New Arena Structure Feedback



  • SirmacoolSirmacool Member Posts: 413 ★★
    As F2P there has been no chance to get top milestone rewards and earn a 5*. Less I give up sleep maybe. So now with the changes, you want to absolutely guarantee that I dont ever get the 5*. I also dont have a chance at a 6*. Im no whale but the $10-20 I spend here is a waste of time. That money will go elsewhere.
    I grinded as much as I could with my free time this arena. Got just over 10 mil. so getting higher up to try to get a 5 or 6*. lmao, never going to happen. Might as well lock those rewards out for non whales.
  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    The community choice arena seems like a bad thing now that the format has change...

    Milestones are harder to get with the new format so i'd give this a miss but instead use my champs wisely and instead target the units from the main 3 arena formats.
  • ЛеГеНдА55ЛеГеНдА55 Member Posts: 3
    Arena op
    Very much
  • CyberOneMillionCyberOneMillion Member Posts: 20
    The goal of the arena update was to prevent summoners from 100 percenting milestones in multiple arenas. This can be achieved by locking a summoner into their first chosen arena as is done with alliance wars and alliance quests. The 6* featured arena allows the use of 4*, 5*, & 6* champions just as the 5* featured arena did. No specific champion rarites were added into this arena. Therefore the increase of the final milestone is unjustified. Nobody can say that the 6* featured arena is a 4* featured arena with 6* rarity champions now allowed. That would give some validity to the higher milestones and ignore the fact that we have been playing the 5 star featured arena for several years now. The addition of a 6* champion as a rank reward alone will drive up the scores. The summoners that are chasing after the 6* champion will grind many more points beyond the final milestone than when the 5* champion was the top prize.
  • Snags78Snags78 Member Posts: 8

    Hey everybody, thank you all for your feedback. We're hearing a lot about the Milestones (which is great), but if you have any other feedback, like on matches/deathmatches etc., please make sure to share that too.

    Additionally, please keep your feedback constructive. If you do or don't like something, tell us why. I've cleaned up a lot of posts that tell us how they feel, but not what the reason is. Actionable feedback is always best, and to get to that, we need to understand the concern itself.

    Thank you all for all the thoughts and feedback so far. Keep it coming!

    So far the matches have felt the same, but I am really having trouble motivating to get to it knowing how much less i would be getting overall.

    Things I like and you should keep:
    - Champ in milestones
    - less arenas
    - grandmaster shards (should be cavalier for cav+ players)

    Things that need to change:
    - Cooldown times
    - points differences based on rank of champion
    - Milestones
    I like this but would also add to do away with death matches
  • Neto11SportNeto11Sport Member Posts: 4
    My suggestion is that you really want to keep these two arenas. That at least "facilitate" the acquisition of 5 or 6 stars(which I find almost impossible).
    Or that they create specific arenas for players who are just starting out, using their titles.
    Because if you continue in this tone, many people who depended on the arena to make resources will give up the game!
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 749 ★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I get that most people including me don't like that the grinding for units have been made more time consuming. But attacking anyone who actually likes the new arena structure makes no sense. Some people have played a longer time or spent more money or both. Why are you targeting them instead of giving feedback to Kabam?

    No one should be attacked for liking the new arenas but their comments should be criticized.

    10% of players are responsible for 50% of the revenue.

    The other 90% are f2p or semi-f2p, and they need reasonable access to units or they can't play the game at all. The new arenas are cutting off their oxygen and they're slowly but surely dying. That's half the game's revenue!

    The whales, spenders, and vets need to realize that the advantage they enjoy over others won't mean anything if the game dies.
    Why do those comments matter less than others? When someone says they like the new format because it suits their roster, they immediately get called out as whale or a Kabam shill. Why though? The game accommodates every kind of player. Why should anyone be criticized for liking the change?. Lots of people don't even like arena even though they are FTP and don't grind them, should we criticize them too?
    BTW, you have no data on how much players are completely FTP or how much are casual spenders. Only Kabam has the data. So, we really cannot judge what will happen if they decide to keep the format and milestones. All we have are some immediate reactions from players. We could have players adapt and start grinding more or grinding less.
    What good is arena if the game's over? If someone said they'd be happy moving to a city where everyone's dying is a fool and not to be taken seriously.

