Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion



  • Roxas108Roxas108 Member Posts: 13
    First post ever going to keep it respectful. I understand that ppl wer farming like crazy in act 3.2.6 i understand it cuts into revenue i geuss but 1 level 1 potion and 1 level 2 potion for easy difficulty and one level 1 revive is a bit rediculous. first no matter how much you want ppl to spend units to clear content that will not happen. ppl will just stop playing eop or abyss or w.e. before that happens. this is because of your unit and cash deals for july 4th 18k units (i have a feeling u guys will push to 30k this summer). 18k spring cleaning, 30k cyberweekend and then whatever u want in banquet. this fully incentiveses ppl to not want to spend there units on anything else. your rebuttle to this will be they dont have to and thats totally fine but then ppl response to that will be not to spend and not to do the content u created which means in the end you guys wasted ur time.
    Secondly ive done the math for ur revive farming lets say for average player it takes eop about 10 revives per fight and 1-2 revives per fight you do with hercules if you mess up. so 6 revives for hercules fights and 40-50 revives on everything else thats about 56 revives. the way you have built this revive farming system is u get 1 revive from 22 hr events and 1 honestly from the new event revives have 15 day limits and u can't farm revives on saturday and sunday so in 15 days u can get 10 revies plus 14 from 22 hr before one expires plust the 15 in your stash. that gives you 39 revives meaning 11 revives are comng out of your pocket from this content. This should tell u the content is to difficult to complete if ppl have to go out of there way to farm up to 80 revives but nothing is going has been done about that ur initial suggestion was to nerf the revives u didn't see a problem with your content u saw a problem with the way the community descided to take up the content.
    Ontop of this you had said that EOP WILL BE REOCCURRING CONTENT (sorry for cap locks i just wanted other pple in the forums to see that part) meaning we should be soon be seeing the summers version of eop so you will expect players to have revives set for that along with this. unless your mind has changed on eop being reoccuring.
    Please keep replies respectful :smile:
    i hope to be more active in forums now and hope we can have respectful dialouge no matter what the issue is or how much we may disagree or agree.
  • TeddersTedders Member Posts: 146 ★★
    You need to increase revive storage from 15 to 30 at the very least
  • PH_JunkyPH_Junky Member Posts: 10
    How many energy refills did people have to use to obtain/ “abuse” this method I wonder- it’s almost as if energy refills are a part of this game as well and that simply exchanging one resource for the other is absolutely a part of this game and it’s both fair and legal???
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  • RohtagaRohtaga Member Posts: 53
    I'm gonna get tar and feathered for this, but it needs to be said. First off, I agree with almost everyone in here. This approach is wrong. Kabam need to change their minds. I'm working on a post with another solution. But if y'all think hard content is where Kabam makes their money, guess again. Please take a moment and think about it. The individual EOP challenges were not that taxing, so I'm only talking about the quest style content with this (gauntlet, EOP, Abyss, etc). How often does content like this release? Aren't people always complaining about how there's no content? Even if people spent 6k units to blitz through EOP carina's on release, that amount of spending would be dwarfed by the amounts spent for Cyber Monday, July 4, Banquet, etc. This isn't a cash grab. It's about the fact that developing content takes time, and if it gets blitzed by half the player base in a week, then nobody has content to work towards for a while.
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,498 ★★★★★

    Nope, but he's the most efficient to do so with BY FAR, as not only does he resist dying, he also has massive DPS and goes unblockable. The closest to Herc cheesing we've had in the past was Corvus timeouts and that was limited to AQ basically. Herc has single handedly allowed players that are flat out terrible at the game to mindlessly finish basically any content for free that wasn't champ gated or item capped. Believe whatever it is you like but the root of this issue is absolutely Herc regardless of how they spin it.
    But regardless shouldn’t make revive farming Gone like that’s f2p extinct now because of that
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,498 ★★★★★

    Of course not. They should have nerfed Herc ages ago, but that would take some backbone. They'd rather just kick the can down the road just like they did with Quake and Ghost.
    Even though ghost isn’t the biggest problem never was it was the tech power bots there make he so demand
  • VydraVydra Member Posts: 125 ★★
    Vydra said:

    Well, here’s a repost since the other one got deleted in a record 2 minutes due to some harmful buzzwords

    Time to turn the spotlight to the biggest factor contributing to “content trivialisation” and that’s new accounts accruing hard and endgame content rewards through unscrupulous means

    These accounts get to keep ALL of the rewards that they got through egregious means even after a small ban. This is CONTENT TRIVIALISATION. So it’s insane to think the player base that farms revives are the ones “trivialising content”

    And since the game team said they’re open to suggestions on how to adjust their punishments for such players, here’s some :

    1. Remove ALL rewards from their accounts that’s deemed “exclusive enough from hard content” E.g Abyss, EoP, anything Carina’s related, Act7-8 and future Acts
    2. Reset their content progression after their punishment ends

    It’s obvious your systems detect who bypasses such content way too easily so these are added policies to make sure the content our dear game team has worked so hard crafting isn’t tarnished in unintended ways

    End of the day, players still get the chance to “repent” and run through content like it was meant to

    Ah so my post got merged to this one. Not meant to derail this thread or anything but the points I have brought up in my comment here is something I hope the game team gives some serious thought to

    Because anyone who reads deeper into this issue will know exactly what I’m driving at and it’s not a nice future to be looking ahead into…
  • raisilva1995raisilva1995 Member Posts: 5
    they prefer to harm their players who fix things that really matter like those who cheat in bathelgrounds yourselves in joke the title legend
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