Let's say you are in a competitive alliance and 8.1 dropped. If you wanna save some time and make the content easier you want to use class boosts in 8.1 If you wanna stay in your alliance you want to use class boosts in AW. There is no way you can keep up with those boosts by buying 1 per week and they charged them for 250 units. I can't see any logic behind this change particular, I said it earlier but want to mae a point again; only explanation I can think Kabam thinks class boosts are used only in AW, not in act contents,variants,EQs etc.
Ah yes, let’s add stuff to buy for loyalty when playing war uses all the loyalty you gain, basically just telling people to not actually push in war here
Who actually makes these changes? Here we are talking about a shortage in supply and kabam makes more expensive options in the store? Are you guys actually comprehending the issue?
Such a tone deaf change that kills any incentive to do war. You can buy more r4 mats than masters is able to get.
This sentence might be the most tone deaf thing kabam has ever said. do the economy people at kabam not remember how nauseating the potion changes were? it’s not like they’re that much better either, people just put up with it and moved forward. now there’s a delineation between wanting to compete in alliance war, and wanting to get essential rewards to move forward in the game. in a vacuum the changes are AMAZING, but because of the potions it’s impossible to enjoy it. and all of this coupled with the fact compensation ended while the input issues are still horrible is just a slap in the face.
kabam merged the threads, but for context the sentence was “ This update will turn Loyalty from a fringe currency into something that is very valuable.”
Ah yes, let’s add stuff to buy for loyalty when playing war uses all the loyalty you gain, basically just telling people to not actually push in war here
Jeps how many alliance might not even pushed now just to getting no loyalty to hav a positive with just using a 40 revies I’m do’s like u can buyers those hige end
Let's say you are in a competitive alliance and 8.1 dropped. If you wanna save some time and make the content easier you want to use class boosts in 8.1 If you wanna stay in your alliance you want to use class boosts in AW. There is no way you can keep up with those boosts by buying 1 per week and they charged them for 250 units. I can't see any logic behind this change particular, I said it earlier but want to mae a point again; only explanation I can think Kabam thinks class boosts are used only in AW, not in act contents,variants,EQs etc.
I think it's actually the opposite. They know those boosts are super useful and we use them basically in every content so now we have to burn through units/money to be able to use them as much.
That loyalty situation is bad imo, without upgrading the loyalty gains per war. You're basically telling people to either skip the new rewards in store or just spend units on potions and boosts bcz no way anyone playing even in P4 can do wars without potions
It is now arguably smarter play to do 0 loyalty wars, use 40% revives and end up in P3 then buy R4 Mats or a 6* awakening than push really hard for P1.
The choice between a 6* awakening, or 10k shards and a nexus? I’d go 6* awakening almost any day, unless I had loads.
I guess they will rethink the whole 40% Revive for 1 loyalty Situation after that comment.
It is now arguably smarter play to do 0 loyalty wars, use 40% revives and end up in P3 then buy R4 Mats or a 6* awakening than push really hard for P1.
The choice between a 6* awakening, or 10k shards and a nexus? I’d go 6* awakening almost any day, unless I had loads.
Change to the power back boosts is completely unnecessary we have gone from a store rotation where they can be acquired/ stocked up when needed to 1 a week with a hefty 250 unit price tag.
These aren’t war specific boosts and are used in other aspects of the game which is the complete oppose to the grey boosts which are available for purchase every 3 days.
Imagine the Paragon players who play in Platinum/Gold alliances. They’re the ones who will truly benefit. This seems to be a Hail Mary at causing burnout at the Highest Level. These changes fundamentally do not make sense and I would like to know why the people who thought of these, executed this.
The only change I do like is to the power boosts. They've been a basically broken component in this game for far too long and people basically rely on them (especially in war) to cheese fights with poor matchups. I wish they'd just nerf the amount of power you can get from them but I guess this is better than nothing.
The additional store items are ridiculous considering the loyalty situation in general however.
Let's do some math. I'm in SGA-1 and we placed top10 this season( hopefully ).
I stocked 25x Lv3 and 25 Lv4 potions and bought them 1 per day. 25x Lv4 : 25x20k Loyalty = 500k Loyalty 25x Lv3 : 25x15k Loyalty = 300k Loyalty , Total amount : 800k Loyalty
Let's say I used 2x 200 Class Boosts and 1 %12 boost per war and ( class doesnt matter and I guarentee you I used more than 2 almost every single war )
12 War x 2 Boosts x 10k Loyalty = 240k Loyalty 12 War x 1 Boosts x 10k Loyalty = 120k Loyalty , Total amount : 360k Loyalty
Let's say I used 2x Grey Boosts since I'm insanely lucky I got to finish all my fights in 2 run. ( I'm not )
12 War x 2 Boosts x 10k Loyalty = 240k Loyalty
Great Total : 800k + 360k + 240k = 1.6m Loyalty spent to place Top10 ( #8 ) and we win 8/12 in Tier 1
We gained ;
8 x 84,200 ( 75k + 9,2k ) = 673.600 Loyalty 4 x 46,700 ( 37,5k + 9.2k ) = 186.800 Loyalty , Total Amount : 860.400 Loyalty
So I basically lost 739.600 Loyalty to Place Top10 ( reader and author both know I lost more ).
