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Settle an argument for us

Milan1405Milan1405 Posts: 952 ★★★★
Hey guys, I'm having an argument with my friend right now. He says tigra isnt even a top 20 champ and worse than spidey supreme, wiccan quicksilver and others. He is now proclaiming that qs is much superior to tigra but I disagree. Please help us settle our argument, who do you think is better?

Settle an argument for us 178 votes

Crys23DrZolaMegaSkater67bhuv9191KeonexphillgreenTerraNescioBuckylives2_0Darkrider05LifeswickedAzizRayhanIshaqueLilMaddogHTSw0rdMasterSyndicatedflip3609sbroRasiloverAustinU823Akigothampunk 124 votes
DL864Jets44CropDusterKpthagreatTotal_Domin01rockykostonDarkness275SCP1504ObiNuggKenobiSbkruebYcatsEwell65SSS69ItsClobberinTimeBenjaSDGinjabredMonstaReignkingTWDeamon1337BeastDadBen_15455Khellendros138 54 votes


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    JahlilFTWJahlilFTW Posts: 12
    Cgr is my guy… I thought about using a cosmic gem on him last week. But he’s just not top 20. He’s not even top 4 cosmic
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    Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Wouldn’t top four cosmic be a higher bar than top 20 overall?
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,006 Guardian
    At the end of the day it all comes down to personal preference, if they don't like tigra or aren't good with her, then she is far below the top 20 of the game.
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    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    Quicksilver isn't fun to play
    Tigra is hard to learn but is awesome when used right
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    Windows10Windows10 Posts: 36
    JahlilFTW said:

    I can confirm I said cgr is not top 20 and I stand by it🥱


    Plus, he has been evading my 6* pulls as well.
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    PhiliaPhilia Posts: 87
    Ppl with skill issues think tigra is trash 😂
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    FiiNCHFiiNCH Posts: 1,664 ★★★★★
    I can confirm your friend doesn’t know what they’re talking about
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    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 914 ★★★
    Tigra is a way way way way way better champ, it isn’t even a question.
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    Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Posts: 462 ★★★
    Tigra walked, so champs like QS could run. Tigra for the throne!
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    raviXsharmaraviXsharma Posts: 537 ★★★

    Groot clearly better than both

    This is exactly why Tigra and CGR are not in the top 20 list of this guy. Groot remains the king in the list 🥂
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,483 ★★★★★
    As soon as I see discussion turned to arguments about "BeSt ChAmP", I just walk away from it.

    So my experience in relation to BGs:
    I have 2 r5s. And my first choice was Tigra.
    If I R5 my tigra she would get banned 100% of the time.
    If I R5 QS. He would get banned maybe 20% of the time.
    I like both champs and are at r4.
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    I don't use either of these champs too much but I know Tigra is better than all the champs mentioned in ur post
    I have all of these as 6* R3
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    As soon as I see discussion turned to arguments about "BeSt ChAmP", I just walk away from it.

    Personally, I think these discussions can be fun sometimes. This is a *Contest* of Champions, afterall.
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    hi_im_sirhi_im_sir Posts: 271 ★★
    JahlilFTW said:

    Cgr is my guy… I thought about using a cosmic gem on him last week. But he’s just not top 20. He’s not even top 4 cosmic

    yeah hes gone pretty outdated. can be countered by loads of nodes in act 6 7 and 8
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    hi_im_sir said:

    JahlilFTW said:

    Cgr is my guy… I thought about using a cosmic gem on him last week. But he’s just not top 20. He’s not even top 4 cosmic

    yeah hes gone pretty outdated. can be countered by loads of nodes in act 6 7 and 8
    He really hasn't lol. I use him a ton in Act 6 and beyond, he's very effective. Sounds like you're just not playing him optimally.
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    LpooLpoo Posts: 2,215 ★★★★★
    If you aren’t a real stinker of a player, tigra is top 10 in the game. CGR is also there, while taking little skill. QS is real good, but the Tigra slander isn’t tolerated here
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    hi_im_sirhi_im_sir Posts: 271 ★★
    edited July 2023

    hi_im_sir said:

    JahlilFTW said:

    Cgr is my guy… I thought about using a cosmic gem on him last week. But he’s just not top 20. He’s not even top 4 cosmic

    yeah hes gone pretty outdated. can be countered by loads of nodes in act 6 7 and 8
    He really hasn't lol. I use him a ton in Act 6 and beyond, he's very effective. Sounds like you're just not playing him optimally.
    yeah but you're you xD. you even somehow managed to beat doom with him lmao. i had a 5 star cgr ranked up and used him a lot a year or 2 ago. if you can convince me how to play him optimally I'll rank my 6 star
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    hi_im_sir said:

    hi_im_sir said:

    JahlilFTW said:

    Cgr is my guy… I thought about using a cosmic gem on him last week. But he’s just not top 20. He’s not even top 4 cosmic

    yeah hes gone pretty outdated. can be countered by loads of nodes in act 6 7 and 8
    He really hasn't lol. I use him a ton in Act 6 and beyond, he's very effective. Sounds like you're just not playing him optimally.
    yeah but you're you xD. you even somehow managed to beat doom with him lmao. i had a 5 star cgr ranked up and used him a lot a year or 2 ago. if you can convince me how to play him optimally I'll rank my 6 star
    People look at my experience and think that it makes me unrealistic in terms of how far one can take CGR. It kinda bums me out. Because everything I've done can be learned. And I do my best to ensure its simple to pick up.

    By my own personal standards, I believe there are 4 "Key Rotations", 2 of which are used 90% of the total time playing CGR, whereas the remaining 2 are still worth learning, but more situational - like the Sp3 Spam Rotation, for example.

    I have video guides for all of this on YouTube if you want to check it out and decide for yourself - all my guides are in one playlist. I will probably make an entire post on the forums here soon, with each Rotation written out, as to not clutter this thread with several paragraphs.
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    QS is far superior and for me easier to use
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    Milan1405Milan1405 Posts: 952 ★★★★
    Glad to see tigra is getting the love she deserves. I r5ed my rintrah instead of her for defence and I regret it every time I bring them into a quest :(

    Also good to see the cgr fans :) Personally I think he's a great champ, but I get that he is quite difficult to play in certain scenarios where you need the other 2 rotations Slayer was talking about. Still defo a top 4 cosmic and top 20 champ in general. Also he's just fun to play which is very important.
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