Do you like the new UI?



  • DarkMistDarkMist Member Posts: 12
    Not a fan of it

    I might be biased, but I really like it :tongue:

    Might need to check how everything translates visually in all, if not, vast majority of phones.. im using s21 ultra.. menu tabs/buttons are awkwardly big but has small icons/descriptions.. for example: largest upper tab for me is the settings tab with just a gear icon that is not even in the middle..
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,945 Guardian
    Not a fan of it
    It looks alright, but the smaller buttons is a little annoying given i have bigger fingers. Will take a while to get used to it.
    looks good, but functionality is my main issue.
  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Not a fan of it
    The new buttons are too small
  • Spaghetti1297Spaghetti1297 Member Posts: 41
    Downright ugly

    I might be biased, but I really like it :tongue:

    what are you gonna do, if the poll eventually shows they then don't like new UI? Like 10k people voted, and 60% think it's ugly. The poll trend has been going to that direction already
    They're not going to change it back no matter what the vote says. This was about laying the ground work for project Genesis which means more tweaks and updates to the visuals and updating the UI. Hence, the incomplete face-lift.
    Good point. But then I guess they should have waited until they had a better version, more polished, to release it. Because right now it feels they rolled out an unfinished product.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Not a fan of it
    Why are quest continue buttons no longer brighter. Same for claim in objectives
  • RC51RC51 Member Posts: 199
    It's okay
    The Units button needs to be WAY bigger, I can barely see it anymore... :#
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,401 ★★★★
    edited January 2022
    Not a fan of it
    On an iPad, the Unit button overlaps over the Resource button slightly, which clearly reflects poor scaling and placement.

    I am generally okay with the UI, but definitely needs a lot more polishing.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,894 ★★★★★
    It's okay
    I don't mind it from an esthetic perspective, it's just that it seems a bit too small for my giant sausage fingers. Previously, there were giant sausage buttons and we were a perfect match for each other. Now, they're more like dainty noodle buttons. Good-looking dainty noodle buttons, perhaps, but not as perfectly fitted for my still-sausagy fingers.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,412 ★★★★
    Downright ugly

    Crine60 said:

    The menu selection buttons are too small and there is so much empty space to both sides of them that they could easily have been made to fit the space better. They need to be wider so you can easily hit the one you are intending to.

    As someone else mentioned, the number of items shown on certain menu icons (especially like the crystals) doesn't fit in the very narrow box for the individual icons and overlaps the icons next to them. This looks very bad and I don't understand how this made it into the live game.

    All the empty space to the left and especially the right of the champion displayed on the main screen looks really weird. If you are going to have all this empty space in the middle of the screen (which I am fine with if it looks better) you could at least move the displayed champion all the way to the left so the empty space isn't broken up unevenly to the left and right of them and is just on the right side.

    The unit number being too big looks bad but I don't really care if they fix that quickly or not. The menu buttons should be fixed soon and not make us wait another month or more to fix them.

    We're also getting a hotfix to help with that. So some stuff will happen next month, some stuff sooner.
    I thought I read the hotfix is just to add the champs back to the main screen when they are missing (no mention of if that will fix when we get multiple champs showing instead of 1 or 0), not to actually fix the usability issues with size and placement. Additionally, it would really help if they made the buttons light up or flash or whatever again when you have milestones to claim and quests to continue (and not make us wait months for that as well).
  • Ironside47Ironside47 Member Posts: 480 ★★★
    Yes, love it
    I like it. Some optimisation of the size/spacing will certainly help, but overall it’s pretty good. More importantly, switching through menu items seems significantly snappier.
  • AecoAeco Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2022
    Not a fan of it
    I like that its been updated, but as many others have said, the icons are too small, they are all too far in the center of the screen now and more of the buttons are awkward to reach. Top middle of the screen is pretty much a deadzone for reachability with your thumbs, and this is where all the main buttons live. Playing on an iPhone 12.
  • Kieran120Kieran120 Member Posts: 3
    Downright ugly
    This was poorly executed. The u.i. is CLEARLY unfinished. The best way I can describe is that it looks like I've opened a bootleg version of the game. Different font sizes, uneven alignment, and squished/stretched icons.. if this was a beta opt-in addition, that would be fine. But I hate that this is what I have to look at and interact with to get through the month. A hot fix to undo this until it's actually ready to roll out would be the best option. And even then, don't force it out. Have it as a beta opt-in feature.
  • Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 551 ★★★
    It's okay
    i wish we got to pick what champs show up in the main menu screen thing when u log in, would've been pretty cool
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Downright ugly
    I'm rarely complaining but because of new UI I don't even want to play the game. Game looks "cheap" and weird. Crystal vault as background when opening my roster?☹️☹️☹️
  • TheCoverGirlTheCoverGirl Member Posts: 89 ★★
    Yes, love it
    If you guys remember back when they changed to the previous UI, everyone screamed the game was dead.. Seal it up. Bury it. We grew to love it. Personally I love the new UI. Everything loads just a bit faster and my game is less laggy.
    Kabam doing something is better than Kabam doing nothing. The game is stale without changes like this. 9/10 guys.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,341 ★★★★★
    Not a fan of it
    Menu buttons are way too small on the phone UI
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,737 ★★★★★
    Not a fan of it
    As of right now, I don’t like it much. I think it’ll grow on us though and kabam has said they’ll improve it so I’m optimistic.
  • ZAHIDMALIK1588ZAHIDMALIK1588 Member Posts: 624 ★★
    It's okay

