
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★

    I love BG and all but I mean isn't it like financially viable for him to invest stupid amounts of time into this game. He grinds arena like hell and has even said that he only plays MCOC and doesn't do much else. He's a nice guy and he's a great member of the community but he should be a testament as to how much time you need to spend in game and what you can't do while staying at a high level in this game
    He has millions of battle chips and like 50 platinumpool crystals. He could coast off that for months. He chooses to keep grinding arena
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★

    its not the unwillingness to do those things, it's having no units to do those things. and dont give me that "JuSt GrInD aReNa" garbage
    Just grind arena is not an garbage, it's part of your progression and it's necessary. Units is there to help you push those events and other content to 100% to get those juicy rewards. Golds are there even if it's small one. Battlechip will reward with either units or golds - if you get units that's good, if you get golds that's good anyway because we all need both of them everyday. lacking ISO? premium hero shards is there to help you. it's about your willpower. If you want it then set a goal and achieve it and feel a feat working hard for it.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,693 ★★★★★
    Also, Red Hulk slaps. Rank that man.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★

    I love BG and all but I mean isn't it like financially viable for him to invest stupid amounts of time into this game. He grinds arena like hell and has even said that he only plays MCOC and doesn't do much else. He's a nice guy and he's a great member of the community but he should be a testament as to how much time you need to spend in game and what you can't do while staying at a high level in this game
    yeah, but he get them money from youtube to keep supporting himself and his wife laura.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    He has millions of battle chips and like 50 platinumpool crystals. He could coast off that for months. He chooses to keep grinding arena
    BG plays the slow game and hoards crystals because that is how he finds enjoyment in the game. I'm also pretty sure BG only has a little under 2mil battlechips but I may be incorrect about that. He chooses to grind arena because that is what keeps him getting a constant flow of resources and if he ever stops that he instantly loses ground in the game against those who pay. BG being in MCOC day in and day out (no matter what reason) and grinding it to get titles like TB show how difficult it is to get those titles.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    Barely at half on furthest. That means you have at most 100% a want something work for it
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★
    Wiredawg1 said:

    Barely at half on furthest. That means you have at most 100% a want something work for it

    do you mean to say that it's currently your progression act 6 or what do you mean? i'm confused here.
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    Sooner or later there will be easier ways to acquire t5cc. Very possible, that there will be Cavaliers with atleast one 6* r3. Right now 6* r3 requirement makes balance in the game. IMO
  • SecretWarri0rSecretWarri0r Member Posts: 234
    Sorry, but you’re full of **** dude. For one it’s not even lopsided requirements. If you do act 6, and EQ, you will form a t5cc of a class you need, especially if you do abyss. I didn’t like it any more than you do now, but I grinded it out and so will you. I soldiered through completion on Act 6, then I farmed a boatload of revives from act 4, and grinded units up in arena, and did abyss. I got a t5cc, and I became thronebreaker. No, I didn’t pay. I buy stuff in this game often, but it’s all crystals and rank up stuff. Every scrap of t5 I’ve earned has come from EQ, story and abyss, all grinded out. Plenty before you have done it, including me, so you might as well get used to it, because they aren’t changing the requirements, ever, no matter how much complaining gets done on the forum.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Brian obviously does a lot more than just play MCOC, because he has an MCOC Youtube channel. That means he spends probably dozens of hours a month or more editing and uploading videos, and he does a lot of content specifically to entertain his channel subs that he might not otherwise do, or do to the same extent, if he was just playing for himself.

    Certainly, as someone who does this full time, he has more time to spend playing than the average player. But he is probably actually at somewhat of a disadvantage compared to people who dedicate all their free time to the game.

    Everybody gets Brian Grant wrong. Brian is not an example of what the typical player can achieve. But he's also not proof that you need put that much effort into the game either. Brian is in one of the top alliances in the game and among one of the top players of a game with hundreds of thousands of active players, if not millions. Brian Grant is proof that the game provides enough opportunities to succeed at the highest levels of the game without spending money. That's all. But you don't have to spend that kind of time to just do well in the game. Someone who spends half the time Brian does could still be a way above average player.

