Characters that need Buffed or Changed (Big-time)



  • shingbabshingbab Member Posts: 120
    edited May 2017
    Re. antman - I'd like to see his crit rate debuff chances return to the state they were when was originally introduced.
    They nerfed it due to willpower (he was un-usable in arena), and made it only apply with light hits.
    Nowadays, before my L2 is ready (5 combos-ish, 15 light hits or so), I'm lucky to have 2-3 stacks of debuff to convert to his weak ass poison.
    If I had 7-8 stacks (40-50% fatigue chance), that'd make him soo much more tanky overall and fun to watch your opponent melt with an L2.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    I like all the talk about Ant-Man, guys. Good ideas. Another character that needs fixed a bit is Deadpool X-Force. I get that the original Deadpool is only available for purchase, and that you guys want to make money. However, making the only other Deadpool that's available have no Regeneration whatsoever is unacceptable. He's still Deadpool. He should be able to have some sort of Regeneration. Have him Regenerate after Special Attacks or something. Right now, he's worthless. His Power Gain is good, but nothing else is, and that triggers so late that it can't save you most times. Make this a bit worse and then give him some Regeneration.
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    I can think of one! Just look at my avatar!
    Yeaaah, Venom could use a buff or two, couldn't he? Sure, he's not a priority (he's not great, but not awful either), but he could use one.
    First: Remove his defensive buffs from his genetic memory. They just suck, and I wouldn't like them even if they didn't because it means less damage.
    Now then, for improvements:
    ->He's got a healing factor in the comics, why not add that? A decent permanent regen that pops back up if it's nullified (think Joe Fixit's current regen on power).
    ->Give him some form of invisibilty, since he can also do that. ( 50% chance for all attacks to miss, bump it up to 75% for projectiles, 5 seconds for duration, 5 second cool down). Dash back and hold block for it (1.5 seconds)
    -> Make him reduce the opponent's evasion chance by like 5% and increase it to 95% against science class champs ( and if he's invisible it's 100% against anyone).
    ->Taking into account the symbiote's usual durability in a fight, give him a passive armor increase of about 750 at best. This armor goes away if Venom is under an incinerate.
    -> Increase his sp1 replication chance to 75%, sp2's to 85% and invisibility after and give his sp3 a 100% chance to Absorb the opponent ( increase Venom's stats (all) for 60 seconds, decrease enemy stats (all) for 20 seconds and replicate all buffs+ all possible abillities that were on the opponent at the time of the sp3's activation. Stats should be 5%-ish)
    -> I'm thinking of making his bleed more unique: increase the duration to about 20-25 seconds (so it makes his bloodlust more relevant). He can only have one bleed timer on the opponent at a time with a 5-stack limit (no refreshing the timer, which is shared by all five bleeds). If you have five stacks when the bleed ends, it has a 50% chance to leave an Open Wound. Each heavy while the opponent has five bleeds increases this chance by 25%, and each crit by 5%.
    -> Increase his bleed proc chance from 7% to 10% and make his crits increase that chance by 15%.

    All right. Any questions/ suggestions are welcome, and while this looks like a lot, it's just a long list of small buffs and/or changes to improve Venom overall.

    Lol. He's already OP., Especially in AW. If we would buff him even more, he would become a road block in AW and AQ.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    DLegend wrote: »

    Lol. He's already OP., Especially in AW. If we would buff him even more, he would become a road block in AW and AQ.

    Yeah, Venom is already good. If he were to get changed to be made better, they would first have to remove one of his good features.
  • Mr_ManbackMr_Manback Member Posts: 4
    Diego000 wrote: »
    Colossus-he is ok with his moves I like the three of them but he need more abilities.sturdiness is a good ability for him but he needs more like indestructible or two or three more abilities that match with his character because he look simple really simple. every character has at least there abilities and he has only one he needs more and every character should have at least havethree or more abilities

    Black widow - she is fine in everything but her first move should be changed.she is very good with weapons so she needs to use guns like winter soldier and punisher

    I think Colossus needs to gain furies, like his Unstoppable counterpart. He hits too soft.
  • TheDukeofTankTheDukeofTank Member Posts: 1
    Brought this over from the post I made on the old forum.

    Here is my list of suggestions on how to improve the characters.

    Falcon - Special 1: (Add to existing special) 25% chance to inflict 1x additional bleed dealing (X) direct damage per bullet fired. Chance for bleed increases by 25% if locked on. Special 2: 85% chance to paralyze the opponent. Stunning them for 3 seconds and reducing health and power gains by 80% for the next 10 hits. The chance to paralyze increases to 100% if locked on.

