Summer Of Pain - UPDATED [June 16 - 14:00 PT]



  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    edited July 2021

    I don’t like week 7 fight. It is just bad and TB objective counter are extremely limited to solo. Can be done with one or two revive though. Revives should be a way to salvage your mistake not a way to play the game.
    It start to not depend on skills or strategy anymore. Dissatisfied with it.

    Well if they make every fight easy to solo it really wouldn’t be a summer of pain now would it? And it is possible to do a solo for each of the objectives as shown by karatemike, Bero man and many more
  • JubaknightJubaknight Member Posts: 82

    I don’t like week 7 fight. It is just bad and TB objective counter are extremely limited to solo. Can be done with one or two revive though. Revives should be a way to salvage your mistake not a way to play the game.
    It start to not depend on skills or strategy anymore. Dissatisfied with it.

    Well if they make every fight easy to solo it really wouldn’t be a summer of pain now wouldn’t it? And it is possible to do a solo for each of the objectives as shown by karatemike, Bero man and many more
    Win the fight with some an avoidable revives is also easy. It is just not fun.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    I don’t like week 7 fight. It is just bad and TB objective counter are extremely limited to solo. Can be done with one or two revive though. Revives should be a way to salvage your mistake not a way to play the game.
    It start to not depend on skills or strategy anymore. Dissatisfied with it.

    You sure it’s not because of your mistake that you didn’t get the solo? Lol
  • RevHeresyRevHeresy Member Posts: 86
    So I have 20 points and I didn’t do the DH glitch. I am super confused how I’m one point ahead. Did whales get an extra point? Haha
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian

    I don’t like week 7 fight. It is just bad and TB objective counter are extremely limited to solo. Can be done with one or two revive though. Revives should be a way to salvage your mistake not a way to play the game.
    It start to not depend on skills or strategy anymore. Dissatisfied with it.

    1. This is a progressional game that is based on skill progress, content progress, and roster progress. If you think the game is just about juggling skills, it is not. The game will reward people for having stronger rosters just as much as it will reward players for having stronger skills. Or for that matter better eyesight, newer phones, or more stamina.

    2. With a high enough skill level the fight can be soloed. In fact, I'm pretty sure with a high enough level of skill every objective can be soloed. Red Guardian can get the easy solo for Cavaliers. And I know for a fact that Angela can get the easy solo for cosmic and Voodoo can get the easy solo for denial. Now, you might not have a 5* or 6* Angela or Voodoo, but if you play them with enough skill you don't need a 5* ranked up version of either. A 4* will do with enough skill (it'll take forever, but that's irrelevant to the question of whether it is possible to defeat with skill). The only one I'm personally not 100% certain can be done with a 4* champ without revives is the mercenary objective, and that might just be because I haven't figured out how yet.

    3. Revives and potions are a resource in the game, no different from gold or ISO or catalysts. They are there to be used. Beating a fight without revives generates the same rewards as beating a fight with one revive (unless it is some special must-one-shot event). You can say you shouldn't have to use them, but then you're just making up your own rules. People do that all the time. People play MMOs under perma-death rules, where if your character dies you have to delete it and start over. It can be fun: I've done it myself many times. However, at that point you're playing your own game for your own reasons. You can't expect everyone else to follow along.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    Not enough motivation to check if someone wrote it in the 20 pages, but I think another milestone would be nice.
    The rewards go from 15k 6* crystal shards for 3 points to 1 6* nexus + 1 selector for 5 points.
    Why isn’t there 1 6* nexus for 4 points ?
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,174 ★★★★★
    I’m sure power stone no retreat champion is lurking in the week 9 shadows but most of the announcement makes it sound like one fight per week. The week 9 announcement makes it sound like there’s a lot going on.

    For everyone speculating about the schedule, week 9 runs two weeks, and I suspect there’s a week before rewards are dispensed…maybe for anti-cheat? Or was the timer extended when the parry bug hit?
  • GomezlinkGomezlink Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2021
    Red Guardian solo
    Every fight is to do solo, but if you want the extra points, you have to work
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    TyEdge said:

    I’m sure power stone no retreat champion is lurking in the week 9 shadows but most of the announcement makes it sound like one fight per week. The week 9 announcement makes it sound like there’s a lot going on.

