[MERGED] Parry Issue Fix



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  • JimmyBJimmyB Member Posts: 212 ★★

    Really tired of the failed inputs. It’s constant and even when you think you have a good fight and can parry. After two. It’s fine and get hit in the face over and over. :(

    Yeah this is really getting old and I mean like OLD! Even though you send out aq revives it just sucks getting dropped inputs and then getting pummeled. If it wasn't for the aq comp, I would've already quit by now. Haven't needed to drop maps or anything but it's really getting OLD.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    Actually, when was the last time the MCOC moderator team reply to a thread regarding the unstable condition of the game?

    Don't remember reading any update reply recently.
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  • GarryDKGarryDK Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Game is horrific today. Especially in AQ. It’s literally hit or miss.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Fryday said:

    So saw @Kabam Porthos wrote and close 2 threads about bug issues, and asking players to reports these issues in the other threads (which is fine and understandable).

    However, these reporting thread are gone to 50 pages and counting, with practically no response from the Kabam moderator team or improvement to the game.

    Feel pretty much like talking to the wall then (maybe that is why people creating new threads in hoping they would be hear and get a response).

    Hope someone from the forum moderator team would give us an update on what the developers team is doing.

    I requested that Parry and Dexterity discussions be confined to this thread. If you are experiencing lag or other performance issues, we have dedicated threads for reporting those but we won't be responding to every individual report received there. Those threads are only for information gathering purposes.
  • Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Member Posts: 306 ★★★
    What I've noticed across all content is, the more aggressive the AI, the more these issues occur. Probably others have seen/said this but thought I'd post anyway. :smile:
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  • GarryDKGarryDK Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Game is garbage today, trying to 100% act 7 and the amount of failed evades and parry is so costly.
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  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,293 ★★★★★
    Lol good that I didn’t Upgrade to iOS 15 yet, thanks for warning
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,450 ★★★★★
    Catmanndo said:

    Lately it’s playing worse than ever on my Apple devices.
    I keep joking about compensating us with a nexus, but in all seriousness, we need motivation besides some AQ/AW bits and bobs.
    Half this game is about developing our rosters and if you can’t quest, that aspect has hit a serious obstacle of progression.
    You say the game must go on, so then, keep the wheels greased and give us something substantial we can focus on besides how bad the game performance is.
    I hope you’re listening @Kabam Miike

    Are you using iOS 15? Haven’t upgraded yet, but I’m concerned it exacerbates the issues.

    Dr. Zola
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  • JestuhJestuh Member Posts: 274 ★★★
    I appreciate the update on the issue and the long explanation, but I wanted to suggest something else be added to help diagnose issues since “feel” wasn’t adequate.

    Some devices, not iPhones afaik, can show inputs on screen and record this with your screen caps and vids.

    In the bugs forum, I’m always asked to post a video of what happened but without my inputs that information isn’t very useful (especially when it just shows me not blocking).

    I also anted to echo what others have said, while we appreciate the compensation for aq and war, eq and content exploration is taking just as big a hit as both aq/aw.

    The compensation was ok (I mean pulling a 6s xforce Deadpool didn’t exactly give me the warm and fuzzies), but we need much better single player progression type compensation. My aq/aw stuff is just expiring and I’m selling it for lousy gold.

    I know you said you’ll address that at some point. I just wanted to raise the issue again. There are lots of people in my alliance frustrated by the bugs but also frustrated by compensation that doesn’t address our issues and just goes to waste.
  • WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    I want to second this about the story content. My issue seems to the lag/memory leak issue, but the motivation and state of mind is the same from an end user's perspective. I feel it is experienced as "I can't play this game". So bear with me while I share some thoughts that I'd like Kabam to hear.

    I'm on android and it seems to be the harder content (with many nodes) leads to my bugs. Monthly EQ has been surprisingly ok except a few main bosses, but it hasn't been so bad to warrant a lot of revives. AQ and AW have issues and the revives and health pots are helping that to be tolerable. That said, I'm tired of grinding aq and aw as my main game focus and would like to get back to doing an initial completion of chapter 6 (I'm currently on 6.2.4). Every time I jump back in and get used to the special node on 6.2.4 I'm left very disheartened. I can learn the node by doing a few fights and restarting. But it seems every restart of the quest leads to more inconsistencies in timing. After about 4-5 attempts I get so frustrated I'm left with the options of 1)stop trying story mode or 2) get ready to use a bunch of health pots and/or revives to clear the content. As someone that knows I can do it with minimal pots and revives, I usually go with option 1 and wait a week or two in hopes of a fix. I told myself recently I'd give the game 2-3 more weeks to hear info on the bugs and potential fixes before quitting the game entirely. Today's update definitely helped, but I'm still left with I can't progress in the game without resorting to spending hard earned units (from hours of arena grinding) to get to the end of chapter 6 and thronebreaker... and that is the part that doesn't sit well. Why should I take the hit for units I'm saving for cyber monday to clear content that is troubled and beyond my fault? I'm fine with using units if my lack of skill or knowledge of the nodes is the fault, but knowing it's a bug in game and I have to compensate for that bug to stay engaged in the game... that just feels wrong and horrible.

    I share this not to criticize or blame but to give Kabam some insight into the mental state of one mid level gamer trying to get to the end game content. I'm sure I'm not alone, so please help us to continue to enjoy the game and not be put in a place of frustration in spending our time, energy, and units.

    Thanks for listening!
  • JJJmJJJJJJmJJJ Member Posts: 141 ★★
    “expecting an early 2022 release for the final iteration”
    And in the meantime player iOS’ player how do you think have to play? Increase more the imput window so android gamers will parry easy and iOS back to a sort of normality!
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  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    well early 2022 fix does not sound good.
    Another 2+ months of bugs.
    I mean variant 8, Act 7.3 etc are coming and we will have to complete all that with no parry/dex?
    They better give single player potion/revives at least 1 every 2 weeks
  • CritCapCritCap Member Posts: 76
    I’m still having parry issues. Red guardian is supposed to have very good block prof and yet I miss so many parties per match
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    The whole of act 5.4.5 was fine the i reach the mephisto boss.
    9/10 parries missed. and kingpin overpower is also broken. Too many bugs smh
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