    If your goal is to be one of the top players of the game, then you have to put in comparable effort to what the other top players of the game put in. That has nothing to do with the game, and everything to do with those players. But if you just want to do well, it is obvious you can greatly accelerate your progress by spending. No one needs to prove that. But you can also do well without spending a cent, and Brian Grant proves that. Not by being an example to follow exactly. Just by showing what the ceiling is for F2P players, which is super super super super high. For Brian, actually being near the top, he sees everything relatively. Relative to where he is, he sees all the constraints of being F2P on getting further, and all the advantages he is passing up by not spending. And to be honest, I think a part of him likes it. The struggle of being an underdog is one of the things I think drives him. He sees the obstacles and if he had the power to change them he would, but I also think figuring out ways to get past them gives him a sense of accomplishment. He did it his way, in spite of the disadvantages.

    But for the *average* F2P player, what lesson should they learn from Brian? The lesson is simply this: that you're constrained almost entirely by the amount of effort you want to put in, and nothing else. You choose how fast you advance. If you want to put in less time, the only thing that will change is you'll advance a little slower. You will still get there eventually. And if you want to go faster, the sky is the limit on how fast you can go, if only you put in the effort.

    Brian tells me what kind of game MCOC is. If you're someone that thinks you should put in whatever effort you think is appropriate and then you should get whatever rewards you deserve, this game is not for you. If you're someone that just wants the opportunity to succeed to be there, and for your accomplishments in the game to be determined by and reflect your effort, then this game will give you that, if that's how you choose to play the game.

    You can also choose to spend your way to the top, in which case the (smarter) free to play players thank you for keeping the lights on and letting them play a game like this completely for free.
    *clap clap clap clap clap clap* bravo! *clap clap clap* bravo! i couldn't say it any better. it did open my eyes a bit and i appreciated what the game has gotten me to and given to me with efforts put on. there have been irritating moments, there have been questionable moments, but keep pushing and the game will reward you for the effort you put in. i try to not compare myself to other because i don't see any points in it. in my case people questioning me why i rank up a random - out - of - the - meta - chart champion, i always say '' i like them and i do arena. i wanna go back to my life so i just rank any available that is ready to be ranked up and call it a day. the more max ranked collections, the faster the milestones and the more free time i can get later on.''
  • JonnySnowJonnySnow Member Posts: 117
    Crcrcrc said:

    Nope, not even Thronebreaker. But it isn't my choice how progression works. I disagreed with it at first, but seeing how it keeps out the players who aren't going the distance to do Abyss or 100% act 6, I see that it is a good thing.
    Not everyone :wink: (nor did I buy my way either)
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  • BestReconBestRecon Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    You sound like the type of player that rarely grinds arena. Abyss only takes about 4-6k units and depending on your roster, that can be only a couple of weeks of grinding. I'm currently planning to go into abyss myself soon, I'm at 3.5k units, and not once did it cross my mind to pay for those.
  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114

    1: getting a t5cc has nothing to do with progressing your account. is it completely luck based which is not related to skill or commitment.

    Yeah, beating Abyss of Legends has NOTHING TO DO with progressing your account. You probably have 6* champs that are worth it if you have been Cavalier since the beginning, but are "holding out" for that absolute god tier champ to do it.
  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114
    ImGodMF said:

    What a baby. Firstly, call me a liar all you want, but I've done 3 abyss paths and am currently sitting on 4.3k units for my 4th path, all grinded.

    2ndly, call Rulk average at best all you want but you're wrong.

