thoughts on the July fourth deals?



  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Ya not even tempted to spend on these. Feel like things were cheaper last year.
  • rdxevilrdxevil Member Posts: 231 ★★
    I'm still trying to figure out how the deals would help cavalier to become tb.. Kabam we should have few t5cc selector.. Atleast 5%/10% in 1k and 5k deals
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,488 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    The fact that this game penalizes and gives players less for the same amount of $$/units is and always has been lame. I’ll never understand it. If my 1000 Cavalier units won’t buy the same as Thronebreaker then I won’t spend them.

    Playing a progressional game while holding a grudge that it rewards progress seems to be an extremely counterproductive use of your time.
    Not to mention the irony of the protest, considering Units is the in-game currency that belongs to Kabam.
  • N1nthcloudN1nthcloud Member Posts: 343 ★★★
    Im scared to buy the TB offers not only because they are not what i was hoping for.

    But also because im already full on t2ac
    And im worried alot of it is going to go into the overflow and expire.

    You would think kabam would have incentivized spending real money on items by giving them no exp date already.... i was honestly surprised "years ago" that wasnt the case.

    If i buy 3 odins wtf am i going to do with all that t2ac...?
    Assuming i dont have the t4cc to utilize them?

    If i buy almost all the offers i feel like im paying to just watch things slowly expire.

    Listen to what im saying please. Its the same thing every year but this time looking at the offers im really feeling some hesitation.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    Im scared to buy the TB offers not only because they are not what i was hoping for.

    But also because im already full on t2ac
    And im worried alot of it is going to go into the overflow and expire.

    You would think kabam would have incentivized spending real money on items by giving them no exp date already.... i was honestly surprised "years ago" that wasnt the case.

    If i buy 3 odins wtf am i going to do with all that t2ac...?
    Assuming i dont have the t4cc to utilize them?

    If i buy almost all the offers i feel like im paying to just watch things slowly expire.

    Listen to what im saying please. Its the same thing every year but this time looking at the offers im really feeling some hesitation.

    Resource management is part of the game. The game rewards players who manage bottlenecks better than others. If you have a lot of something you're worried is going to overflow and then expire, and the reason why is because of a shortage of something else, then you're supposed to direct your energy to obtaining what you're short of to balance things out.

    A lot of people don't like this idea. They complain they shouldn't have to change how they play, resources should just be magically balanced for them specifically. Or they complain that they shouldn't have to spend anything to get resource X, because resource Y is "better" and spending any resources or effort on X is "a waste." Which, if X is a bottleneck, is just wrong. For example there are people who believe you should spend glory on T5B and T2A, and if you're short T1A or T4B that's the game's fault, because it is "wrong" to spend glory on T4B. It is actually they who are wrong, but that's entirely their choice.

    I have no idea how you could be overflowing with T2A and unable to use it, because most higher Cavs and TBs don't have that problem unless they blitz through content and pile it up faster than they can use it temporarily. But if that's the problem you have, you should be prioritizing the stuff you need to balance out the usage of those catalysts. That might mean spending glory on lower cats, or it might even mean passing on some of the higher value cash offers and targeting the lower ones that have the stuff you need, instead of the stuff you just want.

    No one is going to be upset if you pass on offers that contain resources you can't use. Not even Kabam. But you have half a year before the next big sale. Work on rebalancing your resources over time so you don't have this problem. Because otherwise you'll just run into it again, and not just when it comes to cash offer sales. The content is also like that, and will continue to be like that. If you blitz it without thinking about how you're going to use the rewards in it, you could find yourself losing those rewards, and then missing them later when you need them but no longer have them. It isn't just about the offers, it is about resource management in all areas of the game.
  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    Close to TB these deals could have pushed me over, was willing to spend an Odin. Now? I'll spend nothing. Just my experience though I have seen other cavs spend units/money and be satisifed, but not me.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    Blah blah blah resource management.

    Thats all fair and square except.
    This is real money we are talking about.

    This isnt some bananna that you put on the shelf. and if you dont eat it fast enough it expires.

    This is a cash deal offer on a digital good.

    You dont create incentives to not spend money when your entire business model revolves around trying to get people to spend money.

