Login calendar...what the...

Why are the last two days removed from the login calendar for the month of February?? I know there are 28 days so to fit the calendar, it has been done. But The last two days give the best items! If you want to remove item days, remove the first two days!!
is it really that big of a deal
When the calader first started the was only 28 day of rewards and 2-3 graces
This you?
OP is saying the calendar rewards should start from the Day 3 gold and skip Days 1 & 2, not that there should be more days in February.
Thank you!!! Finally someone who's not just trolling and pointing out the actual point of the post!!
Don't want to give a full blown science lesson here, but:
Hot bodies tend to transfer heat to cold bodies (conductors do, but I can't be bothered today, so). Since humans are the ones who are doing all the measuring here anyway, anything below our body temperature, or anything that we can lose heat to, is cold. And anything hotter than out body temperature is considered hot, or warm.
Our normal body temperature is the basis, or the zero value, in relation to which an object is classified as hot or cold.
The cut-off for hot or warm, however, is purely dependent on the situation and the person.
In conclusion, sun=hot.