Still no Valor quests



  • Jackie2CokesJackie2Cokes Member Posts: 207 ★★
    @Kabam Miike My alliances last Test of Valor was started Tuesday at 3pm. Since then we have had mates finish the heroic and master quests 100% as well as grind the featured arena over the 4m max millestone, yet no Test of Valor has been initiated.

    What are we missing here?
  • MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Member Posts: 340 ★★
    @Kabam Miike My alliances last Test of Valor was started Tuesday at 3pm. Since then we have had mates finish the heroic and master quests 100% as well as grind the featured arena over the 4m max millestone, yet no Test of Valor has been initiated.

    What are we missing here?

    you are missing nothing. numerous alliances are in the same boat. kabam just doesnt care.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★

    no offense, but your team has done very little to handle this issue.

    numerous alliances are missing the valor icon. it is no coincidence that these alliances have not been able to proc a valor event.

    its not an issue of RNG, yall broke something. please fix it and then consider some sort of compensationfor the alliances affected as we are now a day and a half behind in the valor race

    Since Valor quests are random it's really hard to tell if something is broken or not. I feel like this was a horrible way to introduce any type of event. If there is an error or bug in the system since it is completely random that would make it 1,000,000 times harder to actually find the bug. Very poor design in my opinion.
  • MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Member Posts: 340 ★★
    Draco2199 wrote: »

    no offense, but your team has done very little to handle this issue.

    numerous alliances are missing the valor icon. it is no coincidence that these alliances have not been able to proc a valor event.

    its not an issue of RNG, yall broke something. please fix it and then consider some sort of compensationfor the alliances affected as we are now a day and a half behind in the valor race

    Since Valor quests are random it's really hard to tell if something is broken or not. I feel like this was a horrible way to introduce any type of event. If there is an error or bug in the system since it is completely random that would make it 1,000,000 times harder to actually find the bug. Very poor design in my opinion.

    multiplle allies are missing the valor icon. that aspect of the game isnt random.

    those with out the icon have 0 chance to proc the event
  • NevvBNevvB Member Posts: 287 ★★★
    Havent popped an event in over 5 hours and my alli is pretty active. Multiple people claiming arena feature rewards and valor quests and nothing.

  • Mas_putoMas_puto Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2017
    The game is working as intended.These guys need to get a big enough lead so they can get top rewards, after all they do spend gobs of cash on this game. It is only right to give them what they deserve.
  • Mas_putoMas_puto Member Posts: 32
  • Spart3nSpart3n Member Posts: 36
    Confirming that we have had no valor missions since the update, we were having 2 a day before the maintenance. not a single one since. no valor button on the home screen. it is an issue not RNG.
  • PsychoChrisPsychoChris Member Posts: 18
    Now 2 days after maintenance we didn't trigger any valor mission. No Test of Valor icon on the main screen.
    Before we had every day 2 and sometimes 3. The same applies to other alliances.
    And not one single alliance without the icon has stated to be able to trigger the mission!
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    We were getting them as soon as the previous one ended. Suddenly haven't had one in two days. Just noticed we don't have the valor button on the home screen also. I guess we are out of the running lol.
  • TsunaniTsunani Member Posts: 173
    Guess we have no valor because we have no value for kabam. It's official, they don't give a dam
  • Mr_ChrisMr_Chris Member Posts: 109
    This has been the case for our alliance as well even though many of us have fully explored master or hit all arena milestones since the update. Something is wrong.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Can somebody that's missing the Test of Valor icon please send me a screenshot of their Home Screen? You can send it in a PM if you'd like!
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Can somebody that's missing the Test of Valor icon please send me a screenshot of their Home Screen? You can send it in a PM if you'd like!

  • Sobo102Sobo102 Member Posts: 31
    Can somebody that's missing the Test of Valor icon please send me a screenshot of their Home Screen? You can send it in a PM if you'd like!
    Can somebody that's missing the Test of Valor icon please send me a screenshot of their Home Screen? You can send it in a PM if you'd like!

