Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Relics: Bug Report Thread



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    Cam77778888Cam77778888 Posts: 113
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos any word on not being able to unbind and swap relics and the storm relic is still broken. It’s been posted and reported over 12 days ago and still no response from the game team.
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    KamsojlKamsojl Posts: 1
    Need help support

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    NescioNescio Posts: 97 ★★
    I believe I've found a bug with the wolverine relic while awakened.

    The vicious passive doesn't seem to apply to your champion, it applies to the opponent thus giving them the increase in damaging effect potency.

    You can see it here against realm of legends winter soldier. My x23's bleeds tic for 588 with or without the vicious effect active. So it's not working like a debuff it's just a buff that seems to be applying to the wrong champion and making your opponent stronger.

    Winter soldiers bleed tics for 136 without the vicious passive but once its applied they tic for 139 so it seems to work just not on the correct champion.

    I've looked around and haven't found anyone else say anything about this so I assume it's because of the lack of awakened relics right now, and figured I should probably get the information out so it can be looked at.

    Anyway that's all and thank you for your time.
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    Cap_BrandonCap_Brandon Posts: 7
    edited December 2022
    Ignore this, posted in wrong section.
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    Isaac0188 said:

    I tried binding my 4-star Vision relic to my 6-star Nimrod and I got the message below. This happened first in the tutorial and I proceeded to bind it to Guillotine 2099 instead, then unbound it to try again and received the same message, despite not having Nimrod (or any other champion) in any type of quest or war.

    Am experiencing this same issue while trying to unbind 3* Vision relic from 6* Ultron. Not currently in any quest. Have tried restarting app but it made no difference.
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    SuelGamesSuelGames Posts: 947 ★★★
    edited December 2022

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos any word on not being able to unbind and swap relics and the storm relic is still broken. It’s been posted and reported over 12 days ago and still no response from the game team.

    Same here, i was pretty pissed with this new relic stuff being added, but what can i do.. ive been trying to just play it through, but this shet doesnt even work, i cant unbind relics, i cant swap runes.. its all broken!

    So warning to you all, carefully choose who you bind your relic to and which rune you choose, cause aparently its forever! lol
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    sirderekoflanesirderekoflane Posts: 75
    edited December 2022
    I can’t unbind my 3* hulk relic from overseer to put my 4* one on. Sent a ticket but I just got that the information was being passed on and that was it.
    I literally press unbind, it says unbound. I try to rebind it to someone else, won’t allow it. I go out of the screen and find that the relic I supposedly unbound from Overseer is still on him. It’s been well over a week and no changes have been made.
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    YeightYeight Posts: 1

    I can’t unbind my 3* hulk relic from overseer to put my 4* one on. Sent a ticket but I just got that the information was being passed on and that was it.
    I literally press unbind, it says unbound. I try to rebind it to someone else, won’t allow it. I go out of the screen and find that the relic I supposedly unbound from Overseer is still on him. It’s been well over a week and no changes have been made.

    Same here. Haven't been able to bind/unbind relics for going on 2 weeks and now have two unusable 5* relics collecting dust. Hope this gets some attention soon as it gets easier to acquire these yet you can't use them at all

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    SuelGamesSuelGames Posts: 947 ★★★

    I can’t unbind my 3* hulk relic from overseer to put my 4* one on. Sent a ticket but I just got that the information was being passed on and that was it.
    I literally press unbind, it says unbound. I try to rebind it to someone else, won’t allow it. I go out of the screen and find that the relic I supposedly unbound from Overseer is still on him. It’s been well over a week and no changes have been made.

    Same here. Support said they passed on to the proper team and thats it, no more news, and ive got relics stuck in champions i dont want for over 10 days now.