    For everyone speculating about the schedule, week 9 runs two weeks, and I suspect there’s a week before rewards are dispensed…maybe for anti-cheat? Or was the timer extended when the parry bug hit?

    We've had seven weeks of fights so far: Rogue, Mister Sinister, Mysterio, Darkhawk, Venom, Adaptoid, Symbiote Supreme. On Wednesday August 4 they will release week 8. On August 11 they will release week 9. That is the nine fight sequence they mentioned in the announcement.

    The announcement specifies that on August 18, which would be week ten if we were still counting, they will release a special challenge that will last for two weeks. That takes place after the nine fights specified in the Summer of Pain event. That would take us to September 1, 29 days and some change from now as I write this. That correlates roughly with the 29 days 17 hours 35 minutes left in the event on my game as I write this.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,174 ★★★★★
    Yeah I failed miserably at the math there.
  • Xguard77Xguard77 Member Posts: 585 ★★★

    Instead of breaking out the abacus, you could check the solo objective :)
  • SkwirkerSkwirker Member Posts: 14
    DNA3000 said:

    I don’t like week 7 fight. It is just bad and TB objective counter are extremely limited to solo. Can be done with one or two revive though. Revives should be a way to salvage your mistake not a way to play the game.
    It start to not depend on skills or strategy anymore. Dissatisfied with it.

    1. This is a progressional game that is based on skill progress, content progress, and roster progress. If you think the game is just about juggling skills, it is not. The game will reward people for having stronger rosters just as much as it will reward players for having stronger skills. Or for that matter better eyesight, newer phones, or more stamina.

    2. With a high enough skill level the fight can be soloed. In fact, I'm pretty sure with a high enough level of skill every objective can be soloed. Red Guardian can get the easy solo for Cavaliers. And I know for a fact that Angela can get the easy solo for cosmic and Voodoo can get the easy solo for denial. Now, you might not have a 5* or 6* Angela or Voodoo, but if you play them with enough skill you don't need a 5* ranked up version of either. A 4* will do with enough skill (it'll take forever, but that's irrelevant to the question of whether it is possible to defeat with skill). The only one I'm personally not 100% certain can be done with a 4* champ without revives is the mercenary objective, and that might just be because I haven't figured out how yet.

    3. Revives and potions are a resource in the game, no different from gold or ISO or catalysts. They are there to be used. Beating a fight without revives generates the same rewards as beating a fight with one revive (unless it is some special must-one-shot event). You can say you shouldn't have to use them, but then you're just making up your own rules. People do that all the time. People play MMOs under perma-death rules, where if your character dies you have to delete it and start over. It can be fun: I've done it myself many times. However, at that point you're playing your own game for your own reasons. You can't expect everyone else to follow along.
    The Mercenary one is the only one I personally find a bit bs. I believe Domino is the only option for a solo. I've had no trouble soloing every other week and objective where there were a fair amount of counters available but this one really only seems to have one counter from my testing
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Skwirker said:

    DNA3000 said:

    I don’t like week 7 fight. It is just bad and TB objective counter are extremely limited to solo. Can be done with one or two revive though. Revives should be a way to salvage your mistake not a way to play the game.
    It start to not depend on skills or strategy anymore. Dissatisfied with it.

    1. This is a progressional game that is based on skill progress, content progress, and roster progress. If you think the game is just about juggling skills, it is not. The game will reward people for having stronger rosters just as much as it will reward players for having stronger skills. Or for that matter better eyesight, newer phones, or more stamina.

    2. With a high enough skill level the fight can be soloed. In fact, I'm pretty sure with a high enough level of skill every objective can be soloed. Red Guardian can get the easy solo for Cavaliers. And I know for a fact that Angela can get the easy solo for cosmic and Voodoo can get the easy solo for denial. Now, you might not have a 5* or 6* Angela or Voodoo, but if you play them with enough skill you don't need a 5* ranked up version of either. A 4* will do with enough skill (it'll take forever, but that's irrelevant to the question of whether it is possible to defeat with skill). The only one I'm personally not 100% certain can be done with a 4* champ without revives is the mercenary objective, and that might just be because I haven't figured out how yet.

