Missing Persistant Charges? Help find the Cause of the Bug!



  • sharkdeavoursharkdeavour Member Posts: 457 ★★

    Greetings Summoners,

    Some of you have recently reported that you've had issues where your Champions seem to be missing their Persistant Charges. This is a strange bug that seems to affect each user differently. Most Summoners were completely unaffected, but some had lost charges on all of their Champions.

    We're looking to get to the bottom of this and could use your help. If you encountered these issues, can you please provide us with the following information:

    • Username: Sharkdeavor
    • Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: been months
    • Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): Nick Fury (5*, sig level 5), Apoc (6* r2 unduped and 5* r4 sig level 45+)
    • Opponent Champion: every single one
    • Game Mode: every quest
    • Quest Node (if applicable)
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    • Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game): Yes
    • Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?: Yes
    • Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): Yes
    • Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?: Before the update it does work but now its useless
    • Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
    Thank you all in advance for your help.
  • SugarCircuitSugarCircuit Member Posts: 63
    Username sugarcircuit
    Device Pixel 4a.

    In the course of one AQ map 7. I had a whole bunch of issues. First, neither professor X nor apocalypse had persistent charges. This is at about 7:30pm Eastern US on April 18. Just before this fight I had an issue with Nick Fury in EQ. But right before that I was on my alt, which had no issues with corvus in AQ.

    The next day, April 19 about 9:45 am, professor X now has 5 persistent charges, which I thought was pretty exciting since he's capped at 4.

    In the very next fight, he was back to his max of 4.
    Plz fix k thnx.

    FWIW, I also had issues using Human Torch on Polka dot Power which some people said might be related?

  • KrayZStuntsKrayZStunts Member Posts: 4
    I have posted multiple times and this is annoying. When are we going to be compensated??? This has cost me quite a bit. My best champ enters alliance quest with one foot in the grave. I have had to spend money, units, revives, health potions...I feel like this is an intentional bug to squeeze more money out of its players.

    5* awakened nick fury, sig 200
    9pm April, 19 2021
    Alliance quest with parry curse
    Nick starts quest without his LMD

    If you can't fix it, compensate us. Better yet, fix it and compensate us. This game is becoming less and less fun to play, thanks to all these bugs.
  • ChomamaChomama Member Posts: 1
    Username: chomama~1
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue:4/19 8:30pm pst
    Champion Involved: Awakened Corvus 5*, corvus 6*, Nick fury
    Opponent Champion: rocket raccoon in AQ section 2 path B.
    Game Mode: AQ map 5, EQ
    Quest Node (if applicable)
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes both corvus' was missing PC, but still had their enhanced damage. NF in new EQ immediately after however did not have his LMD.
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): v30.2.1 and others before.
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Yes. Same NF in same EQ got his LMD back on same quest after restart.
  • GBearSmithGBearSmith Member Posts: 45
    20/04/21 08:40am uk time
    Nick Fury r5
    Alliance war (thank god it wasn't season)
    Against r5 awakened Thing
    Node 53

  • despot1despot1 Member Posts: 20

    User name: despot1
    As attached I started fight with Fury and immediately I lost my decoy and started with second life degenerating.
    Happened at 20th of April at 10:16am
    Quest: contest of realms.
    After fight I saw that cap Marvel dont have them as well.
    This issue happened before as well many times in different quests even AQ.
  • Genesis1_0_1_Genesis1_0_1_ Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2021

    Username: Genesis1.0.1
    Time: 19:35 (india)
    Quest: clash of realms, AQ, AW
    Characters: Nick fury 5* Awakened, Corvus Glaive 5* awakened

    Happens very very often....
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,783 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Boo can you see if you can send an in game message to let people know that a temp fix to this is to restart the game? I think that might help everyone for the time being. Mostly.....
  • ChubbyRainChubbyRain Member Posts: 1
    Username: Krazee-EyezKilla
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Since February update.
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): Nick Fury (5*, sig level 5), Apoc (6* r2 unduped and 5* r4 sig level 45+): All my champions that have persistent charges are affected.
    Opponent Champion: All
    Game Mode: All
    Quest Node (if applicable); All
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game): Yes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?: Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): Yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?: Restarting the game, clearing cache, even re-installing the game did not fix the issue.
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
    Thank you all in advance for your help.
  • LoganSavage115LoganSavage115 Member Posts: 15
    LoganSavage115 4/20/21 6:30 pm cat. 5* Nick Fury awakened. Happened in Alliance Quest map 4. Happened during the very first fight I used him in against captain america ww2 left middle path. I've updated to current version and I didn't restart.
  • Nightwalker02Nightwalker02 Member Posts: 9
    Again. As another user posted, this happens frequently but there are times when things seem to work. Today seems to be a bad day where the Persistent Charges keep disappearing. Today is 4/20/2021. Ongoing issue since at least two months ago.
  • aCidViciousaCidVicious Member Posts: 16
    username: aCid Vicious
    have noticed this over the past week

    max level 4* awakened Nick Fury

    any time I've faced Prof X in Alliance Quest, and any time I've used Fury in the side quest contest of realms