    I might be biased, but I really like it :tongue:

    Is it your own opinion or somebody pointed something to your head :wink:
  • Jwallace25Jwallace25 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Yes, love it
    I like it
  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 768 ★★★
    It's okay
    I’m ok with any change to the menus. I agree that they are small but it doesn’t change anything when I’m switching between menus.

    I’m not ok with the new special blue button.

  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,694 ★★★★★
    I don’t mind it.

    It’s a work in process , I’m sure it’ll get better.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,412 ★★★★
    Downright ugly

    If you guys remember back when they changed to the previous UI, everyone screamed the game was dead.. Seal it up. Bury it. We grew to love it. Personally I love the new UI. Everything loads just a bit faster and my game is less laggy.
    Kabam doing something is better than Kabam doing nothing. The game is stale without changes like this. 9/10 guys.

    My game doesn't have things loading faster now, it is slower for me. Switching champs in the pre-fight champ selection screen takes about 10 seconds and loading into and out of fights takes about 20-30 seconds each. That is an insane amount of time per fight.

    I don't know if Kabam somehow broke the memory leak fix for Android because it doesn't seem to be all the time but gets worse the longer I have played, but that never used to happen to me to this extreme.

    I use a Moto G Power with Android 11.
  • Billotch13Billotch13 Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2022
    Not a fan of it
    A missed opportunity to improve in-game news/announcements/communications. I would have utilized the big middle area or even added a new button to "what's new" for critical communications (the AW postponement for example). Kabam is way to reliant on posting important updates in this forum when I would guess the majority of players never visit. Just my 2 cents. Also the font sizing is all over the place. A little consistency perhaps.
  • The_HoTUThe_HoTU Member Posts: 445 ★★
    edited January 2022
    Downright ugly
    They are unreasonably small and green looked better. Also all the buttons which emitted light earlier are now plain green. Also I'm not in support of three champions on home page, I liked the rotatable one champion more.
  • B4nanaJoB4nanaJo Member Posts: 89
    Not a big fan, menu is too small, liked the units the way they were.
    Also, the background for the inner menus could be something less busy.
    But I welcome the improvements we’ve seen.
    Would love to see catalyst crystals get their own tab and more division of items.
  • Sunnyz_786Sunnyz_786 Member Posts: 262
    Yes, love it

    I might be biased, but I really like it :tongue:

    I agree I actually really like it and it's always nice to see improvements like this as ultimately it helps improve the game and just gotta say thanks and keep it up team kabam 👍 and you zero 👍 and you miike 👍
  • IgnobleIgnoble Member Posts: 79
    Not a fan of it
    I think there’s some unusual scaling atm that drives me away from the updated UI atm, but they get fixed I think it’ll be much better
    And on an unrelated note, fewer loading screens that load quicker is :pogchamp:
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 788 ★★★★
    Not a fan of it

    Why are quest continue buttons no longer brighter. Same for claim in objectives

    That is a good point, actually.

    I would easily forget I had rewards to claim.
  • ChadBuster72ChadBuster72 Member Posts: 27
    Not a fan of it
    On my iPad, it isn’t too bad, but on my iPhone 12 Pro, it sucks because now the buttons are too small.

    Why sit and make all these visual changes when the real focus should be game STABILITY. This includes blocking, parry, not lunging forward, having the special button actually know it’s being tapped. You know, necessary things like that. I could give two squirts if buttons are different color or stay large forever or if Captain America looks slightly different.

    One change I would like to see immediately as far as game layout, is move the overflow to the left and the trophy to the right. Too many times I can’t see the overflow box and then miss out on using or trading the expiring items. I don’t care about a stupid trophy or how many thousands low I am in the rankings.
  • qrlsqrls Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2022
    Not a fan of it

    I think this is phone related. I am using an iPhone 13 pro and it’s smooth af

    Haven't heard of anyone saying it's smooth in my alliance nor any players that I know yet.
    And if it's a case with phones, that means it's a proven failure, that is to say.
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