Please fix before war season starts

Are you kidding me with this new defensive tactic? A r4 Nimrod..and a r3 Colossus( with the new attack tactic )..killed in mere seconds. It's gonna make war unplayable. Please look into this.
I love how we get to test this garbage for Kabam... I was Deathless in Season 41 but If they don't change it, I'll be using a couple dozen loyalty per war (1 loyalty team revives all over the place) and going Deathfull in Season 42 😆
This really needs to be changed to 5% of a bar per second.
Power gain worst-case gives 2 bars of power in 1 second if they have 10 prowesses, and the attack tactic is pretty much usual less against that
Can we take a look at this glitch/bug/potential monstrosity if it's the norm tactic that was letting Bishop gain power throughout the fight when not one single prowess was on?
This tactic needs a complete rework if it'll continue giving this much power w/ no means to counter it.
Most amor champs don't have multiple armors & in war u can't always do heavy attacks
Since the defenders list has a lot of purifiers, the attack tactics should either provide a way to counter purification, or also include some mutant champs in there that can benefit from the tactic.... probably by also adding prowess effects alongwith armor buffs as a part of the attack tactics kit