    And yet they seem to be doing pretty well without your business acumen assisting them.

    For that matter, I think I'm doing pretty well without your banana-based game management strategies, so good luck to you, hope you find whatever it is you're looking for, somewhere.
  • Steel_Ball_RunSteel_Ball_Run Member Posts: 534 ★★★

    Picked Beast since he might get buffed and Sinister’s in the featured pool that I’m going for

    damn... seeing this screenshot hurts. sorry.

    But where did you hear that beast will get buffed? Or is this more wishful thinking? I also have a 6 star beast so I"m very curious.
    Wishful thinking, his abilities are incredibly outdated so he’d be buffed sooner or later. And if/when he is, it’s most likely an overhaul/moderate, while Sinister’s is very likely a value only one

  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,609 ★★★★
    Had been saving up units (approx 8,100 units) in one of my alt accounts which is still at cavalier level and I have bought the 1,000 unit deal only. Shall save the rest for either the cyber weekend or will use on more content completion activities
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,812 ★★★★
    Am I the only one who thinks the TB deals r not that bad???
    Do I wish they're better? Yes. But overall not too bad.
    I feel like the All Fathers Odin deals r leading towards 6* r4.
    If ur only interested in growing ur 6* roster, go for the $50 deal. 2 of those will give u 3 6*.
  • HailTheGreat1HailTheGreat1 Member Posts: 40
    Been spinning tech/cosmic crystals over a year now and still no Heimdal so no Thronbreaker yet. Oh well. Not spending to get less than someone else, that's a foolish way to spend money
  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 255

    Been spinning tech/cosmic crystals over a year now and still no Heimdal so no Thronbreaker yet. Oh well. Not spending to get less than someone else, that's a foolish way to spend money

    Why do you need Heimdall to get TB, I don’t have him and don’t see any roadblock to get TB

  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 675 ★★
    Went off. Got to TB from cav offers then used units to do abyss run. Ended up getting 2 BP's from TB offers to finish abyss.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    edited July 2021
    I wish there were more 6* shards for Cavalier players. There is only one offer that gives 6* shards, the other give a 6* nexus crystal (and is the most expensive). All the rest are rank-up materials or 5* shards. Take for instant BP treasure. 50k 5* shards is nice, but I'd rather have 45k 5* shards and like 2.5k 6* shards. Or even better: a 5* nexus crystal, 30k 5* shards and 2.5k 6* shards.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 719 ★★★

    I wish there were more 6* shards for Cavalier players. There is only one offer that gives 6* shards, the other give a 6* nexus crystal (and is the most expensive). All the rest are rank-up materials or 5* shards. Take for instant BP treasure. 50k 5* shards is nice, but I'd rather have 45k 5* shards and like 2.5k 6* shards. Or even better: a 5* nexus crystal, 30k 5* shards and 2.5k 6* shards.

    I’m Cavalier and a long time player, and have got more than 200k of 5* shards and more than 100 5* champions. I don’t even open 5* anymore: useless to level up because no future for the important content of the game,

    Obviously I keep my units when I see the offers for the last Black Friday and the last July the 4th. Are they even really motivating?
    Iso ? My inventory and stock are loaded.
    Random t4cc ? More than enough of this crystal.
    t5bc ? Bought with glory of AQ.
    t2ac ? My inventory is full and can be bought with glory.

    But to use all of these, I would need interesting 6* champions. Not necessarily the best ones, just really useful ones. But, wait, with randomly 6* crystals, I need a lot of 6* shards to get only one of them... and the Cavaliers offers are poor on thiese shards. Except if I spend around 20k units.
    So I keep everything, except my motivation...

    As the major part of active people on the forum are TB, I can already imagine them tapping Disagree and answering contemptuously: just become TB and stop complaining. I do not complain, I just give another point of view, that a silent big part of players live.
    In my alliance no Cav or Uncollected even asked if the offers are worthy.

    There are many ways to keep the necessary balance between categories. As an example, it could be to include less of the same ressources, or to give random class items to Cavs and generic to TB. But if Cavs = 5* and TB = 6*, a gap is beeing digged, without a way to break the vicious circle. It depends on the will of Kabam to keep Cavs and/or long time players involved. But remember they are useful in the balance.
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