For those of you who are Thronebreaker - would you take a bad champion up to Rank 3 to achieve it?

Knowing what you know, is it worth it? I’m seconds from completing my first Tier 5 Class Catalyst but the class I’m closest to achieving a fully formed Tier 5 CC is one in which I have no useful champions. Is it worth it just to get the daily deals and Glory store upgrades?
in conclusion, you’ll eventually get the desired T5CC. and for now, the contents don’t really require 6 star R3s yet so there’s nothing wrong with taking a terrible champ to R3 for the time being, especially if you’re so far from forming another T5CC. but if you’re close to forming another T5CC, i’d suggest you wait for a bit or try to do other contents
Unfortunately, I have horrible luck.
Of my Tier 5 CC storage,I have:
33,300 Mystic
30,150 Science
29,700 Tech
I’m struggling as to which class to use the 25% selector on.
In Mystic, I have Morningstar, Iron Fist, and Ebony Maw (all unawakened).
In Science, I have MODOK, Sentry, and Abomination (I don’t have Guardian).
In tech, I have multiple worthy champions to Rank 3 - particularly Awakened Hulkbuster.
If I choose Tech, I could be waiting for a few more months before I could become Thronebreaker (I’ll be about 5,000 Tier 5 CC off).
If I choose Mystic, I could possibly become Thronebreaker this month if I choose Shards for the next half of the side event... but I have no worthy champion to rank up.
For those of you who are Thronebreaker, what do you suggest? Should I just try to get it as fast as I can and rank up a mystic champion I won’t use (not sure if unawakened Maw would be good for defense)? Or should I take the long road and build up my Tech class?
Why not hold onto it? Why waste a resource you'll regret later. 5 and 6* shards are extremely common now. Open some more crystals. Join a map 7 alliance doing epic mods and you'll get more t5cc faster. 2700+ glory is too much for a 10% random crystal anyway.
What does TB give you right now? A steady flow of t4b t4c t2a and t5b from the daily crystals. If you’re lucky 5/6* shards and champs and T5cc. 2 basic cavs a month. Access to better offers and not a great deal more.
Hopefully soon we get some TB content and the rewards that go with it.
Short term it isn’t worth it. Long term it is more than worth it. In the short term you will have a bad r3. In the long term you will have much more opportunity than if you don’t. It might take a little while to get there but I’m getting an extra 15% t5c per month now Than when I was cavalier plus the daily crystal boost.
I’m not one and would/WILL rank up anyone I need to.
Thousands of threads and videos on what you can get from the daily crystals...WORTH IT!!!
I’m half way to a T5 tech...then I’m thornbreaker
Not TB, but sat on a T5 mutant. Popped fourth featured 6* and wound up with Apocalypse. Decided to take him to R3 instead of my R2 Havok.
I’d like to think it was worth the wait.
Dr. Zola
Also.... *Thronebreaker.
A suboptimal champ? Absolutely.
Probably around the high demi god and above on Seatins tier list is a good ballpark.
But no I wouldn't have R3'd a not-so-good champ for it like say Diablo unawakened or something. All my below average 6* stay at rank 1 just for arena.
You get 5% each week from Glory, 5% each month from calander. And your daily and 4h crystals are much better also.
So you`ll probably be getting that Tech champ upgraded much sooner if you go for another class now. Than as when you wait for that last 5k shards as a cavalier.