Suicides for current meta

I am finding that with the health pools of cavalier difficulty and act 6.3 and beyond that Suicides is not really worth it anymore. Of course it has its uses in some fights/paths and of course makes some champs insane but I am just finding it more and more difficult justifying keeping them on to benefit a few characters and get through arena way quicker.
Curious to see if there are any other heavy suicide players out there like me who have been keeping them off quite a bit lately due to the current content and meta of the game. One thing I think could be done differently is adjusting recoil to maybe be a lesser percentage of health per special? Just a thought. Curious to see what others think.
I was really hoping there would be something in the roadmap about masteries because if resets didn’t cost anything I would certainly use them a lot more. Not sure I would even recommend new players going for them anymore.
Are you a player who has suicides unlocked who uses them more often than not?
Curious to see if there are any other heavy suicide players out there like me who have been keeping them off quite a bit lately due to the current content and meta of the game. One thing I think could be done differently is adjusting recoil to maybe be a lesser percentage of health per special? Just a thought. Curious to see what others think.
I was really hoping there would be something in the roadmap about masteries because if resets didn’t cost anything I would certainly use them a lot more. Not sure I would even recommend new players going for them anymore.
Are you a player who has suicides unlocked who uses them more often than not?
And if you think about all the top champs in the game, most benefit greatly from suicides. Quake, Ghost, OR, Mags, AA, Claire, Ægon, Corvus, CMM, CGR, CAIW, Warlock, G99, Guardian, and more are all great with them and easily outnumber the amount of top champs that just do not work well with suicides imo.
One thing I'd suggest is to run 3/3 coagulate. I run it and it allows me to use a lot of champs that people wouldn't necessarily call "suicide friendly". I can still use anyone that doesn't spam specials on a day to day basis.
They're still perfectly viable though. It's just a question of do you want to use the same 5 or 6 champs for everything and how much do you mind recoil?
As for recoil, I actually find that there's plenty of nodes nowadays to take advantage of willpower to regen the recoil damage, since there's a good amount that give you non damaging debuffs to heal from.
It's all personal preference at the end of the day, but it's viable to run them, and it's viable not to run them.
I never find myself wanting more than 3/5 in MD so it works great for me. What can mess with this setup is if you want to put some points into Despair or Deep Wounds, maybe even something like Resonate. That's when you've gotta decide if you wanna drop MD or Coag, or maybe even both. It's all up to personal preference, game progression, and what your roster looks like.
I'd much rather spam specials with 2x doom, fury, 2 x torch, void, venom, sunspot and colossus than run suicides with my warlock, corvus, bwcv, ghost, magneto, omega and guardian. Almost all of them hit plenty hard without suicides and can then throw a lot more specials to bring health pools down (except corvus - he truly needs suicides against big health pools) without taking a hit on health.
Then, there's war. I'm not in an elite ally so I don't have to remove suicides, but if that's required, it gets expensive and annoying.
Neither way is wrong or right. Some scenarios will benefit with or without (Fighting a stacked void with them on can be deadly). It really boils down to your own preference. I prefer just maxing glass cannon and adding points to assassin and courage. That way, you get to throw specials all day long and get an attack increase when your health is lower.
I find it balanced enough to be worth the help in arena and most content, without being too punishing in higher end content and AQ/AW, so I don't have to keep switching it around, and I can use pretty much whatever champ I want most of the time. I hate switching masteries around, at least in the short term, so I am less trying to optimize masteries for peak performance as I am trying to squeeze out what I can without impairing my gameplay too much.
I got bored of using the same champs all the time and since pulling doom earlier this month, I’ve switched them off to play other champs and finish act 7. I have to say I’m enjoying the game a lot at the moment as I’m not restricted for champ choices.
That being said, I never felt like I had to turn them off because of the meta. If you run top tier AW then switching them off from time to time is required, but at the end of the day, it’s comes down to the champs you have in your roster as to the suitability of using/having suicides.
Without this I would prob run them non-stop esp with my R3 Ghost.
I think that for summoners who are finding their way through act 4/5/6/7 (I mean completing and trying to explore) suicides could be an amazing unit saver if you have the right champions. Just aas an example, I used to use my 5 stars version of ghost with full synergy everywhere, and I destroyed anything. This being said, if you're a ghost, corvus, omega red, any other suicide friendly champ, then it's the most obvious choice.
For me, at the moment, suicides are useless since the "new" wave of champions (I mean 2019/2020 released champions) actually require some special attack use to be great, as an example, we all love Dr Doom as the best mystic champ, and he is just almost useless with suicides. Also when you're focused on AW, you just can't put on deffense with suicides, and FOR ME it's to expensive to put them on and off every war, besides as a heavy quake user they just end up killing me softly.
So that's my opinion and my experience, right now I love using champions like Prof X, Apocalypse, Cosmic ghost rider and they just don't go that fine with suicides because of recoil.
Also I just got Stryfe from the featured arena and he isn't that suicide friendly.