    Luke Cage - Signature Ability update: Tough it Out Again - When the enemy is under an exhaustion debuff, Luke holds his block for 0.5 seconds and becomes indestructible for 1 second per exhaustion debuff. This negates all damage taken while blocking or being struck. To give his muscles a break, Luke can only activate this once every (X) seconds.

    Red Hulk - When overheated, Red Hulk incinerates the area around him dealing (X% - 1-7% proposed) of his attack as incinerate damage for 60 seconds. Effect stacks if overheated again. Opponent will not be damaged if they are beyond 1 dash back away from Red Hulk

    Gamora - Special 3: 100% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing (X) Direct Damage for 5 seconds and striking nerves to inhibit her opponent’s power gain for 10 seconds.

    Hawkeye - Passive: Trick arrow carousel (Power Drain / Bleed / Shock / Stun) - Change your arrow type by dashing back and holding block. Heavy Attacks: One additional arrow of a random type for a few seconds. That way, if you land his heavy and go right into a special, you can have two different types of debuff or double your original.

    Captain Marvel / Ms. Marvel - Special 2: Energy Fists - (Rogue SP2 animation style) If under effects of Fury, consume each fury for a (X%) boost in attack and energy damage.

    She-Hulk - Signature Ability update: Precedent - She Hulk uses her relentless studying to her advantage. After learning her opponent's moves (10 hit combo), she has a (X%) chance to counter with her own skills. Skills are lost after being struck 5 times. (Op Fury > She-Hulk - Armor / Op - Armor > She-Hulk - Armor Break / Op - Regen > She-Hulk - Gamma Poison / Op - Degen > She-Hulk - Regen

    Iron Patriot - Signature Ability update: Burnout only lasts until he reaches a 5 hit combo and then his armor and abilities recharge and function normally again.

    Colossus - Passive: At 3 stacks of Armor or more, Colossus begins to reflect (X%) Attacker Damage back and increases per stack of Armor past 3. (LetRoll’s suggestion) Signature Ability Update: (X%) Damage reflected back at the opponent if the special attack is a projectile.

    Captain America (OG) - Small change to fighting style: As his shield is made of anti-vibration properties, he should not be pushed back when blocking or parrying. Passive: (X%) (based on LetRoll's Colossus suggestion) Damage reflected back at the opponent when blocking if the special attack is a projectile.

    Ronan - Passive: Increase fury 9% chance of fury for 4.5 seconds to 20 seconds and allow up to 5 stacks.

    Iron Man/Superior Iron Man - Signature Ability update: While in Arc Overload, Increase energy damage by (X) for all special attacks.

  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Iron Patriot should have an insane amount of armor during Arc Overload to compensate for the detrimental Armor Break. Right now, the armor is about the same, but he also has Armor Break. This should be fixed.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    Huh. Now I know Venom's middle of the pack and all (there's better and worse for everything out there), but I'm not sure my changes would make him O.P.; either way that list needs a refinement.
    ->Remove the damn defense buffs from genetic memory. They are useless.
    -> An Old Man Logan regen should do for a heling factor representation.
    -> Make him reduce evasion chance by 5%, and increase that to 75% against science champions.
    -> That bleed idea i like a lot. Kinda like a quest: get five bleeds in 20 seconds, gain an Open Wound. To recap: first bleed starts the timer, then you can multiply the damage until the end of the bleed, at which point you could get an Open Wound (50% base chance). For each bleed that would have been added to the stack count, but wasn't because of the limit this chance should increase by 10% and any heavy increases the chance by 10% if it crits. NEW: Maybe add a timer to that Open Wound (10-15 seconds) and any would-be bleeds add 5 seconds to that, but now deal half/ a quarter of the bleed damage directly?
    -> All attacks gain a 10% chance to bleed, crits get 25% instead.
    -> A 750 armor passive that goes away when incinerated, and gradually builds back up over 5 seconds after the incinerate ends.

    So this isn't that big of a buff, after all. It has the potential to turn a duped Venom into a damage monster, certainly, but to compensate you could nerf his base stats or genetic memory if you add these. It would at least define him as a different, powerful Offense: Raw Damage character, and that fits the bill if you ask me.
    What do you think now? Any better?
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    DLegend wrote: »
    Lol. He's already OP., Especially in AW. If we would buff him even more, he would become a road block in AW and AQ.
    I'd argue, but I'd disrespect the wishes of the OP:
    Also, if you disagree with someone, and think that the character they mentioned is good, don't argue with them.

