Who is the best mystic defender in your opinion ?

Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
edited June 2023 in General Discussion
Mystics are annoying , mainly due to the large healthpool and mix of sorcerer in their kit .

Who do you all think is the best defender in mystic class ?

Who is the best mystic defender in your opinion ? 209 votes

KeltanTendersquadbassalaAzKicker316Gambl0rKyunayRayhanIshaqueRasiloverAustinU823Chuck_Canuck75Eugene_VirtuosoHasibullahfidaTimmy2xs_Sham_Luke9523HungaryHippomonomuggChriissRcaptain_rogersCtfz35 73 votes
yossOurobørosUsagicassidyVedantMehtaFuskieMat152ItsClobberinTimeH3t3rAomine_Daiki10Nameless_IWReal_Madrid_76_2AshacekarCyrillFromTulaLetheLatteLickymbgibsonTnkeesmanRaul_ColombiaSparky9494_Rick87_ 26 votes
Mystic Spidey
MasterSmokeRbk19JimmyBAyden_noah1Owl_0wlTheExit27EZplayMarouenendgamelockedSuelGamesEmeraldflash225SilentArisXmanny 13 votes
Man Thing
nelly22rcm2017TrashPanda12xp21lexse 5 votes
KennadoCassyPowerofpain1001ErcarretTRDSJBHJ12345___CowabungaThePredator1001Son_Wukong7DarthMysticSSJEdisonLaw 11 votes
Mhd20034Darth_StewieKerneasMedpizzaMoeyTehrJeff38Thoye3Wolf911ChikelShenkSparty6Matthew950Salve_maker05GrassKnucklesI_tell_no_tales_1KINGBLACKSHEEPMr_Faltu1 17 votes
Spity68cfpreludeWu_Bangerz23o_oUltragamerDe1uxe32KnightOfTheRealm 7 votes
RockyshockyAnnihilator13_MCOC_JCMCaleb1705Yogesh_123 5 votes
Eb0ny-O-M4wHort4zuffyFeeney234ThecurlerHoadyOZrdxevilMoosetiptronicMaxGamingC19h28o2YcatsCanucks37GFactorAce2319JT_SupremeTyphoonLacerosAnsh_ADrago_von_DragoMaiThuyne 23 votes
Abs Man
PantherusNZKingLotusTristanVegeta9001kikiFurieuxrockykostonAckbar67SandPounderSavageBreaker69Dart1981ZeezoosRenaxqqBe_SomebodyWinterFieldsChiliDogDukenpukeBlueline_10AnlyMusha27LBN1 29 votes


  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 588 ★★★
    If he is awakens he is annoying without counter
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Abs Man
    All of the other ones are way too easy and way too easy to counter
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★


    Wong is annoying too .. my 7* always gets banned
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    I think sassy. Just because he's now a 7*.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Anyone that can reduce damage along with high hp is a problem
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    He still slaps
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Abs Man
    Emilia90 said:

    Anly said:

    All of the other ones are way too easy and way too easy to counter

    No they aren’t
    Who's harder?
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,722 ★★★★★
    Anly said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Anly said:

    All of the other ones are way too easy and way too easy to counter

    No they aren’t
    Who's harder?
    A lot of these champs are difficult to fight in their own right. Sassy and Maw can be extremely difficult in battlegrounds if you don’t draft AA or torch (or some of the other counters) and champs like Mephisto can catch you off guard if you don’t have an incinerate immune. Even then, he can go to an sp3 fast and kill you. You’re always here proclaiming that every champ is easy to fight. I didn’t say they’re harder, but they’re good defenders.
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    edited June 2023
    Mephisto requires you to have an incinerate immune that doesn’t apply incinerate and doesn’t rely on buffs
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Abs Man
    Emilia90 said:

    Anly said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Anly said:

    All of the other ones are way too easy and way too easy to counter

    No they aren’t
    Who's harder?
    A lot of these champs are difficult to fight in their own right. Sassy and Maw can be extremely difficult in battlegrounds if you don’t draft AA or torch (or some of the other counters) and champs like Mephisto can catch you off guard if you don’t have an incinerate immune. Even then, he can go to an sp3 fast and kill you. You’re always here proclaiming that every champ is easy to fight. I didn’t say they’re harder, but they’re good defenders.
    I didnt say every champ was easy, i was just saying the others were alot easier to fight and counter than abs man, which is my opinion, i have multiple counters to all of these fights and the only one that ever gets me is abs. Even without counters all except abs are easy for me aside from chavez becuase i never learned to fight her

    I dont remember ever saying any champ aside from rintrah was easy to fight, so i dont know how im always proclaiming it?

