Do you like the new UI?



  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,289 ★★★★★
    What new UI? Did I miss a update or something
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,087 ★★★★
    It's okay
    Strangely enough it looks too big on my tablet and too small on my phone. If the aspect ratios can be tweaked a bit think it could be a solid improvement.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,638 ★★★★★
    Yes, love it
    Don't mind the new UI, they can get feedback and constantly improve it. It's not going to affect me too much, hopefully it helps the game load faster.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 875 ★★★★
    Yes, love it
    I like it.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★
    It's okay

    There will be some visual improvements to the navbar in next month's update that should make it look a bit cooler and fit a bit better.

    that's good to know that it'll at least fit on the screen better. right now it's not taking up enough real estate which makes it look off ... but i do like it and what it could potentially be.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,457 ★★★★★
    It's okay
    The units are a little too big for me, it’s okay overall. I’m sure they’re going to fine tune it later it, it’s the first iteration of the UI.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Downright ugly
    SunRice said:

    Is it me, or all Android devices got the navigation bar is displayed tiny and the units are in giant size?

    Seems to be on all devices. The optimist would say it’s unintentional. The pessimist says it’s very intentional.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    It does seem to navigate more quickly.
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    Not a fan of it
    It feels designed to make us do more clicking, and personally that is one thing I truly hate among web services. I always tell my development team at work to minimize the number of clicks clients need to use, but they take the same attitude of not caring about user experience. It is what it is.
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,078 ★★★
    Yes, love it
    Way more responsive.
    Navbar a Bit tiny maybe.
    And in big 16:9 Ratio Screens,in inventory Tab it would bei nice If more catalysts where in one row. 3 Now vs 4 that would easy fit.

    I Like it. Some tweaking is already yeah great!
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Not a fan of it
    After playing for years for it to change its weird and I don't like it much
  • Playing_DoctorPlaying_Doctor Member Posts: 12
    Downright ugly
    Very poor design from a human factors standpoint (part of my professional expertise). The most common action- going to the fight screen- got more difficult and annoying. The button's smaller & on my iphone 12promax moved so far to the center of the screen that it is really unnatural & I have to move my entire hand as opposed to my thumb. I doubt this was user tested.
  • JustAGuyJustAGuy Member Posts: 84
    It's okay
    It’s smooth and runs well. I’d start to love it after a month or two to get used to it.
  • Playing_DoctorPlaying_Doctor Member Posts: 12
    Downright ugly
    The very cynical side of me finds it interesting in light of recent trends that going to the unit store has become easier than going to the fight screen. Probably just a coincidence & not a subtle clue of the direction of mcoc becoming more of an app and less of a game.
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    Not a fan of it
    _Sham_ said:

    TheVyrus said:

    It feels designed to make us do more clicking, and personally that is one thing I truly hate among web services. I always tell my development team at work to minimize the number of clicks clients need to use, but they take the same attitude of not caring about user experience. It is what it is.

    but we have less click now. Before we had to go to home each time to go somewhere. Now menu is accessible from anywhere.
    That was never my experience. Maybe I am misunderstanding, but the menu has always been pull down. The extra clicks I see is that menu that replaces the scrolling windows I never had to touch.
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 401
    Downright ugly
    It doesn't feat well in the screen. Please tell me you are not going to leave it like that...Is unpredictable and hard to manage
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    Not a fan of it
    _Sham_ said:

    TheVyrus said:

    _Sham_ said:

    TheVyrus said:

    It feels designed to make us do more clicking, and personally that is one thing I truly hate among web services. I always tell my development team at work to minimize the number of clicks clients need to use, but they take the same attitude of not caring about user experience. It is what it is.

    but we have less click now. Before we had to go to home each time to go somewhere. Now menu is accessible from anywhere.
    That was never my experience. Maybe I am misunderstanding, but the menu has always been pull down. The extra clicks I see is that menu that replaces the scrolling windows I never had to touch.
    No there wasn't. you had to click on the icon which loaded the home screen with tabs then you click on tab you wanted.

    Now it is drop doqn menu which bring you where you want without going to home screen.
    What device do you use? I have always been able to pull down a menu, Android device here. I can certainly understand your POV if you needed to load the home every time
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    _Sham_ said:

    TheVyrus said:

    _Sham_ said:

    TheVyrus said:

    It feels designed to make us do more clicking, and personally that is one thing I truly hate among web services. I always tell my development team at work to minimize the number of clicks clients need to use, but they take the same attitude of not caring about user experience. It is what it is.

    but we have less click now. Before we had to go to home each time to go somewhere. Now menu is accessible from anywhere.
    That was never my experience. Maybe I am misunderstanding, but the menu has always been pull down. The extra clicks I see is that menu that replaces the scrolling windows I never had to touch.
    No there wasn't. you had to click on the icon which loaded the home screen with tabs then you click on tab you wanted.

    Now it is drop doqn menu which bring you where you want without going to home screen.
    Just to make sure my memory wasn't playing tricks on me, I tested this on both an iPhone and iPad not yet updated, and in both there's a pulldown. The home screen has buttons along the top, but on any screen not the home screen a button appears next to the gear button at the upper left which drops down the same buttons from the home screen. Two taps gets you to any screen from any other screen (other than the home screen where one tap will do).
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    This looks cleaner for sure but certain elements of it look awkward and the scaling in general seems to be off

    Things look better on my iPad Pro than my 11 Max, so I'm guessing this is a screen real estate usage issue with the interface. Hopefully they can make this look less weird on different sized screens.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    I personally love seeing this schmexy beast whenever I open my game
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,110 ★★★★★
    Yes, love it
    Jokepool said:

    There will be some visual improvements to the navbar in next month's update that should make it look a bit cooler and fit a bit better.

    We are going to have to deal with this for a month?C'om men!Is small and unpractable. It reall lookes like a mess. This was a bad bad idea. Why dont you spend those human resources getting parry fixed?

    What about fixing the bugs instead? 🤯🤯🤯

    This might help with the confusion many people have in terms of the "why this?" and "why not that?" that we seem to be coming across all threads.
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