  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    I'd argue, but I'd disrespect the wishes of the OP:

    Well, thanks for listening unlike many others. I've seen many who completely ignored my request.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    edited May 2017
    Cosmic: Black Bolt, Venompool, Thanos, Gamora, Khamala Khan, Groot, Venom (<-see above)

    Mutant: Colossus, Cyclops (both), Deadpool X-force, Gambit, Magneto (both), Old Man Logan, Psylocke

    Mystic: Dr. Strange, Loki, Thor (Jane Foster)

    Science: Ant-Man, Abomination, Joe Fixit, Luke Cage, Red Hulk, Spider-Gwen, She-Hulk, Yellowjacket

    Skill: Black Panther, Black Widow, Daredevil (both), Moon Knight

    Tech: Civil Warrior, Hulkbuster, Iron Man, Iron Patriot, Kang, Ultron (Labyrinth), War Machine.

    Here's yon list of characters that fit the bill. All of these need to be changed in some way to make them more viable, no? I've got some ideas, you fill in the rest with yours.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    Black Bolt: His sp3 should hurt WAY more. Add a percentage of the opponent's max hp to it and you're good to go there. The swap on the signature would solve the rest of his problems ( I think).

    Venompool: He counters cosmics and a good amount of techs with his specials, but outside his specials he isn't much. Increase his base stats a little, decrease the bleed scaling to keep it as is, and you're good.

    Thanos: Outside of taking a looooong time to kill, not much going for him. Definitely not like Thanos, but i don't have much for him that fits; just a big increase in stats via him being Thanos. Oh! Degeneration on specials! Yeah, that could work. Open to suggestions though...maybe he could remove 1% of his opponent's health with all attacks?

    Gamora: Add a big bleed and shock to sp3 to rival assasination sp1/2. More utility needed. That nerve strike idea from earlier sounds good. A x% chance to enervate (gwenpool's sp2 has it; the no power gain from getting hit) the opponent (3-4 seconds) on any basic attacks; all basic attacks refresh the duration. Using a special on an enervated opponent decreases bleed duration, but increases damage?

    Khamala: She has potential, she's just clunky. Make any fury she gains from heavy charging and her sp2 have an indefinite duration, and that might help.

    Groot:IDK, but he could use something, right?
  • MjbootsMjboots Member Posts: 5
    Add a little more damage to his sp1 it barely does more damage than spider gwen sp1.
    Fix the bugs so all his other abilities work as stated in his info and he will be great.

    Black Panther (civil war)
    Change his sp3 animation. Its just strange.

    Add the 2nd bleed back to his sp1
    Make his sig ability work while blocking
    Maybe add a power gain buff like all the cosmics get. Hes the master of metal let him use it more.

    Moon knight
    Let him stack bleeds. Maybe make his sp3 cause bleed since he uses guns.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    Colossus: His defense is good. For offense add some armor breaks on crits and some concussions/dazes on specials and you're good. Maybe give him indestructible after he uses his sp3 (5 seconds or so)?

    Cyclops(es): Make his beams crit and armor break all the time, and his precision on specials pop up 100% of the time.

    X-force DP: Make his sp1 his sword swing with a lowered bleed, and add guns to sp2. Give an Old Man Logan regen to him too.

    Gambit: Make his charges take less time on the later ones. That's it. That's all he needs.

    Magneto: Make his specials have 100% chance to proc bleeds, and increase his block proficiency.

    Magneto Marvel Now: When the opponent isn't magnetized, Magneto shields himself, taking reduced damage from any projectiles and increasing block proficiency (bigger than normal Mags). Also make his specials have 100% chance to proc bleed.

    Old Man Logan: For every 5 hits you give and take, add 1 Berserker charge. Dash back and hold block for 2 seconds to unleash your rage!

    Psylocke: Add a weak bleed on sword crits for logic. While she has a psycharge on her, her hits don't generate power, instead reducing h the opponent's power to the first threshold possible, but not below (sp2->sp1; sp3->sp2; sp1->0)
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    The good Doctor: Improve his healing to what it was on basics at least. Give specials double healing?

    Loki: Give him continuous power gain from Ascendant at a WAY lower rate after first bar is filled. Make his heavy apply a degen (10 or so seconds) and his combo enders refresh it.