    These changes hurt the vets too and they're too blinded by the extra 6 star shards to realize it.
    Your right.. there is desperate need for an ‘in the middle arena’ as smaller accounts need somewhere to help grow accounts.

    Again, to only show people what the difference is, I have only ran my 6* roster whilst I made and ate dinner, put kids to bed etc...

    Means 3 rounds and arena done

  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 749 ★★★★

    Would not attach
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I get that most people including me don't like that the grinding for units have been made more time consuming. But attacking anyone who actually likes the new arena structure makes no sense. Some people have played a longer time or spent more money or both. Why are you targeting them instead of giving feedback to Kabam?

    No one should be attacked for liking the new arenas but their comments should be criticized.

    10% of players are responsible for 50% of the revenue.

    The other 90% are f2p or semi-f2p, and they need reasonable access to units or they can't play the game at all. The new arenas are cutting off their oxygen and they're slowly but surely dying. That's half the game's revenue!

    The whales, spenders, and vets need to realize that the advantage they enjoy over others won't mean anything if the game dies.
    Why do those comments matter less than others? When someone says they like the new format because it suits their roster, they immediately get called out as whale or a Kabam shill. Why though? The game accommodates every kind of player. Why should anyone be criticized for liking the change?. Lots of people don't even like arena even though they are FTP and don't grind them, should we criticize them too?
    BTW, you have no data on how much players are completely FTP or how much are casual spenders. Only Kabam has the data. So, we really cannot judge what will happen if they decide to keep the format and milestones. All we have are some immediate reactions from players. We could have players adapt and start grinding more or grinding less.
    What good is arena if the game's over? If someone said they'd be happy moving to a city where everyone's dying is a fool and not to be taken seriously.

    These changes hurt the vets too and they're too blinded by the extra 6 star shards to realize it.
    It's an over reaction from the community as usual for a change in the game. Kabam have already said they are looking into making changes, but everyone wants it done now. Game is not getting over anytime soon. Kabam have still posted a comfortable quarter albeit less than what they actually do. Go watch Seatin break down why their earnings are still impressive.
    How are these changes hurting the vet? it actually benefits them the most. So, I am not sure where you are getting this from. All I said was don't attack the person saying they like this arena, you said they should be criticized as well which makes no sense. Just because you don't like the change, no one has to? The arena has to change to accommodate low to mid tier players also, but the attitude of the community has to change too to accept alternate views and not call everyone who likes the change a Kabam shill.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I get that most people including me don't like that the grinding for units have been made more time consuming. But attacking anyone who actually likes the new arena structure makes no sense. Some people have played a longer time or spent more money or both. Why are you targeting them instead of giving feedback to Kabam?

    No one should be attacked for liking the new arenas but their comments should be criticized.

    10% of players are responsible for 50% of the revenue.

    The other 90% are f2p or semi-f2p, and they need reasonable access to units or they can't play the game at all. The new arenas are cutting off their oxygen and they're slowly but surely dying. That's half the game's revenue!

    The whales, spenders, and vets need to realize that the advantage they enjoy over others won't mean anything if the game dies.
    Why do those comments matter less than others? When someone says they like the new format because it suits their roster, they immediately get called out as whale or a Kabam shill. Why though? The game accommodates every kind of player. Why should anyone be criticized for liking the change?. Lots of people don't even like arena even though they are FTP and don't grind them, should we criticize them too?
    BTW, you have no data on how much players are completely FTP or how much are casual spenders. Only Kabam has the data. So, we really cannot judge what will happen if they decide to keep the format and milestones. All we have are some immediate reactions from players. We could have players adapt and start grinding more or grinding less.
    What good is arena if the game's over? If someone said they'd be happy moving to a city where everyone's dying is a fool and not to be taken seriously.

