Gamora Spotlight



  • slackerslacker Member Posts: 781 ★★★★

    The change may be minimal, but that's reasonable. They're not all going to be significant changes, as per their objectives. One rework, one small values change. That's the goal.

    Small values doesn’t have to mean insignificant. Angela had a value buff and she’s one of the top cosmic champs in the game with an incredibly unique and fun ability set.
    See. There's the comparison. People are comparing them to other buffs and not how they worked before. I was even surprised she was being buffed. She wasn't the top of my list for needs.
    They said in the announcement “ We’ve heard it from our players and feel it ourselves, some of the updates are not up to the level that Summoners had hoped. While not every Champion is meant to suddenly skyrocket to the top of the DPS charts or replace every Champion in your Roster, we feel that players are not happy with some of the updates they have received lately.

    While we understand that this change will lead to fewer Champion updates per month, we believe that this will allow us to give you better quality updates every month with fewer issues.”

    So Kabam know the community weren’t happy with the level of some of the updates, and as a result, they pumped out another update in line with the ones we wouldn’t be happy with.
    My theories is, Gamora was suppose in 3 buffs schedule, then Kabam changed that and throw her in 2 buff schedule as a "back up" like 3 buffs, that's why we have this situation, and i think that Kabam decide to take more time to test the other buff champs so they didn't have time to test Gamora properly, and i think we should see this efficient of 2 buffs in other months when all "3 buffs schedule" champs are over and get "2 buffs schedule" treatment.
  • LovekLovek Member Posts: 216 ★★★
    edited August 2021
    so many people said " she is a stress champ'" with her timer....
    and timer still here !!!

    totally disapointed... again.... :/

    her kit utility on sp3 is so short and will add more stress..

    should be "the most stressful champ' in the galaxy"

    unplayable champ' again. Still will we never used

    i definitively quit the forum. i feel like we talk to wall now. thank you and goodbye all.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,444 ★★★★★
    Damn, I had my hopes up with my 6* Gamora.
  • raviXsharmaraviXsharma Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    Ercarret said:

    A 100-second cooldown of the Godslayer Strike will make it borderline useless in most fights. It's a good ability, but not "too good to use twice in a fight" good. It won't win you the fight.

    Having her counter auto-block at 10 buffs is also strange. The buff-reliant utility concept works for Angela because it's really easy to reach 3 or 4 buffs, but 10 buffs with Gamora? It'll become easier as the fight goes on but it feels like you'll be without that mechanic for quite some time while you build them up. An auto-block counter is not something you want to be without for that long, I think.

    Edit: It should be Miss, not Auto-Block. My bad.

    It would have been nice if you got some buff or another by using the Heavy, I think. That would make building them up smoother. But we'll see, I guess. I don't have any experience with Gamora whatsoever since I haven't ever pulled her in any rarity over 3 or maybe 4* (and don't have those ranked up), so I don't really know how good she is at building buffs. If she builds them like crazy, maybe it'll work.

    But yeah, hiding a true strike behind her SP3 is weak. I guess Kabam finally listened to all of our whining about "too much True Focus in the game!"? :blush:

    If you've a high Sig gamora you can decrease the godslayer cooldown timer to 20 seconds. They're trynna make dupes more usefulness with every bugged champion so people don't be in an awe when duping
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    Bro, this is couldn't be a discussion because you shouldn't post on newly featured or buffed characters in any manner
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  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    edited August 2021
    Auce said:

    She was never a terrible champ. I don't mind the impractical buff. Happens a lot. As they buff old champs, sometimes the synergys alone make it worth it. I was hoping her synergys would change some.

    Having a borderline useless dud of a buff like this means a lot more now than it did before bcause of the promise of higher quilty buffs in exchange for less buffs per month.

    Kabam have slashed the amount of buffs we get per month in half. Which means this buff is one of the now only *2* buffs we get every month. Kabam supposedly lowered the amount of buffs per month to give us better quality updates. If this "buff" what kabam meant by that, this is a bad sign to come.

    Now we are left with practically only 1 buff this month because kabam has failed to deliver.

    I just hope that all this negative feedback ensures something like this won't happen again.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    That's pretty dramatic over a values change, as per their objectives. She wasn't even that bad to begin with since her last buff. Honestly, the issue is being exaggerated.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★

    That's pretty dramatic over a values change, as per their objectives. She wasn't even that bad to begin with since her last buff. Honestly, the issue is being exaggerated.

    The more people that say this is okay the higher chance kabam will think the same.

    Please don't contribute to that this time around. I want good buffs
    You think we control what they do?
    They don't all have to be AMAZING.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    A very useless buff, I don't think any effort or thoughts went into this buff. If this is the kind of buffs we're going to get, we might as well take the old buff system like that. Sadly how optimistic some of us where when the buffs were reduced hoping we'd get a more thought-out designs.
    Like what someone suggested on her spotlight discussion page, give her the ability to chain her combo into heavy like Doom and Wasp (fyi wasp's is broken, idk if it's known). If you like add a timer to it like Elsa's parry-evade. That way it's more practical to use her and not have to worry about expiring buffs meaning expiring utility so-called miss & evade counter.
  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★

    That's pretty dramatic over a values change, as per their objectives. She wasn't even that bad to begin with since her last buff. Honestly, the issue is being exaggerated.

    “She wasn’t even THAT bad” is the equivalent of saying she’s not good. Which is essentially what people are clamoring about. We don’t want the hype of and “buff” but the reality of a dud.

