Throne Breaker opinions on SOP?

Hey, so I’ve seen a lot of differing views and thought it might be helpful for Kabam when collating information for future “pain” for endgame players’ interests and needs.
Throne Breaker opinions on SOP? 129 votes
That being said , i think the rewards are really good and help most to become TB once SOP ends and i am totally fine with the difficulty.
It really throws doubt on conclusions that could be drawn from the poll, as non-TB players are more likely to think it's hard
Done all fights
It can get me TB so I ain't complaining
Meant to click the 5th option
SoP didn’t do that. It’s good rewards for almost no effort.
I think the main issue is the way the quest was designed. 1 fight, 1 champ. So you’re able to use the most optimal counter you have for him.
Whereas if it were a 5 fight quest that lasts 5 weeks, with 3 champ slots available only, you’ll be forced to bring suboptimal counters for 2-3 fights because they can handle more opponents, which makes the quest more challenging.
Instead it's turned into "how many tries do I need to get the solo" self competition. I'm not looking for content like that.
…. And then
@odishika123 please don’t take this in a way that I’m having a go, but this is exactly what I mean. People vote without being the target of polls, and you meant to vote for the perfect difficulty. So it gives the impression that TBs want this difficulty, when Cavs and below are voting and changing that perception.
You had 5 slots but 8 fights (iirc) to get through, so you had to mix and match the 2 sections then decide on who you could bring to handle all of the defenders from your roster, then play really well because those fights were very punishing.
I fully explored it with some item usage but it was so painful and fun doing so.
Sure it is not like what was advertised and I kept myself away by just reading the announcement, that this content is not for me.
Now sitting at 15 points and will try to go as high as possible.
Till now, I have spent 7 revives (3 alone on Rogue),1 on Mysterio,1 on Symbioid(during shield objective) and 2 on Darkhawk while using Warlock.
The great part about this event that you can try as many times as possible and this game is all about practice and understanding of the mechanics.
If I calculate right,I did more than 30 attempts average on per fight.
I am saying average as with some champs objective, it was really easy and with some champs, it took me more than 40 attempts, on champs like Rogue,Darkhawk(using Warlock) and Dr. Voodoo against Symbioid.
If we get No Retreat Champion or Grandmaster unlimited practice(I love this thing about SOP),these fights will be easy too.
Still! this is my perspective currently on my personal game progression(working on 7.2 exploration). Can't say it will change in future or not!
My experience below on each fight:-
1. Rogue - Taught me to use She-Hulk.This fight took too many attempts.
2. Sinister - Was parrying projectiles earlier but was fun fight using G299(still restarted many times).I guess many people played it without turning off dex and not using shock immune champ.This was really tricky fight.
3. Mysterio - I was lucky enough to have Ibom,Did it after many tries, but one tip was helpful from forum that we can hit him in his reflection phase due to 90 percent damage reduction.
4. Darkhawk - Earlier I had used dex parry method few times but this was great experience using Warlock.
5. Venom - Straight fight as I have good experience against Venom.
Soloed him each time after couple tries using G299,Venom and Stealthy.
6. Symbioid - Used Ronan cheese for metal objective,Kingpin(my favourite skill champ for XL and Villain) and....
Shield tag objective was annoying as I had Nick and Voodoo were only options and both were on low rank.Took Voodoo to rank 5 and constantly used Sp2 with odd combo.This took too many attempts to pull off and finally managed to do it using 1 revive(also thanks to Munash solo video).
Content is too easy for some, perfect for others. Who knew?
That isn't a negative for me personally since I've been able to beat more bosses and compete for higher milestone rewards than I anticipated, but I fully realize that people who were excited for the challenge that was promised are feeling less-than-happy with the event so far.
As I said in an earlier post, I think the TB title has gotten very crowded in the last year. You have those who got it immediately when the option to r3 6*s initially became available, and you have me who became TB last month, and a lot of people in-between those two extremes. All of these various groups have different needs and I think that even "TB content" needs to accommodate them all to some extent.
However, I do think that the event could have scaled better challenge-wise. There really is no need for someone at my skill level to be able to one-shot fights this far into the event. I'm a good player, but I'm not "100% done with the Abyss" good. I'm nowhere near the skill ceiling of this game and I think this event could have used some extra spice to make it enough of a challenge for those players who are. Hopefully the last few fights ramp things up significantly.