    These changes hurt the vets too and they're too blinded by the extra 6 star shards to realize it.
    It's an over reaction from the community as usual for a change in the game. Kabam have already said they are looking into making changes, but everyone wants it done now. Game is not getting over anytime soon. Kabam have still posted a comfortable quarter albeit less than what they actually do. Go watch Seatin break down why their earnings are still impressive.
    How are these changes hurting the vet? it actually benefits them the most. So, I am not sure where you are getting this from. All I said was don't attack the person saying they like this arena, you said they should be criticized as well which makes no sense. Just because you don't like the change, no one has to? The arena has to change to accommodate low to mid tier players also, but the attitude of the community has to change too to accept alternate views and not call everyone who likes the change a Kabam shill.
    The community cries about everything but these complaints have merit and need immediate attention. This is worse than 12.0 because the f2p system still functioned then, now it's just gone.

    Vets are happy soaking in all the shards (I'm one of them), but what's the point if it kills the bottom 90%??? You realize Kabam would shut it down, right? And then we'd have no game and no shards and no crystals.
    Kabam would shut what down? The game? How do you go from arena change to game shutting down in a span of 3 days? They have said that it is being discussed, what more do you think should be done? This was the second round of the same arena that was run on Wednesday, how can they just change it after 1 round? I get that people want a solution now, but we also need to think of the bigger picture. They may actually change it for the next set of champs back to the old system, they also need to change their plans as to what champs to give because they may not have expected such a backlash.
    Could this have been done in a better way? Definitely. But, it's a screw up that they need to clean up now. They have got suggestions from the CCP and the community, let them come up with a plan first before raising doomsday predictions.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Greekhit said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I get that most people including me don't like that the grinding for units have been made more time consuming. But attacking anyone who actually likes the new arena structure makes no sense. Some people have played a longer time or spent more money or both. Why are you targeting them instead of giving feedback to Kabam?

    No one should be attacked for liking the new arenas but their comments should be criticized.

    10% of players are responsible for 50% of the revenue.

    The other 90% are f2p or semi-f2p, and they need reasonable access to units or they can't play the game at all. The new arenas are cutting off their oxygen and they're slowly but surely dying. That's half the game's revenue!

    The whales, spenders, and vets need to realize that the advantage they enjoy over others won't mean anything if the game dies.
    Why do those comments matter less than others? When someone says they like the new format because it suits their roster, they immediately get called out as whale or a Kabam shill. Why though? The game accommodates every kind of player. Why should anyone be criticized for liking the change?. Lots of people don't even like arena even though they are FTP and don't grind them, should we criticize them too?
    BTW, you have no data on how much players are completely FTP or how much are casual spenders. Only Kabam has the data. So, we really cannot judge what will happen if they decide to keep the format and milestones. All we have are some immediate reactions from players. We could have players adapt and start grinding more or grinding less.
    What good is arena if the game's over? If someone said they'd be happy moving to a city where everyone's dying is a fool and not to be taken seriously.

    These changes hurt the vets too and they're too blinded by the extra 6 star shards to realize it.
    It's an over reaction from the community as usual for a change in the game. Kabam have already said they are looking into making changes, but everyone wants it done now. Game is not getting over anytime soon. Kabam have still posted a comfortable quarter albeit less than what they actually do. Go watch Seatin break down why their earnings are still impressive.
    How are these changes hurting the vet? it actually benefits them the most. So, I am not sure where you are getting this from. All I said was don't attack the person saying they like this arena, you said they should be criticized as well which makes no sense. Just because you don't like the change, no one has to? The arena has to change to accommodate low to mid tier players also, but the attitude of the community has to change too to accept alternate views and not call everyone who likes the change a Kabam shill.
    The community cries about everything but these complaints have merit and need immediate attention. This is worse than 12.0 because the f2p system still functioned then, now it's just gone.