    Jane Foster Thor: When the opponent is stunned, they cannot be stunned again until the stun ends. Each stun that is dodged this way adds a stack to a Stun Counter. When a stun ends, a new stun begins with a 1 second/stack of Stun Counter duration.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    Ant-Man: Make his sp2 swarm the opponent with poisons (2 base, each fatigue doubles the number). Add a decent fury on his sp1 with a 7 seconds or so duration.

    Abomination: When duped, any physical-contact attacks, from either Abom or the opponent, can proc poison. Change the bleed interaction: whenever abomination is struck by a physical-contact attack while he is bleeding, the opponent gets poisoned (because me shooting him from the other side of the screen and getting poisoned doesn't make sense, but me TOUCHING his irradiated blood and getting poisoned does).

    Joe Fixit: Mentione before, double the effects of his gambling abillity. Add more base damage to sp3, but reduce the bleed damage to compensate.

    Luke Cage: Any projectile-physical attacks deal 75% less damage. Increase his base damage and give him a fury effect. Reduce his sig's indestructible to 3.5 seconds, but if Luke hits his opponent 10 times, it recharges.

    Spider-Gwen: A simple stat increase would do, and her armor breaks could be better (and make them remove armor up's if they don't already; some armor breaks don't do that).

    Red Hulk: I like him getting something when he overheats, but him dealing damage based on distance is new and would probably be hard to implement. Instead, go the Phoenix route: when he overheats, he keeps his 7 charges for a bit, then they start going down until they reach zero, after which there's a 2 second cooldown timer (in which he can't gain any charges), and then he gains one charge and the cycle begins again.

    She-hulk: Her base damage needs a (very) small increase and she should have a fury, sp2 should have a concussion. Her pummel (increased heavy damage on stunned opponents, but removes stun) should be a crit, give a fury after and/or armor break. For her sig, it now reduces:->cosmic-buff potency;
    ->mutant- special damage, increased effectiveness on crits, increased value;
    ->mystic- power gain rate, increased value;
    ->science-physical resistance (can't go below 0) and evasion chance, increased physical r. value;
    ->skill-critical hit chance and damage, increased value;
    ->tech->abillity accuracy, increased value;
    And the values available for us to see somewhere.

    Yellowjacket: Increase in base stats by a bit, maybe add a shock to specials?
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    Black Panther: Update sp1 and maybe sp2 animation. Update basic attack animations. Give him the martial mastery ability, where he hits his opponent 10 times and he paralyzes them for 1+0.5 seconds per bleed, stunning them and reducing power and health gain by 25%.

    Black Widow: Remove the precision buff from her specials and make them always crit. Add a shock to her sp3. Yeah, that does it.

    Daredevil: Sp3 should enervate at least. Increase precision buff potency, maybe base stats?

    Netflix DD: Sp3 should also enervate at least. Increase everything except armor breaks by a bit.

    Moon Knight: Update sp3 animation. Add a timer to his phases, and increase his moon-related bonuses.

    And I'll add Falcon with just a simple increase in base damage, maybe a more significant one at the sot of some health.
  • DoctorAntManDoctorAntMan Member Posts: 18
    Ant-Man definitely I mean remember the movie if he does not control how hard he hits it can kill people.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    Civil Warrior: Add incinerates to any blaster attacks (light ender, second heavy strike, sp2, sp3).Add weak bleeds (Ultron level) to his medium ender, which he can cauterize for extra (direct energy) damage if he incinerates the opponent. If the opponent isn't power locked from his sp3, he overloads his reactor, giving him power drains and a chance for shocks on blaster attacks.

    Hulkbuster: Shock/incinerate on beam attacks from sp2 and sp3. Add weak armor breaks on crits. Every armor up increases block proficiency. Give him a Metallic Rage effect which increases his attack based on extra armor and give him the ability to proc armor ups while attacking.

    Iron Man: Add shock/incinerate to all specials. These should be weak on sp1 and strong on sp2 and sp3. Increase special damage while in Arc Overolad. Dash back and hold block for two seconds to gain this extra damage effect and he deals extra energy damage on non-special attacks while in this Damage Overload.

    Iron Patriot: After burn-out is applied, 15-seconds later it disappears. Increase base damage and armor breaks by some. Add incinerate to sp3 and sp1.

    Kang: Increase special damage based on Kang's armor. Add shocks/incinerates to specials. Maybe update sp1 animation and base animations?

    Labyrinth Ultron: His damage is good when he's higher up there in levels, surprisingly. Just remove the "if poison is on the opponent apply heal block" part from his specials. Make them apply heal block only if the opponent is regenerating. Add a self-repair like movie Ultron's and add an option to dash back and hold block for 2 seconds to disable his auto-evade function. Change his animations to be a bit more unique (use that mouth blaster!).

