How many points do you have in willpower?

I’m trying to decide what to do with my masteries currently and I was wondering about how most of you feel about willpower. It looks useful but I don’t know how often it would proc and be helpful. I’m also not sure of how useful 1 point verses 3 is. So what do you guys run? If you could specific if you run suicides or not that would also be very helpful.
How many points do you have in willpower? 165 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
and I'm on the GM. Yeah I'm that bad
Currently sacrificing despair/dw tree in order to run MD. Yay bad mystic luck.
If you aren’t doing suicides, I think you can get more benefit from other masteries.
Still 3/3 when suicides is off.
Without Suicides
when not using suicides I run 3/3 in willpower and 1/3 in salve... you’ll be surprised how long you can last in the “_ debuff drains 100% health in 60 seconds” noded. You’ll last ab 2 mins... willpower has helped me survive SOOOOO MUCH and I’ve explored all the variants twice on both my accs explored acts 1-5 and 7.1... you won’t be let down investing in 3/3 willpower