    I said "All of the other ones are way too easy and way too easy to counter" and you said "No they aren’t" which to me implies that you think someone is harder
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,722 ★★★★★
    edited June 2023
    Anly said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Anly said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Anly said:

    All of the other ones are way too easy and way too easy to counter

    No they aren’t
    Who's harder?
    A lot of these champs are difficult to fight in their own right. Sassy and Maw can be extremely difficult in battlegrounds if you don’t draft AA or torch (or some of the other counters) and champs like Mephisto can catch you off guard if you don’t have an incinerate immune. Even then, he can go to an sp3 fast and kill you. You’re always here proclaiming that every champ is easy to fight. I didn’t say they’re harder, but they’re good defenders.
    I didnt say every champ was easy, i was just saying the others were alot easier to fight and counter than abs man, which is my opinion, i have multiple counters to all of these fights and the only one that ever gets me is abs. Even without counters all except abs are easy for me aside from chavez becuase i never learned to fight her

    I dont remember ever saying any champ aside from rintrah was easy to fight, so i dont know how im always proclaiming it?

    I said "All of the other ones are way too easy and way too easy to counter" and you said "No they aren’t" which to me implies that you think someone is harder
    You literally said “all of the other ones are way too easy and easy to counter” which implies that they’re easy champs to beat. I said “not they aren’t” which means that all the other champs are not way too easy and way to easy to counter.

    So Mephisto and Sasquatch are easy for you to beat without counters? Even though they both stall a lot and Sasquatch would definitely time you out in battlegrounds pretty easily
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Abs Man

    Anly when will you have a good take

    Okay you dont like my opinion... deal with it
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Cow isn’t a hard defender at all many champs counter him sunspot aa torch tigra ghost kitty scorp spot and other all make him easy some champs like maw or even abs can do a lot of damage sometimes even stall but all rintrah does is stall nothing else especially if you know how to fight him
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    Mystic Spidey
    I dont think Rintrah is hard, he s just a bad matchup in BG because of the time, he s so tanky!

    Ima go with Spidey since he s quite new and i still havent figured him out too well yet

    Abs man also isnt hard if u have the right counter

    Doom u gotta play perfect, cause 1 mistake and u re probably dead, tanky and op

    I do hate to fight Maw and Mangog tough, very annoying defenders that require specific gameplay

  • spider_man_guy_123spider_man_guy_123 Member Posts: 162 ★★
    Without the right counter this guys insane with his health and regen
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,543 ★★★★★
    Really don't get why people struggle so much against Rintrah lol I don't even think he's top 5 for me, it ain't that hard to just parry and heavy
  • MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
    How the hell don't you have Hood?!
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    MoeyTehr said:

    How the hell don't you have Hood?!

    what? hood is so free on defense
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    To this day i still hate fighting the Maw
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★
    edited June 2023
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    Maw is two extemes. Either my timing is great and i annihilate him or i am off and really struggle. Rarely is there a middle ground.

    Sasquatch and Rintrah are really annoying when you have a stopwatch on you. Dont really struggle with them in a side quest or event quest unless nodes are oppressive.

    I completely agrew with Mangog though. I avoid him in aq. Till date i have not figured out how to get past him with no damage taken.

    Chavez should get a shout out. Her special 2 is scary! I keep having to bait it and if i face her on a power gain node, i will be worried.
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Rintrah honestly isn’t hard he just wastes time making me not consider him the best the best should be someone who’s good in most game modes if I can bring whoever I need to counter him aw eq sq story he’s easy only mode he’s a struggle is bgs even then he’s pretty easy
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