How do You feel about the Pace of the Game?

This game has been alive for 7 years now. I started playing in August of 2020 and I have became thronebreaker and beaten all content possible besides Abyss, labyrinth and variant 1 in August of 2021. That was amazing and that was when I truly loved being on the game everyday, but now what? I have no inspiration to do abyss because u can buy the rewards for about 30$ on the 4th or Cyber instead of paying a couple hundred for revives. The game is getting a little boring to me, and to more. I still log on the game daily and I am just dying for War to start, but I feel Kabam should start making content more rapidly, meaning they should be designing act 9 by now. Are we to wait another 2 years until act 8 and r5 6*s? This is just my preference and I know a lot of people like the pace. How do u all feel?
How do You feel about the Pace of the Game? 108 votes