New AQ Thanksgiving Day

Anyone else extremely disappointed the new AQ map is launching Thanksgiving day? As if we have nothing better to do than study a map and pick attackers and head somewhere away from family to concentrate on some new fights on a Map that’s most likely bugged.
Should wait a few days and give people uninterrupted time with their families.
Should wait a few days and give people uninterrupted time with their families.
What say you?
Please consider postponing the new & improved AQ a week, so we don’t end up getting divorced on this fine American holiday 😎🚨
It's very American-like (which I am 100% American) to think that we're the only people with a culture that matters. AQ shouldn't be adjusted for any holiday unless it's adjusted for all holidays of the world. But if they did that, AQ would never start.
Quit being selfish and either login for the 10 minutes needed for day one or skip that cycle.
Edit: ps, good luck with yours and by all means if you get a chance share a picture of the final product!
Can't remember, well 4th of July (American holiday) and black Friday (American tradition day after Thanksgiving and evolved into cyber Monday).
But yeah seriously if that's already been threatened, that Thanksgiving conversation was going to happen no matter what.
all i know is i love me my free stuff on holidays no matter the origin of the holiday.
No one is saying postpone next weeks AQ.
The request was to postpone the introduction of the new mods/map changes (nodes/minis/bosses, etc) for another week.
Run AQ, as is, the week in question.
This way officers & players don’t have to scramble on the first day (thanksgiving) to try to clear/understand the map.
They can focus on the holiday and spending the time with their families.
Right now we run AQ on auto pilot…the request was just pause the new AQ season for another week. Especially Map 8, which will be ruff first day/holiday
@Kabam Miike
Wow, this post is so stupid
Go take a dump, works for me