix your damn game Kabam!

    Using Samsung Galaxy Note 20 with the latest update on both OS and the game version.
  • heruheru511heruheru511 Member Posts: 164 ★★

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
  • Strange531Strange531 Member Posts: 16

    Aq map 4 mini boss
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