    I hope they give a fat compensation for this
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    Lanman7Lanman7 Posts: 1
    Having issues binding storm relic to certain champions. Shows it binds but never actually does. Tried all champs available and finally bound to omega red. Don’t want it bound to omega red. Want the storm relic to bind with kitty pride but will not bind to that champ
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    Falco369Falco369 Posts: 3
    edited December 2022
    I cannot pair relics with some champions . They are free from event . I wrote also to kabam support
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    OKAYGangOKAYGang Posts: 524 ★★★
    Has support been able to help anyone on the binding/unbinding issues? I haven't opened a ticket because it seems to be affecting a lot of other summoners too.
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    OKAYGang said:

    Has support been able to help anyone on the binding/unbinding issues? I haven't opened a ticket because it seems to be affecting a lot of other summoners too.

    No, support hasn’t helped. I am hoping now that the holidays are over that they will be able to get back to us. I wasn’t expecting any word for the past week due to the holiday season.
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    SuelGamesSuelGames Posts: 947 ★★★
    OKAYGang said:

    Has support been able to help anyone on the binding/unbinding issues? I haven't opened a ticket because it seems to be affecting a lot of other summoners too.

    Support said they passed along to the apropriatte team but they arent able to give me anymore news regarding that.

    Basically: "I am aware of this problem, but FU, we ll fix when we want to and we wont even tell u, in the meantime, FU again"
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    Lukeras27Lukeras27 Posts: 1
    edited January 2023
    Please! Fix the “disconnect” during the Battlegrounds! This happened three times with me and my internet was perfect!
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    OKAYGangOKAYGang Posts: 524 ★★★
    For what it's worth binding/unbinding relics is working for me again as of yesterday.
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    DjjendjeenDjjendjeen Posts: 55
    Same here, relic unbinding is working now, thanks kabam!
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    KyuuBiiKyuuBii Posts: 6
    Hello, after the update Kitty's damage reduction doesn't work anymore while phasing. Or is that just me?
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    Dial911Dial911 Posts: 5
    My game crashed after trying to fight Wiccan 3 times. I tried with quicksilver twice and once with caiw and it crashed three times. I finally was able to complete the fight with caiw on the fourth try. Anyone else having a similar issue?
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    WildTWildT Posts: 12
    edited January 2023
    Issue with winter soldier relic (5*) rune: the 'thermal ordnance ability rune' only deals a burst of damage when incinerates expire and not when they are refreshed
    In fight details: using massacre (6*) against labyrinth star lord (although i'm 99% sure the bug occurs in all fights)

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    Hood'un görünmezlik modunda ki sorun ne zaman çözülecek acaba.
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    Duo_KulioDuo_Kulio Posts: 183 ★★
    When I want to pin the relic to Nick, it says I can't because he's on a quest! But I don't use it anywhere! trying other relics doesn't work for Nick either! Please help.

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    NotamutantNotamutant Posts: 20
    There is an issue with the Wolverine relic striker. When trying to use it right after a MLLLM combo, in a fight in any mode (currently have him bound to Apocalypse), there is a 90% chance he will completely miss the opponent and just hit into their block, leaving me vulnerable after I return. This happened many times since I've used the Wolverine striker, and hasn't happened yet on any other strikers.
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    髙橋家髙橋家 Posts: 6
    When confronting Diablo in Chapter 2-1 of the Throne Destroyer in the event quest, Nimlot uses 40 units of 40% resurrection potions to use items, and as soon as the battle begins, as shown in the picture, Nimrod and Diablo disappeared and I lost the battle.
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    髙橋家髙橋家 Posts: 6

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    CheywolfxCheywolfx Posts: 10
    Haven’t been able to bind or unbind relics or switch relics even though it give me options to do so it just glitches out wasted units and have to close out with binding them
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    RapRap Posts: 3,203 ★★★★
    I guess based on these posts I am glad I have not used the relics. Seriously?
    Who is using them?
    With what "posiive" results?
    Why do we want these again?
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    ZuroZuro Posts: 2,815 ★★★★★
    Am I the only one who cant unbind their relics. When I unbind one and leave the tab it returns back to the champ I removed it from. This seems to be very common for others too. Any solutions?
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