    3. Revives and potions are a resource in the game, no different from gold or ISO or catalysts. They are there to be used. Beating a fight without revives generates the same rewards as beating a fight with one revive (unless it is some special must-one-shot event). You can say you shouldn't have to use them, but then you're just making up your own rules. People do that all the time. People play MMOs under perma-death rules, where if your character dies you have to delete it and start over. It can be fun: I've done it myself many times. However, at that point you're playing your own game for your own reasons. You can't expect everyone else to follow along.
    The Mercenary one is the only one I personally find a bit bs. I believe Domino is the only option for a solo. I've had no trouble soloing every other week and objective where there were a fair amount of counters available but this one really only seems to have one counter from my testing
    The name of the event is “Summer of PAIN”, if most of the people are able to solo every fight till now, it’s not exactly “painful”. Using a couple revives for each fight is what most of the people expected to do, but after the last few weeks people forgot that event is supposed to be hard and now they are whining about using a couple revives.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,174 ★★★★★
    Part of the shtick here is that players players who have been TB doing SOP can almost certainly manage the 30 paths of cavalier EQ in almost no revives. It’s been a big ego boost for me to swing a solo here and there but I don’t care about using a few revives. I hit TB on one account in January and one in May.
  • AjarAjar Member Posts: 64
    Sop is not playable right now. Is that intentional? You don't see it in game
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Ajar said:

    Sop is not playable right now. Is that intentional? You don't see it in game

    The team's working to get a fix pushed out that should be live shortly, though you may want to restart your game.
  • AjarAjar Member Posts: 64
    edited August 2021

    Ajar said:

    Sop is not playable right now. Is that intentional? You don't see it in game

    The team's working to get a fix pushed out that should be live shortly, though you may want to restart your game.
    Thanks. I only started playing today. That's a great advice. That never came to my mind..... First time anything doesn't work.
  • Matrixdemonmemegod1Matrixdemonmemegod1 Member Posts: 112
    It’s working chill guys
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    SoP emma bugged
    Her special attacks are inflicting randomly reversed controls and sometimes no reverse controls
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★
    Solo'd SOP Emma with G2099, 235 hits for completion and female objectives.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    Typhoon said:

    Solo'd SOP Emma with G2099, 235 hits for completion and female objectives.

    Thank you. I was coming to ask if G99 would be considered female since she’s a robot.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    Werewrym said:

    SoP emma bugged
    Her special attacks are inflicting randomly reversed controls and sometimes no reverse controls

    Who are you using? If you are using someone like duped She-Hulk she reduced the opponents AA during special attacks so Emma wouldn't always reverse controls.
    @Werewrym ohh sorry yeah
    Thank you bud. My mistake didn’t read Shehulk abilities
    No bug thanks
  • Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
    So a good Emma counter is….?
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  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,310 ★★★★★
    Ghost can work well... if you are truly focused.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,757 ★★★★★
    A quick question just to be sure: I m cavalier and I skipped the Darkhawk fight, so now I have 7 points instead of 8. There's no need to fight the next, last round next week, right?
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Searmenis said:

    A quick question just to be sure: I m cavalier and I skipped the Darkhawk fight, so now I have 7 points instead of 8. There's no need to fight the next, last round next week, right?

    Yes you don’t have to do it unless you want to do it for the gold or for fun.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,757 ★★★★★

    Searmenis said:

    A quick question just to be sure: I m cavalier and I skipped the Darkhawk fight, so now I have 7 points instead of 8. There's no need to fight the next, last round next week, right?

    Yes you don’t have to do it unless you want to do it for the gold or for fun.
    I ll sure try it for the fun and practice, not using any revives though lol
  • Sn1pes130Sn1pes130 Member Posts: 82
    Sorry if I missed it somewhere, but if one of the weeks milestone was missed will it be possible to get the top reward still or would I fall short by a point?
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