Prepare to Enter the Battlegrounds! Open Beta March 14-21



  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Has anybody matched yet? I have been trying for 2 hrs
  • FlameGodFlameGod Member Posts: 36
    Can we get an update please or at the very least an estimated time of completion for when the game mode will be working again.

    Matchmaking clearly isn't working so rather than say "we're working on it" just tell us the truth that you need x amount of hours to attempt to fix the issues / bugs we are seeing OR temporarily lock the game mode until its ready to be used so that people can stop wasting their time trying to find a match.
  • PsyGrinder_XPsyGrinder_X Member Posts: 58
    When are you going to take the beta down? It's unusable, broken. You can't get a match.
    No one foresaw this issue? Are you kidding me?
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike

    With all due respect Mike, should we just presume that Battlegrounds will not be working for today? I'm asking so I know whether to remain on the BG main screen or if I should go on and play other modes.
  • jp2835jp2835 Member Posts: 147
    Traffic ? I'm looking for matchmaking since last 90 mins and still not matched
    Where is the traffic in this ?
  • PrincessButtfartPrincessButtfart Member Posts: 1
    I love this game!!!
  • Smeagz23Smeagz23 Member Posts: 125 ★★

    Every time i try to play it lets us do everything and as soon as we get to the first fight starting the connection issue symbol pops up then 10-30 seconds later it kicks me from game and when i go back in it says we draw..
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Seliaks said:

    Well I can get a match and get through the picks and bans but immediately get a connection error just before the fight actually starts

    Yep same for me and it's using energy
  • PsyGrinder_XPsyGrinder_X Member Posts: 58
    Finally got a match after hours of trying. Got to the fight countdown. And connection error. Completely freezing up the game. Have to restart the app 3 times just to clear out of the connection error screen.

  • MaffMaff Member Posts: 4
    You guys should just take it down till you can fix
  • KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
    I like the objectives for beta testing. That’s cool but how do you complete the objectives if you can’t play? So far for day 1 half the day was shut down because you couldn’t match make. Now you can get a match but in the 2 I’ve tried, the system has timed out and caused a draw in the matches for the first and the other just sat there with wireless connections.

  • RicoShayRicoShay Member Posts: 254 ★★★
    edited March 2022
    Will we be refunded energy used? I've lost = to a 1/2 energy refill because I'm booted from the match? Just take the beta down and then put it back up when it's fixed rather than leaving the hot mess it is up and running. Looking forward to it coming back up but without any communication it's hard to gage if I'll even get to play today or any time this week. Seems like next time you should only be releasing to high end players with endgame titles to hopefully prevent any future traffic issues.
  • Orange35_Orange35_ Member Posts: 5
    Tried to play the battleground all day haven’t played once. Has charged me 5 times the 15 moves to enter this sum b.s the whole game has turned to trash.
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    How much of an effect should the new mode beta have on basic game mechanics elsewhere? Because my gameplay and mechanics got much, much worse today.

    Could you please make things right?

    Dr. Zola

    P.S. Haven’t had a 5-hit combo interrupted via game lag in a few months. That feature is back now (and no—wasn’t an auto-block champ).
  • AvisAvis Member Posts: 18
    Why push to bring out a steaming pile of horse excrement? Rename it “Extended Connection Issues” so we know what we will get. That is all. Mike!
  • FlameGodFlameGod Member Posts: 36
    RicoShay said:

    Will we be refunded energy used? I've lost = to a 1/2 energy refill because I'm booted from the match? Just take the beta down and then put it back up when it's fixed rather than leaving the hot mess it is up and running. Looking forward to it coming back up but without any communication it's hard to gage if I'll even get to play today or any time this week. Seems like next time you should only be releasing to high end players with endgame titles to hopefully prevent any future traffic issues.

    I too would like to see some form of compensation because I just lost 45 energy for 3 draws where I didn't get to play a single round of fighting. Just get a connection error right before the battle is about to start.

    On the plus side the matchmaking took me 30 sec or less for all 3 draws.
  • padamsatishpadamsatish Member Posts: 7

    I've been waiting for the match and suddenly it pops up to reconnect and game is over.
  • LewisTLewisT Member Posts: 6
    This has been the funniest yet most frustrating thing i have seen in a while. For a multibillion dollar company, your dev team seems absolutely incapable. you struggle to release ANY new features without completely breaking them immediately. how is it that you release a beta for a game mode your community is truly excited about and is invested in and it is impossible for us to play it? i have used upwards of 140 energy matchmaking in this game mode and have yet to actually be able to try it, i just get connection issues.

    just be honest with your player base and admit that your dev team is unable to implement new changes, and that we should just make do until this game dies within a few years.

    Im unsure as to how long many of us will play this game if you cant even do something as simple as have reliable controls, or implement a new game mode. look at games like Clash Royale, the games are of similar age, yet clash royale implements game modes every other week or so. very frustrating and dissapointing to see.

    i expected more from this beta.

    P.S in before the 'its just a beta' replies , yes sure its a beta but you would expect a beta to be partially indicative of what we should be able to expect in future months. surely a beta shouldnt be UNPLAYABLE, right? you would expect that from an early dev test build or maybe a pre-alpha. ridiculous.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★

    I've been waiting for the match and suddenly it pops up to reconnect and game is over.

    Not an expert here, but I’m going to congratulate you for your hard-won victory. :D

    Dr. Zola
  • Sean_1486Sean_1486 Member Posts: 148
    We still don’t have parry issues fixed . And we have another game mode, that admittedly sounds phenomenal in theory. But…. Dosn’t work at all. Come on. Please SLOW DOWN AND FIX THE ISSUES. And then come out with game modes that actually work.
  • Ace2319Ace2319 Member Posts: 619 ★★★
    First times I tried I never got a match but now I’m getting a match right away. I can ban champs, select champs, select my defenders and attacker fairly smoothly and then each time the fight is about to start I get kicked
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  • wheekwheekiewheekwheekie Member Posts: 6

    Worst thing is if I keep trying, they start taking away points from me HAHAHA I ain't flippin playing this bugged crappy thing anymore smh.
  • xRushKingxxRushKingx Member Posts: 2
    Game is broken i know what we can do create something that won’t even work. Every match goes to fight screen and then game crashes
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    StainA said:

    The high traffic excuse is ****. It’s just another thing that was untested.

    Yes. That’s literally the point. They are testing to see how the system works under a lot of stress by people using it. They are now fixing issues caused that have been found by the beta.

    You are getting angry at something being untested that is by design untested and is being tested right now. You are getting angry at the beta working.
  • Merigold00Merigold00 Member Posts: 11

    So you want us to spend 15 energy per round in the Beta but get ZERO REWARDS in return... how does that make sense? If we get no rewards, the cost should be 0 energy... I was pretty excited to jump into this but it will be a hard pass if I can't get anything in return if there is a cost.

    Don't worry, you can't jump in because it keeps disconnecting before you can actually fight.
  • LibkenLibken Member Posts: 19
    Issues connecting after setup before match starts, each time it’ll will get through set up but won’t connect the actual fights and disconnects, this is also happening with other members in the alliance..

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