Please fix before war season starts

Pit_0f_MiseryPit_0f_Misery Member Posts: 179
Are you kidding me with this new defensive tactic? A r4 Nimrod..and a r3 Colossus( with the new attack tactic )..killed in mere seconds. It's gonna make war unplayable. Please look into this.


  • CamHefCamHef Member Posts: 8
    Yes, I’m all for making it more difficult than the last two seasons, but this is absurd.
  • Pit_0f_MiseryPit_0f_Misery Member Posts: 179
    Yep. Looks like my result against Prof X. Smh. Theres no way this was tested beforehand. I mean..I know they want to make war tougher and have more deaths..but this is too much. The only one that has worked for me so far was using White mags prefight oagainst crossbones so he couldn't purify the stun.
  • edited April 2023
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  • PepeMcocPepeMcoc Member Posts: 3
    Also global attack tactic is power burning only 0.01% when it should be 5% per armor up, YIKES.
  • Double_HelixDouble_Helix Member Posts: 86 ★★
    Beewee said:

    Hey there, the team is taking a look into this. It looks like it is giving more Power than was intended.

    Is attack tactic working properly? Cause it also seems really weak compared to what it should be draining
    It really doesn't matter how strong the attack tactic is when the defense tactic is generating power so fast. In the fight above, I had to knock Kingpin down to remove protection. By the time he gets up, he has a prowess and a full bar of power. By the time you could get an opening and hit into him to power drain, he's going to have multiple prowess from the node and be pushing 2-3 bars, and it goes downhill from there.
  • MasterSmokeMasterSmoke Member Posts: 585 ★★★
    Add a 10 sec - 20 sec power lock on knock downs to the attack tact
  • GabeZRodGabeZRod Member Posts: 74 ★★

    Hey there, the team is taking a look into this. It looks like it is giving more Power than was intended.

    Can you take a look at fixing the attack tactic as well so it power burns more than 0.01% of power per power burn/drain?

    Power gain worst-case gives 2 bars of power in 1 second if they have 10 prowesses, and the attack tactic is pretty much usual less against that

  • Jkw634Jkw634 Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Just faced it on second bottom mini korg. Was controlling fight easily with abs man. Got rooted once each fight threw a heavy triggered 1 prowess and he shot straight to s3 2 fights in a row. Once from just 2 bars and the other from just at 1 bar of power.
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  • ISO17ISO17 Member Posts: 87 ★★

    Hey there, the team is taking a look into this. It looks like it is giving more Power than was intended.

    It’s giving ALL the power lmao. Defenders are gaining power without even having prowess on them what is up with this
  • Avocago65Avocago65 Member Posts: 47
    Yeah I run path 6 during the war season and this is going to make the lane almost unbeatable. Even with nimrod or a iDoom running the new attack tactic the power gain is unreasonably fast and you just get stuck in this cycle of sp3 after sp3 after sp3.
  • CHuck_fINACHuck_fINA Member Posts: 156
    The champ pool for the attack tactic kinda sucks too. I'm the path 7 guy and I've been looking at those and I don't see a lot of great options for me.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    The power burn from attack tactics need to be at least the same if not higher than the power gain from prowesses
    Most amor champs don't have multiple armors & in war u can't always do heavy attacks

    Since the defenders list has a lot of purifiers, the attack tactics should either provide a way to counter purification, or also include some mutant champs in there that can benefit from the tactic.... probably by also adding prowess effects alongwith armor buffs as a part of the attack tactics kit
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