    Props to r3 Rulk bro! Who needs to r3 super god tiers when we are getting all these benefits!!
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    1: yes it is, you can get a fully formed by doing an end game piece of content. (Abyss)
    2: there are several free to play Players WHO have done it. Even free to olay youtubers like Brian Grant. Come gifting I Will be Trading my 14k units for stuff. And yes. I have been grinding for those units in Arena since October. Pretty sure it is Doable with those amounts.
    3: why wouldnt you. It is a good Investment. And Will get you better r3 6* Champs Quicker. Since Everywhere in the game you would be getting better prices.

    And lastly being a late Cavalier has Nothing to do with the time you have been Cavalier persee, but rather with the progression you have made since Cavalier.
  • ImGodMFImGodMF Member Posts: 459 ★★★
    Aznkerbz said:

    Thanks mate! I was actually already TB before R3 rulk because R3 Corvus. But Rulk is amazing, I chose him over Torch too.
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    The requirements to thronebreaker for anyone who doesn't know is to defeat the final Grandmaster boss in act 6 for the first time and to rank 3 any 6* champion. The grandmaster boss requirement is fine but where the problem starts is the requirement is rank 3 a 6*. I have been cavalier pretty much since that title launched with act 6 so i am what some would call a "late cavalier" player. So it upset me when one needs to rank 3 a 6* champion to upgrade to thronebreaker.
    1: getting a t5cc has nothing to do with progressing your account. is it completely luck based which is not related to skill or commitment.
    2: getting a t5cc can also be classified as pay to win by people who buy offers that gives them t5cc fragments or pay units to do an abyss run or 100% act 6 (don't lie if anyone says they didn't pay to do those tasks, don't tell me you grinded thousands of units, you payed.
    3: idk about anyone else but my 6* luck has been abysmal to say the least and i don't want to have to rank 3 a **** 6* just to get thronebreaker (for example if I get a science t5cc, the best character I have is red hulk whos average at best)
    4: also stop with the bad offers trying to charge $100 for random t5cc fragments

    I feel a way to fix this would be to either change the 10% fragments from cav difficulty to a random 25% OR keep it 10% but its either in nexus form or you just choose. Because where I'm at right now, I'm barely half way to a mystic t5cc and at this rate, i might not get thronebreaker for at least 5 months (that's IF i can pull nothing but mystics)

    How often do you play map 7x5 with epic mods?
  • edited December 2020
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  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    You sir are completely wrong. I did not pay to rank 3 my magneto nor did I pay to rank 3 my Claire. I also will not pay to rank 3 my next 2 champs (marvel and void). All of these were just me playing and popping crystal after crystal. I’m sure people have seen me say how I play the game.

    I don’t pay to progress, most of my account progression is me grinding for units and farming for revives and potions.

    I get the sigil (doesn’t give any frags) and I get the monthly unit deal for 4.99. I also don’t spend my units on anything other than content.

    During gifting I will go crazy with the units ive been saving since July but that’s what I always do in December. I have 35000 units saved. 80% is from farming and grinding. The other 20% is from sigil and the unit deals.

    Don’t say people have to pay to win because I know folks who haven’t.

    I also have 50+ 6 stars and a bunch and I mean a bunch of trash.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    You sir are completely wrong. I did not pay to rank 3 my magneto nor did I pay to rank 3 my Claire. I also will not pay to rank 3 my next 2 champs (marvel and void). All of these were just me playing and popping crystal after crystal. I’m sure people have seen me say how I play the game.

    I don’t pay to progress, most of my account progression is me grinding for units and farming for revives and potions.

    I get the sigil (doesn’t give any frags) and I get the monthly unit deal for 4.99. I also don’t spend my units on anything other than content.

    During gifting I will go crazy with the units ive been saving since July but that’s what I always do in December. I have 35000 units saved. 80% is from farming and grinding. The other 20% is from sigil and the unit deals.

    Don’t say people have to pay to win because I know folks who haven’t.

    I also have 50+ 6 stars and a bunch and I mean a bunch of trash.

    It's no use. They are going to say that you pay with your time you put into the game like they always say with BG that he gets paid from youtube etc..
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    Baffles me how there are people that still think Rulk is just average. He's one of the most used war attackers
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