    Vets are happy soaking in all the shards (I'm one of them), but what's the point if it kills the bottom 90%??? You realize Kabam would shut it down, right? And then we'd have no game and no shards and no crystals.
    Kabam would shut what down? The game? How do you go from arena change to game shutting down in a span of 3 days? They have said that it is being discussed, what more do you think should be done? This was the second round of the same arena that was run on Wednesday, how can they just change it after 1 round? I get that people want a solution now, but we also need to think of the bigger picture. They may actually change it for the next set of champs back to the old system, they also need to change their plans as to what champs to give because they may not have expected such a backlash.
    Could this have been done in a better way? Definitely. But, it's a screw up that they need to clean up now. They have got suggestions from the CCP and the community, let them come up with a plan first before raising doomsday predictions.
    Suggestions, plans, bla bla bla ...
    Does it takes to be a genius to cut off all milestone points to half, and give the 6* to top1% and 5* to top10%, at least for the basic arena?
    Solutions are there and are simple.
    Do this easy change immediately and everybody will be happy.
    Players are frustrated and quitting over the unreasonable delay of taking action.
    What about the people asking for the units that they grinded a week back that they could not do now because of such high milestones? I am no programmer and and have no idea about how they decide these things, only thing I know is that my unit grind got longer but my shards gain is also higher. If the solution is as easy as you are suggesting, I have no idea why they have not implemented them, especially if the future of the game in on the line.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021


    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I get that most people including me don't like that the grinding for units have been made more time consuming. But attacking anyone who actually likes the new arena structure makes no sense. Some people have played a longer time or spent more money or both. Why are you targeting them instead of giving feedback to Kabam?

    No one should be attacked for liking the new arenas but their comments should be criticized.

    10% of players are responsible for 50% of the revenue.

    The other 90% are f2p or semi-f2p, and they need reasonable access to units or they can't play the game at all. The new arenas are cutting off their oxygen and they're slowly but surely dying. That's half the game's revenue!

    The whales, spenders, and vets need to realize that the advantage they enjoy over others won't mean anything if the game dies.
    Why do those comments matter less than others? When someone says they like the new format because it suits their roster, they immediately get called out as whale or a Kabam shill. Why though? The game accommodates every kind of player. Why should anyone be criticized for liking the change?. Lots of people don't even like arena even though they are FTP and don't grind them, should we criticize them too?
    BTW, you have no data on how much players are completely FTP or how much are casual spenders. Only Kabam has the data. So, we really cannot judge what will happen if they decide to keep the format and milestones. All we have are some immediate reactions from players. We could have players adapt and start grinding more or grinding less.
    What good is arena if the game's over? If someone said they'd be happy moving to a city where everyone's dying is a fool and not to be taken seriously.

    These changes hurt the vets too and they're too blinded by the extra 6 star shards to realize it.
    It's an over reaction from the community as usual for a change in the game. Kabam have already said they are looking into making changes, but everyone wants it done now. Game is not getting over anytime soon. Kabam have still posted a comfortable quarter albeit less than what they actually do. Go watch Seatin break down why their earnings are still impressive.
    How are these changes hurting the vet? it actually benefits them the most. So, I am not sure where you are getting this from. All I said was don't attack the person saying they like this arena, you said they should be criticized as well which makes no sense. Just because you don't like the change, no one has to? The arena has to change to accommodate low to mid tier players also, but the attitude of the community has to change too to accept alternate views and not call everyone who likes the change a Kabam shill.
    The community cries about everything but these complaints have merit and need immediate attention. This is worse than 12.0 because the f2p system still functioned then, now it's just gone.

