You all better behave in this thread, because I'm already behind on watching this series and I refuse to spoiler myself. I'll be back when I watch the episode, hopefully ASAP
You all better behave in this thread, because I'm already behind on watching this series and I refuse to spoiler myself. I'll be back when I watch the episode, hopefully ASAP
Quick! Break all the forum rules before Jax comes back!
Anyone notice who Hulk said at the beginning when they're driving in the car and he mentions another family member? He says something like Ched or Zed or something, and I was wondering if he's a character who hasn't been introduced
Eh, it was ok. It was basically exactly what I expected. I'm planning on skipping around huge chunks of the show just to watch the things I'm here to see. I'm watching this show for only 2 things
OG Hulk and Daredevil.
Other comments on the episode:
-Hated She-Hulk's origin. Waaay better when it's an actual blood transfusion that she needed to save her life. Dunno why they scraped the original story for this stuff.
-Hulk's arm regenerating in the way it did was also dumb imo. Should've been because of his own power.
-Ruffalo brings way too much of himself to the Hulk/Bruce Banner character. It certainly wasn't as bad as Thor Ragnarok or Infinity War, but still doesn't feel like the character to me (it was closer to Endgame personality which is still a big miss imo).
-Nice to see Hulk do some physical stuff again but it wasn't anything spectacular and feels like it'll be the last time for a long time
You all better behave in this thread, because I'm already behind on watching this series and I refuse to spoiler myself. I'll be back when I watch the episode, hopefully ASAP
shehulk gets the infinity gauntlet and breaks the 4th wall to cross over to our world
Anyone notice who Hulk said at the beginning when they're driving in the car and he mentions another family member? He says something like Ched or Zed or something, and I was wondering if he's a character who hasn't been introduced
It's in reference to a deep cut in the comics where another member of the Banner family is a scientist but uses their powers for evil and Ched is the other cousin who gets empowered but I forget where his whole story goes, so you might actually want to do a little research on that one
Ijust hope that the arm regenerating in this case had to be especially handled by special situation. at the very least I just dont want them to take away hulk's regeneration ability in MCU/div>
I think it was more of he was able to see how her body handled the gamma synthesis to help jump start his own healing Factor so now that he's back to 100%, he should be able to heal on his own
Loved it and I correctly predicted that what Bruce said in the stinger was in fact what had happened after I saw the clip of the conversation and crash the other day.
Honestly enjoyed the show except certain dialogue, but feel it was in some ways better than Thor L & T, just because the humor worked and wasn't overdone. Curious to see what comes in the remaining 8 episodes.
Well, unlike the majority of the internet hating on the show, i was really looking forward to it, and i gotta say i wasnt disapointed, it was exactly what i expected and i had fun, cant wait for the next ones, specially the cameos.
But regarding the first ep:
- I dont think the CGI looks too bad, could be better, but consider it was her first appearance and on a tv show, im sure it will be a lot better
2 - I agree with what was said above, about the Hulk being too much of Mark Ruffalo nowadays, i miss Eduard Norton s Banner, or even Mark s on the first 2 avengers movies, later on he became excessivelly goofy and stupid tbh. And Hulk became a b.... i ve hopes we ll get the real hulk back again tough. I mean i get that its Jen s show, but to see Hulk being thrown by a car shows how much did they nerf my boy
3 - Very curious about that saakar space ship... wonder what will unfold of that
4 - I liked the comedy about this series, it wasnt excessively cringe like Ms Marvel, and Jen s personality was spot on
5 - I thought She Hulk could never change back to human form again, am i mistaken or did they change that? If so i wonder if it was due to CGI budget
6 - The backstory from Banner was spot on, his relation with Tony and Steve, its always cool to see such moments with our beloved characters
I'll be honest some scenes looked bad and show the CGI decline after the Infinity saga, due to the mass production, but like the Clapping scene looked horrible in my opinion
In liking it so far. There are things that I love and are hinting at bigger things and then there are things that are…eh. But I laughed and ima keep watching
nah they skipped that story line with Ragnarock as Hulk is niw chill and smart not mad that he got sent to the Battle Realm and wanting revenge... so you will probablyonly see that as a what if
I'll be back when I watch the episode, hopefully ASAP
Other comments on the episode:
-Hated She-Hulk's origin. Waaay better when it's an actual blood transfusion that she needed to save her life. Dunno why they scraped the original story for this stuff.
-Hulk's arm regenerating in the way it did was also dumb imo. Should've been because of his own power.
-Ruffalo brings way too much of himself to the Hulk/Bruce Banner character. It certainly wasn't as bad as Thor Ragnarok or Infinity War, but still doesn't feel like the character to me (it was closer to Endgame personality which is still a big miss imo).
-Nice to see Hulk do some physical stuff again but it wasn't anything spectacular and feels like it'll be the last time for a long time
Dr. Zola
Well, unlike the majority of the internet hating on the show, i was really looking forward to it, and i gotta say i wasnt disapointed, it was exactly what i expected and i had fun, cant wait for the next ones, specially the cameos.
But regarding the first ep:
2 - I agree with what was said above, about the Hulk being too much of Mark Ruffalo nowadays, i miss Eduard Norton s Banner, or even Mark s on the first 2 avengers movies, later on he became excessivelly goofy and stupid tbh. And Hulk became a b.... i ve hopes we ll get the real hulk back again tough. I mean i get that its Jen s show, but to see Hulk being thrown by a car shows how much did they nerf my boy
3 - Very curious about that saakar space ship... wonder what will unfold of that
4 - I liked the comedy about this series, it wasnt excessively cringe like Ms Marvel, and Jen s personality was spot on
5 - I thought She Hulk could never change back to human form again, am i mistaken or did they change that? If so i wonder if it was due to CGI budget
6 - The backstory from Banner was spot on, his relation with Tony and Steve, its always cool to see such moments with our beloved characters
7 - She Hulk s hot bro..