Let’s talk about new released champs so far in 2022
Hey guys
IMO, the 12 champs so far this year are kinda disappointing. Nowhere near Hercules or kitty level. Maybe Kabam’s gonna release more powerful champs in the latter year? I mean we do have some exciting champs such as omega sentinel, Hulkling and scorpion, and we’re hyped about next 6 star featured crystal, but still not the champs that everybody needs in their roster. My list is like this: Wiccan is not included
1 omega sentinel
2 Hulking (hated by homophobia)
3 scorpion (kinda surprised me)
4 Black cat
5 Sam Wilson
6 Rintrah
7 Wong
8 Toad
9 Misty Knight
10 Captain Britain
11 Sauron
Your thoughts?
IMO, the 12 champs so far this year are kinda disappointing. Nowhere near Hercules or kitty level. Maybe Kabam’s gonna release more powerful champs in the latter year? I mean we do have some exciting champs such as omega sentinel, Hulkling and scorpion, and we’re hyped about next 6 star featured crystal, but still not the champs that everybody needs in their roster. My list is like this: Wiccan is not included
1 omega sentinel
2 Hulking (hated by homophobia)
3 scorpion (kinda surprised me)
4 Black cat
5 Sam Wilson
6 Rintrah
7 Wong
8 Toad
9 Misty Knight
10 Captain Britain
11 Sauron
Your thoughts?
If your gonna give your view on something at least be informed next time please cause seeing Sauron down so low actually baffles me.
But why exclude Wiccan?
Unless you have these champs and tried them out heavily, trying to rank them can't be taken seriously as you aren't speaking from experience and are going off what others have said.
Those who rank champs based on what they see on yt vids probably don't realize how easy it is to make a decent champ look op or vice versa when playing in specific situations.
2. These champs (except Omega Sentinel) have nice utilities. Not the best at everything but awesome at what they do.
3. Ngl I love these champs more now that we already have Hercules ghost and kitty and even doom who can basically do everything
That’s nonsense
It’s subjective
1 Scorpion [Love this dude]
2 Omega Sentinel [Close To 1]
3 Hulkling [Love the unique Playstyle]
4 Black Cat [Love Her Abilities]
5 Wong [Simple Loop Fun Time]
6 Capt. Sam [Crazy Utility]
7 Toad [Great Defense Best Mutant of 2022]
8 Rintrah [very Fun if you crit it's Great]
9 Capt. Betsy [If you're Willing To Wait Then She's Fine Still Mad that it's not Brian]
10 Misty Knight [Weird Balancing Act Champ But Unblockable And Guaranteed Crits are nice]
11 Sauron [Not as bad as I first Thought but still not great]
Of course there will be examples where one champ is clearly better but very often, especially with newer champs, it is often that there is no an "always best" champ and nodes, defender, synergies and masteries can impact who is "better" and when they are "better".
It's that they're always made with short-term perspective, if you go back through last year's list and re-evaluate them now with the knowledge and the time and the experience, I guarantee you their reception would be a hell of a lot better than what they were upon release.
Not every Champion is going to be Beyond god tier and not every Beyond god tier Champion was so beloved upon release. You go back in time and you're going to see criticisms about Apocalypse, Corvus Glaive, Doctor Doom, there was even criticisms about Hercules and Cosmic Ghost Rider. Time and perspective are the true judges of whether Champion is good or not.
Any advice?
Dr. Zola
Not every champ has to have CGR damage, Warlock utility, or Hercs sustainability.