Progression Locked Side Quest Solo Objectives

Really not a fan of the fact that the available solo objectives linked to this month's side quest are determined by progression title. I'm a newly Cavalier player and I've been able to explore threat 5 for these first few weeks, which is considered to be content with difficulty aimed towards Paragon players. And instead of being rewarded for being able to keep up with the newly implemented difficulty standard despite the disadvantage of being behind in my roster, I'm not eligible for any of the solo objective rewards past threat 3. It sucks that rewards are locked according to what I'm expected to be able to do instead of what I'm actually capable of doing, and all it does is make the process of getting to those higher progression levels slower for me.
If you want rewards then you should learn to progress
Since you said you are new Cav
I can assume that you haven't fought any of the hard bosses(Grandmaster, 6.3 Caiw,Champion)
If Kabam gives you rewards that paragons are Getting then what will be the point of countless amount of players advancing through these bosses by spending revives and energy and units?
Infact what will be the meaning of having any progression title if you can't get exclusive rewards?
What's the point of Grinding through content if someone much lower in progression than you is also getting the same rewards without spending as much time and money as you have spent?
The rewards for exploration are appropriate and if you want progression based rewards then progress
Sense of entitlement is the most annoying thing on this community
For years people on these forums act like each new threshold and title like unc, cav, tb, and paragon are these great accomplishment when it usually just comes down to how many units and revives do I need to beat the final boss or two.
It’s like when you first start on Act 5 but you can only use 5s champs. So your whole 4s roster that you’ve assembled to that point is useless, even though you could wreck the fights with them.
So instead you wait for RNG to give you a few good 5s that have the right counters and slowly grind through acts 5 and 6.
If someone can skill through the fight they shouldn’t be artificially held back just because they haven’t done other content. That’s the opposite of rewarding skill or merit.
I will say u are right in a way...the SQ Lvl 5 should be completely locked not just the objective.. the whole quest...Kabam throws a bone and they still complain...
Those of us who are thronebreaker are also not getting it. In fact, till last month highest tier level was thronebreaker which means as thronebreaker you always got the highest prize. When Kabam flipped the switch this month and made paragon highest tier, we lost out. You will see there are more people becoming paragon this month than any of the previous months. Several thronebreaker accounts like me didnt bother with paragon, it wasnt like Kabam was giving anything special to them and we could live with the higher rates in reward stores.
Now that it has changed, we are quietly making our way to paragon. Only people complaining are those who got there but got locked out of paragon objectives because they explored threat 5 as a thronebreaker
You’re not addressing my point about gating though.
I completely understand putting the paragon login crystals behind achievements like paragon. It’s a reward for completing certain content that’s difficult and/or tedious.
But the ability to take on higher difficulty content should not be gated like this because it’s entirely artificial.
Titles like paragon or tb say nothing about your skill as a fighter in this game. It just says you grinded out some content or bought your way through it.
Gate some rewards behind it, that’s fine. But if you’re gating content behind it you’re making this game weaker not stronger because you’re not letting people try their skills at legitimately hard fights.
The 7s event this month that was supposed to be paragon only or you need need 5+ 7s, those fights aren’t hard at all. It’s just about collecting enough **** to do it (shards, mats, iso, gold).
Now give me a Carina’s type challenge of beat this path with only 3s or 4s, you might actually show who the legit players are and who the grinders and buyers are.
The worlds a scary place , but it’s much worse here.