    War Machine:Give him a fury. Change his sig ability to Arsenal: dashing back and holding block for 1.5 seconds gives War Machine 6 fury and armor buffs (equivalent to 6 from his current sig) that last until you strike the opponent (fury) or until you are struck (armor). When one reaches zero, the arsenal enters cooldown for 12.5 seconds. If any previous buffs are active when Arsenal is activated, they will not be replaced. When War Machine reaches 15% health, an Arsenal will trigger. This Arsenal can stack with other Arsenals.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    edited May 2017
    And now, changes for consistency reasons:
    -> Thor should have shocks on his specials.
    -> Superior Iron Man: Shock on specials. Gain Energy while in Arc Overload, up to 100. The next special attack consume all energy to gain x% extra damage (x=energy consumed). Dash back and hold block for two seconds to enter a Superior Overload: for 10 seconds, SIM continuously gains energy (10/second). His normal attacks have a chance to shock the opponents while in this Superior Overload.
    ->Movie Ultron gains the ability to disable his auto-evade as well.
    -> Ghost Rider and Dormammu should be immune to incinerate.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    Well, I enjoyed that! What do you guys think about my ideas? How good/bad are they?
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Well, I enjoyed that! What do you guys think about my ideas? How good/bad are they?

    I haven't read all of them yet, but a large amount of them so far are very accurate and I'd love to hear if you come up with anymore ideas. Keep up the good work!
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    Think I listed about everyone who needs some love right now, so I'm done for a while. I'd just wish Kabam would look at these and start doing some of them. I'd also wish they'd stop adding so much new content, take a break and fix the game's biggest bugs and such, but this is Kabam, soooo...
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146

    I haven't read all of them yet, but a large amount of them so far are very accurate and I'd love to hear if you come up with anymore ideas. Keep up the good work!
    I might go to the character wish list thread for carnage, maybe some others after. We'll see.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Think I listed about everyone who needs some love right now, so I'm done for a while. I'd just wish Kabam would look at these and start doing some of them. I'd also wish they'd stop adding so much new content, take a break and fix the game's biggest bugs and such, but this is Kabam, soooo...

    Yes, they do tend to move on without realizing their mistakes. They need to revisit older things before moving on to new ones.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    I might go to the character wish list thread for carnage, maybe some others after. We'll see.

    If you go to the wish-list, I've actually created about 18 characters. Carnage is one of them. Do you like how I created him? He should be in the first or second post I made.
  • TripleD_FenrirTripleD_Fenrir Member Posts: 146
    That's not really what I had in mind for him. I'll see what i come up with, and then we can compare.
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★

    Yes, he needs buffed. Have any suggestions on how?

    have his special 2 cause bleed damage and give him self repair like the others and he will be set
  • GarbagePandaGarbagePanda Member Posts: 46
    "We have some champs that I feel could be better in this game. They may be good or may be bad now but they could be better, and I feel like these improvements would fit their character more.

    Captain America (both)- If Mordo can block unblockable specials, Cap should be able to as well. That's the whole point of the shield. He doesn't hit that hard as it is, so let's Make (Captain) America Great Again!

    Ant-Man- I remember a time where AM would cause so much fatigue that he would never be used because of willpower. So there was an adjustment made where we could use medium attacks and not cause fatigue. Now that willpower is much more limited, can we cause more fatigue? I know those ants can do some real damage...

    Iron Man- That suit can do some crazy stuff. Analyze fight patterns for example being one of them. Could we throw in some evade possibly or maybe some sort of counter like Civil War Panther to reflect the actual capabilities of that suit?

    Ghost Rider- Is it possible to poison a flaming skeleton? Doesn't he need blood to be poisoned? Unless it's some kind of bone poison... I have so many questions.

    Magnetos- Is Magnetus plural for Magneto? Whatever. Dude controls metal. All metal. All the time. That magnetism doesn't cut it for me. I loved his L1 prior to the nerf. If we're basically cutting his chance to bleed by half, can we at least up the chance for that second hit to bleed?

    That's all I have for now. Let me know your opinions!"

    I posted this in a different thread but this seems to be a better ongoing thread for it with lots of great input. Let me know what you think.
  • TigerhalseyTigerhalsey Member Posts: 19
    Are we able to get a comment from anyone from kabam if this is being considered at all in the near future? @Kabam Miike
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