    Vets are happy soaking in all the shards (I'm one of them), but what's the point if it kills the bottom 90%??? You realize Kabam would shut it down, right? And then we'd have no game and no shards and no crystals.
    Kabam would shut what down? The game? How do you go from arena change to game shutting down in a span of 3 days? They have said that it is being discussed, what more do you think should be done? This was the second round of the same arena that was run on Wednesday, how can they just change it after 1 round? I get that people want a solution now, but we also need to think of the bigger picture. They may actually change it for the next set of champs back to the old system, they also need to change their plans as to what champs to give because they may not have expected such a backlash.
    Could this have been done in a better way? Definitely. But, it's a screw up that they need to clean up now. They have got suggestions from the CCP and the community, let them come up with a plan first before raising doomsday predictions.
    MCOC would absolutely would die off if the unit problem wasn't addressed within several weeks because overnight the game went from being f2p to not f2p. It's not just a silly arena change, it's a complete 180 of their business model.

    So it upsets people when they see big roster players come in saying they love it.

    We know Kabam will fix things and it can't happen overnight, but this time it's not just another Cav EQ complaint thread, the game's life might be on the line.
    I typed a long reply, but decided it was not worth arguing over. We agree that there needs to be a reduced milestone to make grinding easy for everyone. I am not one to jump on the game is ending train immediately on every crisis. I don't think this change is as bad as people are making it out to be, but I guess time will tell. My only gripe is that players are criticizing players when the criticism or praise should be towards Kabam. That is what I wanted to convey in the first place.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    R_jay0027 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Greekhit said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I get that most people including me don't like that the grinding for units have been made more time consuming. But attacking anyone who actually likes the new arena structure makes no sense. Some people have played a longer time or spent more money or both. Why are you targeting them instead of giving feedback to Kabam?

    No one should be attacked for liking the new arenas but their comments should be criticized.

    10% of players are responsible for 50% of the revenue.

    The other 90% are f2p or semi-f2p, and they need reasonable access to units or they can't play the game at all. The new arenas are cutting off their oxygen and they're slowly but surely dying. That's half the game's revenue!

    The whales, spenders, and vets need to realize that the advantage they enjoy over others won't mean anything if the game dies.
    Why do those comments matter less than others? When someone says they like the new format because it suits their roster, they immediately get called out as whale or a Kabam shill. Why though? The game accommodates every kind of player. Why should anyone be criticized for liking the change?. Lots of people don't even like arena even though they are FTP and don't grind them, should we criticize them too?
    BTW, you have no data on how much players are completely FTP or how much are casual spenders. Only Kabam has the data. So, we really cannot judge what will happen if they decide to keep the format and milestones. All we have are some immediate reactions from players. We could have players adapt and start grinding more or grinding less.
    What good is arena if the game's over? If someone said they'd be happy moving to a city where everyone's dying is a fool and not to be taken seriously.

    These changes hurt the vets too and they're too blinded by the extra 6 star shards to realize it.
    It's an over reaction from the community as usual for a change in the game. Kabam have already said they are looking into making changes, but everyone wants it done now. Game is not getting over anytime soon. Kabam have still posted a comfortable quarter albeit less than what they actually do. Go watch Seatin break down why their earnings are still impressive.
    How are these changes hurting the vet? it actually benefits them the most. So, I am not sure where you are getting this from. All I said was don't attack the person saying they like this arena, you said they should be criticized as well which makes no sense. Just because you don't like the change, no one has to? The arena has to change to accommodate low to mid tier players also, but the attitude of the community has to change too to accept alternate views and not call everyone who likes the change a Kabam shill.
    The community cries about everything but these complaints have merit and need immediate attention. This is worse than 12.0 because the f2p system still functioned then, now it's just gone.