I could've went back Plat3-4 to actually gain loyalty to buy 28,5k T6 and 22,5k for 1m loyalty in loyalty store.
Pros ; - I don't have to stress AW anymore, I can just go in the map and finish the job - I can gain 2.5x R4 Materials than Top10 Master Alliances.
Cons ; - I will open less 6 star crystals which is fine since I only need for Archangel&Knull for a very long while.
To sum up , what is the point to push for AW Leaderboard anymore ?
The only change I do like is to the power boosts. They've been a basically broken component in this game for far too long and people basically rely on them (especially in war) to cheese fights with poor matchups. I wish they'd just nerf the amount of power you can get from them but I guess this is better than nothing.
The additional store items are ridiculous considering the loyalty situation in general however.
When we're talking about making choices between using all Loyalty to run Wars, or saving for Mats, that's a choice. Not everyone is going to run high Tier Wars.
I'm soooooo happy I held off on getting another 20 sig on my 6 star unstoppable colusus as got bored of looking at my heavy amount of loyalty. I always have. Too bad I can't get back the 3.2 million I already used on getting and then dup my 6 star unstoppable colusus, lol
When we're talking about making choices between using all Loyalty to run Wars, or saving for Mats, that's a choice. Not everyone is going to run high Tier Wars.
the problem is its not really a choice, because you get more rewards for not doing war then you do for using your loyalty trying to compete. Trying to be competitive in the competitive gamemode is quite literally DETRIMENTAL to you progressing your account. Do you see how that is a problem?
So how long we think the 1 Loyalty Team Revives are gonna last when everyone stops buying potions and just buys the revives to clear AW for the Loyalty?
Yeah, this might just be the worst change Kabam has ever made if you have any interest in AW whatsoever.
Game is already at it's end of life, on declining curve. Changes like this is just accelerating the decline.
Dr. Zola
If you wanna save some time and make the content easier you want to use class boosts in 8.1
If you wanna stay in your alliance you want to use class boosts in AW.
There is no way you can keep up with those boosts by buying 1 per week and they charged them for 250 units. I can't see any logic behind this change particular, I said it earlier but want to mae a point again; only explanation I can think Kabam thinks class boosts are used only in AW, not in act contents,variants,EQs etc.
Such a tone deaf change that kills any incentive to do war. You can buy more r4 mats than masters is able to get.
How can I use class boosts in content and war now???? This is such a joke
These aren’t war specific boosts and are used in other aspects of the game which is the complete oppose to the grey boosts which are available for purchase every 3 days.
The additional store items are ridiculous considering the loyalty situation in general however.
I stocked 25x Lv3 and 25 Lv4 potions and bought them 1 per day.
25x Lv4 : 25x20k Loyalty = 500k Loyalty
25x Lv3 : 25x15k Loyalty = 300k Loyalty , Total amount : 800k Loyalty
Let's say I used 2x 200 Class Boosts and 1 %12 boost per war and ( class doesnt matter and I guarentee you I used more than 2 almost every single war )
12 War x 2 Boosts x 10k Loyalty = 240k Loyalty
12 War x 1 Boosts x 10k Loyalty = 120k Loyalty , Total amount : 360k Loyalty
Let's say I used 2x Grey Boosts since I'm insanely lucky I got to finish all my fights in 2 run. ( I'm not )
12 War x 2 Boosts x 10k Loyalty = 240k Loyalty
Great Total : 800k + 360k + 240k = 1.6m Loyalty spent to place Top10 ( #8 ) and we win 8/12 in Tier 1
We gained ;
8 x 84,200 ( 75k + 9,2k ) = 673.600 Loyalty
4 x 46,700 ( 37,5k + 9.2k ) = 186.800 Loyalty , Total Amount : 860.400 Loyalty
So I basically lost 739.600 Loyalty to Place Top10 ( reader and author both know I lost more ).
I could've went back Plat3-4 to actually gain loyalty to buy 28,5k T6 and 22,5k for 1m loyalty in loyalty store.
Pros ;
- I don't have to stress AW anymore, I can just go in the map and finish the job
- I can gain 2.5x R4 Materials than Top10 Master Alliances.
Cons ;
- I will open less 6 star crystals which is fine since I only need for Archangel&Knull for a very long while.
To sum up , what is the point to push for AW Leaderboard anymore ?
join an alliance that doesn't push alliance war, so you can spend your loyalty on essential resources
do alliance war and miss out on essential resources
considering alliance war is the only fun mode in the game rn (with BGs being off beta) its a pretty horrible choice
I always have. Too bad I can't get back the 3.2 million I already used on getting and then dup my 6 star unstoppable colusus, lol
Trying to be competitive in the competitive gamemode is quite literally DETRIMENTAL to you progressing your account. Do you see how that is a problem?
Yeah, this might just be the worst change Kabam has ever made if you have any interest in AW whatsoever.