Bgs Matchmsking is soooo bad

I am cavalier, with 2 rank 2 6 star and 12 rank 4 5 star and 1 rank 5 5 star
And I matched a player with two rank 4 6 stars , 9 rank 3s and the rest maxed 5 stars
How is that fair
I have 8k prestige and they had 13
So bad
NEEDS to be fixed
And I matched a player with two rank 4 6 stars , 9 rank 3s and the rest maxed 5 stars
How is that fair
I have 8k prestige and they had 13
So bad
NEEDS to be fixed
I'm just saying how is 8k near to 13k
Lower players are complaining about fighting higher players without taking I to consideration how frustrating it is for higher players to be still stuck in lower tiers because of this matchmaking system that rewards players for not developing their rosters.
Meaning that he is ready to participate; but not to compete...
You need a 6r3 for thronebreaker and just defeat sentinel for cav so he defeated sentinel. Don't know what you're getting at?
Althought my question is kinda valid as why progression lvl matters when they mention prestiege after; but yeah brain fart i forgot TB was r3
Victory Track is not GC so it's not the same
And I was in Gold 3, he was in diamond 3
8k prestige does not compare to 13k
VT is simple milestones.. some will reach them easier and some harder.. same with every other aspect of the game where milestones are available... Like Level Up... people may argue that "ohh i cant reach the units cause i don't have that many champs!!" And then even if u do reach it.. there is the Gladiator Circuit which is equivalent to the rank rewards... To get to GC u gotta go thru VT...
There is Cav players in GC right now.. which is perfectly fine.. I have been making this argument for months... VT is just a part of BG that u can brute force your way thru... Its just a destruction derby where u will fight higher and lower accounts...GC is where u will be stuck.
Conclusion... Complaining about match making is kinda weird.. I mean yes u get hard matched but I'm pretty sure he got easy ones too...
I'm just saying BG matchmaking could and should be improved