    LMD activates at the beginning of fight, removing 70% of HP and preventing revive
  • VijayendraSVijayendraS Member Posts: 13
    User name Vijayendra
    Time 23:00 ist
    Champions Nick fury, aegon, captain marvel
  • JJPjumperJJPjumper Member Posts: 30
    1:30 on 4/21
    Nick Fury went straight to 30% in legendary side quest and in duel
  • KeeneKeene Member Posts: 9
    Username: R00sterIllusion, running version 30.2.1 on Android version 11 (Google Pixel 2XL)
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: multiple, earliest being 22 April at 0545 (JST)
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): both 5* awakened Nick Fury and Corvus
    Opponent Champion Cyclops in side quest and Carnage in AQ map 5
    Quest Node: unsure but it has happened with numerous

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes. I entered AQ this time and had charges. Logged in this morning and they were gone.

    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes

    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance)
    Unsure, I'm running 30.2.1 but it has been going on for about one month or so

    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? Yes. Both have worked.
  • Shakenbake629Shakenbake629 Member Posts: 22
    Username - shakenbake629
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue - April 21, 7:40pm EST
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus) - 6* r3 sig 200 aegon, 5* r5 sig 200 corvus
    Opponent Champion - yellow jacket, masacre
    Game Mode - AQ
    Quest Node (if applicable) - true strike on YJ, heal prevention on Masacre

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game) - across multiple fights, yes. Did not attempt other game modes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? - yes, both aegon and corvus
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance) - I am on version 30.2.1, as well as most recent Android 11 on Pixel 3xl
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? Yes, restarted game and persistent charges were back on both aegon and corvus
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
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  • KyrinMcHKyrinMcH Member Posts: 44
    Username - KyrinMcH
    Approximate Date/Time - 22/04/21 01.00Am Uk time
    Champion Involved - 5-Star Awakened Corvus & 5-Star Awakened morningstar
    Opponent Champion - Green goblin, longshot
    Game Mode - aq

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? - yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? yes
  • mdsubmdsub Member Posts: 180
    April 21 830pm Eastern time
    6 star Nick Fury awakened sig 134
    Fighting against a cosmic Doombot in AQ
    Nick Fury does not have his LMD awakened ability, this happened continued to happen despite restarting the game. It’s been an ongoing issue when I play on my Android phone but now it is happening while using my IPad too. It happened earlier while clearing a path in monthly event quest earlier today on my Android phone This is extremely frustrating!
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 766 ★★★
    This just happened to me in AQ again. When are we gonna get a fix to this. I don't even care about comp at this point for all the fights it cost just get it fixed.
  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 442 ★★
    April 22 0240 ish UK.
    Just now, NF degenned straight to 30% in aq when it was his first fight, map 4 section 2 v guillotine. Also checked corvus straightaway and he had 0 charges even though he was used against vision aou in section 1.
    Update.. having read the above comments to restart the game I did and lo and behold the charges are back, even NF is on his first life BUT the damage has been done due to the initial bug. 😐
  • KeeneKeene Member Posts: 9
    Forgot to post these with my earlier submission

  • lozzadudelozzadude Member Posts: 170
    edited April 2021
    Just happened to me. My CG got no charges in AQ & the game wasn't showing the persistent charge icon. My NF just went into his second Life. No champs with persistent charges showed the icon. Restarted & now they're back.

    Username: lozzadude
    iPhone 7 plus

  • Prajval849Prajval849 Member Posts: 16
    issue occured in April
    Nick fury
    Contest of realms

    Nick fury was supposed to be fixed in april update but it still degens to 30% with no presistant charge. It occures everytime in the contest of realms side quest
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  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★
    I usually get the persistant charges back after 1 or 2 reset but now I'm at 7 in a row and nothing...
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  • Crusty21Crusty21 Member Posts: 8
    This bug happens to me more often than not. It's extremely frustrating as I would like to use my r3 Nick Fury that I've put significant resources in to.

    I've tried restarting the game, over and over and nothing seems to work. I would bug is on about 75% of the time.

    When bug is on, there's no charges shown for any champ. Nick loses his decoy and goes straight into real NF. This happens when I attack vs a NF in AW as well. Corvus' persistent charges do not show, but he does get the cruelty charges that go with his missions and they do transfer to the next fight as they should.

    Please fix. Please contact me for vids or screenshots. Can reproduce just about any time.
  • Bmr5120Bmr5120 Member Posts: 7
    Using Nick Fury r2 6* sig 20
    Happened on path five first section second node of AW against Black Widow Clair.
    Happened a second time directly after in arena when testing it out. Fury r4 5* sig 80ish against Hulk
    8pm est
    Happened after updating. This was the only champ I tried.
  • _darkplague_darkplague Member Posts: 6
    23rd April encountered but it happened multiple times before
    NF 5* and 6* awakened
    Corvus 6* unawakened
    Multiple opponents
    Side quest
    AQ map6
    Story quest
    It persisted through the session
    I update as updates come out
    Doesn't seem that restarting fixed it
    No ss or videos
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