    I’ve read your responses. I understand you believe most of us are being “dramatic.” I won’t make this a personal attack towards you because, hell…I don’t have the energy.

    But champion buffs are the next best thing to getting exciting champs out of crystals. Especially when these are champions that have so much POTENTIAL. A tweak here, a bump there, and instant amazing champ.

    But for most of us it feels like there’s an intentional effort to limit these amazing buffs in the name of “balance.” Which is hard to process because we have more than enough new champs flying around here throwing 10K mediums like it’s normal. The balance argument because pretty repetitive.

    People want to be excited about champs they recognize and have grown to like. Outside of MCOC I had no idea Quake was a thing. But Gamora is a thing. And when a simple adjustments could have such positive pro players impact, then it’s a bit callous calling people dramatic.

    But alas…I understand you are contrarian. And I know deep down some part of you gets where we are coming from.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    Catmanndo said:

    @GroundedWisdom Please post a vid of your 6R3 Gamora Gameplay at sig 200 when the buff goes live. I think that’ll help the non believers see how effective and valuable she is. Thanks.

    You posted the same thing in another Thread. Still doesn't relate to what I said.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    Denzel116 said:

    That's pretty dramatic over a values change, as per their objectives. She wasn't even that bad to begin with since her last buff. Honestly, the issue is being exaggerated.

    “She wasn’t even THAT bad” is the equivalent of saying she’s not good. Which is essentially what people are clamoring about. We don’t want the hype of and “buff” but the reality of a dud.

    I’ve read your responses. I understand you believe most of us are being “dramatic.” I won’t make this a personal attack towards you because, hell…I don’t have the energy.

    But champion buffs are the next best thing to getting exciting champs out of crystals. Especially when these are champions that have so much POTENTIAL. A tweak here, a bump there, and instant amazing champ.

    But for most of us it feels like there’s an intentional effort to limit these amazing buffs in the name of “balance.” Which is hard to process because we have more than enough new champs flying around here throwing 10K mediums like it’s normal. The balance argument because pretty repetitive.

    People want to be excited about champs they recognize and have grown to like. Outside of MCOC I had no idea Quake was a thing. But Gamora is a thing. And when a simple adjustments could have such positive pro players impact, then it’s a bit callous calling people dramatic.

    But alas…I understand you are contrarian. And I know deep down some part of you gets where we are coming from.
    That's the problem I already pointed out. If they're not "good" they're "bad". This isn't a game of Jenga. It's not about taking a block from the bottom and putting it on top. Do I get where you're coming from? More than people know themselves. As long as there's an incessant comparison to who can do it better, who was a better buff, who was changed the most,'s impossible to always be satisfied with what they put out. They can't keep up with that whole "wow us now" mind state. It's never enough. If a Champ is a "good" buff, people call that the standard. If a Champ is a "bad" buff, people ignore the actual changes that were made. For God sakes, it hasn't even gone live yet for people to play, and here we are. If people want those amazing buffs, then go back to a few a year. Otherwise they're going to do what they said. A rework, and a values change a month. Don't complain when the values change isn't as significant as the rework. That was the plan.
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  • Destroy4589Destroy4589 Member Posts: 261 ★★★
    If you are decreasing from three champion updates to two champion updates, then this is the worst way to showcase the improvement in "quality". This is such a lazy update that feels like it took a whole of two hours to come up with. The problem with gamora was never the damage but rather the practicality. Being so reliant on heavy to maintain her damage was impractical and that was not changed.

    She also did not have any utility and the two pieces of utility added are hilarious. You are telling me that if I want to counter a spidey champ, I need to go all the way to sp3 just to get a true strike to be able to counter evade? Is this a joke? That is so impractical whether you are a new player or an endgame player. No one in their right mind would use her as an evade counter. If I want to use her to counter miss I need to wait for roughly 30 hits. What am I supposed to do till then? What if I need her utility but the matchup is stun immune and I cant refresh my buffs?

    This is such a laughable update that you are better off just not doing it. It will free up more time to fix the game. You are also better off just giving the miles morales buff and forgetting about gamora.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★

    That's pretty dramatic over a values change, as per their objectives. She wasn't even that bad to begin with since her last buff. Honestly, the issue is being exaggerated.

    You still haven't answered my doubts, good sir. Just hoping a Gamora Buff expert like yourself can help out average players like me....
    Where did I claim to be an expert? It isn't even live yet. I'm talking about the complaining and unreasonable expectations.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    How can you talk about what a difference it makes when you haven't even tested her out yet, let alone testing her in a variety of situations? This is all because it's not mind-blowing on paper. Complaining for the sake of complaining is unproductive.
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,567 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021
    Really disappointing buff, she has everything she needs just needs the numbers better adjusted to her
  • MaybeThisIsNotMeMaybeThisIsNotMe Member Posts: 147 ★★
    Another pointless buff for a champ that will therefore remain pointless.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    So what you're saying is, people didn't get what they wanted, and the buff sucks? Sounds like an expectation to me.
    Since you can't apply her to the content you're personally applying her to, then the buff is a bust. You do realize there are other people at other areas in the game using her. Right? Don't know how many times I can say it. These changes aren't just about making them the best option for the hardest content.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    *for you. The people who are using Champs like Gamora because they don't have the other options to choose, will benefit from more. More is more, regardless.
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