    Vets are happy soaking in all the shards (I'm one of them), but what's the point if it kills the bottom 90%??? You realize Kabam would shut it down, right? And then we'd have no game and no shards and no crystals.
    Kabam would shut what down? The game? How do you go from arena change to game shutting down in a span of 3 days? They have said that it is being discussed, what more do you think should be done? This was the second round of the same arena that was run on Wednesday, how can they just change it after 1 round? I get that people want a solution now, but we also need to think of the bigger picture. They may actually change it for the next set of champs back to the old system, they also need to change their plans as to what champs to give because they may not have expected such a backlash.
    Could this have been done in a better way? Definitely. But, it's a screw up that they need to clean up now. They have got suggestions from the CCP and the community, let them come up with a plan first before raising doomsday predictions.
    Suggestions, plans, bla bla bla ...
    Does it takes to be a genius to cut off all milestone points to half, and give the 6* to top1% and 5* to top10%, at least for the basic arena?
    Solutions are there and are simple.
    Do this easy change immediately and everybody will be happy.
    Players are frustrated and quitting over the unreasonable delay of taking action.
    What about the people asking for the units that they grinded a week back that they could not do now because of such high milestones? I am no programmer and and have no idea about how they decide these things, only thing I know is that my unit grind got longer but my shards gain is also higher. If the solution is as easy as you are suggesting, I have no idea why they have not implemented them, especially if the future of the game in on the line.
    Well from the responses I personally received from the support them. They are hoping that the community will just roll over and take it as is. And some will and that's ok. I was told that I may grow like it. Which did make me laugh.
    Look they messed this up bad and have no plan to deal with it. And that's ok, but you'd think they know this isn't the most patient community when it is pissed off.
    If people are expecting the old arenas in addition to the new ones, that may not happen. if it does, Kabam will try to keep the unit gain the same and just divide it between more arena which is not ideal. What I know is that there has been an outrage for a lot of things in the game and in some cases it eventually dies off as people got used to the change or they saw the logic behind the change. Very few times have Kabam gone back to tweak something they implemented immediately after an outrage. Hopefully, they will do it this time and tweak it in a way that arena is made less painful for everyone.
  • Da2Vero33ManDa2Vero33Man Member Posts: 160
    So far I do not like the new arena structure at all. I am not a whale so the 6* is not for me. I have 100% completed chapter 6.2 so the lowly 4* arena I will not bother with. I will just not do any new arenas at all. They fit the newbies and the whales but not players like me.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 664 ★★★
    I’m as frustrated as the rest of the community is here,..and no arenas won’t work for the majority of us, and it isn’t a overreaction to say that because it’s reality for most of us. But resorting to violent innuendos isn’t going to help anything .
  • leftykiller8leftykiller8 Member Posts: 14
    I like the idea of less arenas in theory, but I think things would have been better left as is, but adding a 6* arena. Here’s why: I remember back when the only people able to grind out the 4* champ were big spenders and bots. Then y’all introduced the 5* arena and those two groups moved away from the 4* arena which opened up those champs to progressing players who could really use a 4* version of particular champs. Adding the 6* arena to the old format, in theory, would do the same for the 5* arena. Also, I mainly grind out for units, because I have a family of 7 and can’t afford to spend too much on this game (that’s time and money lol). I love it though and still play at least a couple hours a day. This new format doesn’t even allow me the time to grind out a new 3* champ. My roster is simply not advanced enough for the time crunch. The old system was best for the people who have the time and money, and the people who don’t. Please bring it back and just add a 6* arena, with appropriate milestones based off the data gained from the arena just run. Thank you for your consideration and all that y’all do.
  • DanpielDanpiel Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2021

    without respect like the one who kabam doesn't have us, I don't know if they are drugged or have a mental problem, they take away the basic four-star arena, to whom we are really sand players, lower the unit itos, and not agree with that, now they want us to vote to make more than a million points to give us a premium crystal and a ballot, osea are insane, I'm a regular arena player for three years play non-stop, they really believe that people will stop living hours with their family or work hours for a premium glass, and a ballot to vote

    This is my Soul speaking! Thanks, same here! :neutral: I LOL because more units from 535 to 540 (more time + longest milestones) Go out to Mars Big K!
This discussion has been closed.