    I dont know how to PM but I will find out and send..
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
  • Sobo102Sobo102 Member Posts: 31
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I smell a nasty bug afoot. Glad my alliance isn't affected.
  • ThaScorpXThaScorpX Member Posts: 17
    My alliance is affected by that ****.. active 5x5 alliance.. only 1 bounty in 3 days -.- already missed around 500-700 5* shards + valor because of that.
    So we're not able to get into top 1000 and we get way less rewards. That sucks quite hard!
    Thanks kabam..
  • ThaScorpXThaScorpX Member Posts: 17
    Valor info button missing..
  • RayRayRayRay Member Posts: 4
    Day 2 and still havent proc valor test since update. I understand its random but the drastic change in frequency still doesnt sit right
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    edited November 2017
    Finally 1st Test of Valor triggered many days after the maintenance down ....

    when polled with alliance members, folks are still doing their daily Event Quest (on various level, some done with master but now trying to 100% the easy & hard; some done with easy & hard now trying to 100% heroic and master)

    At least it finally triggered
    => Before the maintenance ..... we triggered 7~8 ToV in ~3 days period
    => After the maintenance ... we triggered 1 ToV many days after the server down

    If this happened only to me and my alliance alone, call me a liar
    If this happened to a ship load of players and their alliances over many days, fool us too many times it is a shame on the developers
  • ThaScorpXThaScorpX Member Posts: 17
    shchong2 wrote: »
    Finally 1st Test of Valor triggered many days after the maintenance down ....

    when polled with alliance members, folks are still doing their daily Event Quest (on various level, some done with master but now trying to 100% the easy & hard; some done with easy & hard now trying to 100% heroic and master)

    At least it finally triggered
    => Before the maintenance ..... we triggered 7~8 ToV in ~3 days period
    => After the maintenance ... we triggered 1 ToV many days after the server down

    If this happened only to me and my alliance alone, call me a liar
    If this happened to a ship load of players and their alliances over many days, fool us too many times it is a shame on the developers

    same here. we had 4 bounties up daily. now we had 1 in 3 days.
  • Sobo102Sobo102 Member Posts: 31
    Thank you to all of you that sent over screenshots. We're investigating right now! I'll let you all know as soon as we have more information, and if there is a bug, we'll get it fixed ASAP.

    Thanks for the response @Kabam Miike. I'm pretty sure there is a bug. Fixing it is all well and good but we have not only lost valor as a result, many have finished the master quest in the interim thus removing future opportunities to trigger the quest so hopefully reasonable compensation will be forthcoming.

    @LeNoirFaineant what you said is so true. Because @Kabam Miike said we weren’t receiving enough valor to proc the event in earlier threads, in the past two days I completed heroic (100%) and master. I also did much more featured arena than I normally do just because of what Kabam Miike said. This is the case for not only myself but a lot of my alliance members. How will you compensate us for the opportunity cost?... As an alliance we all missed the 5* shards we could have won thru the test of valor events. If you think about it from the whole alliance perspective, that is a lot of shards. I hope you not only fix the bug but also think about the frustration and opportunity cost this (potential) bug caused for all our alliance members.
  • 18sae5618sae56 Member Posts: 138
    @Kabam Miike I'm in a very active alliance and we haven't triggered one since maintenance either. I know a few of us have fully explored the heroic event and it didn't trigger. We had a guy that ran the 4* Thor quest and got him and didn't trigger one. Not sure how much valor is necessary to trigger one but it doesn't seem like that's the problem.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Y'all got any more of them bounty missions?

    Been almost 72 hours since our last and we had been getting them constantly before.

    No icon.

  • Mas_putoMas_puto Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2017
    Thank you to all of you that sent over screenshots. We're investigating right now! I'll let you all know as soon as we have more information, and if there is a bug, we'll get it fixed ASAP.
    Raganator wrote: »
    Can somebody that's missing the Test of Valor icon please send me a screenshot of their Home Screen? You can send it in a PM if you'd like!

    How you send a PM
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Sent you a PM @Mas_puto
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