Help me choose 6* Mystic Rank 5

Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 172
edited June 2023 in General Discussion
I finished Carina’s Challenges Vol. 3 and got a Mystic rank up gem yesterday. BWCV was my sole 6* rank 4 in Mystic for a long time. I still use her a lot. I recently took Dr. Doom to rank 4. It was a hard choice between him or Rintrah. I went with Dr. Doom as I thought he probably has more utility. However, Rintrah is so much fun to play, and his Sp2 is awesome. Now I’m debating who to rank 5. I have resources to rank 4 and sig 200 any Mystic champions. My main focus is to clear contents like EOP, Abyss, and story quests chapter 8. BG and AW are important, too.

Help me choose 6* Mystic Rank 5 122 votes

Black Widow Claire Voyant
AzKicker316CropDusterdoctorbJChanceH9SidDDragonX_E_CutionerAnnihilator13_ShoNuff29Canucks37Ioniqus_797Soumemiakas1926mbgibsonKalagh 13 votes
Dr. Doom
SnakeEyes69World EaterRaganatorAjisdopeTerrayossbm3eppsBluestoneHendrossJosh51700Rbk19RasiloverKerneasPrimeSaviour_27MysterioTitoBandito187RookiieLuke9523SunRiceBeanz722 71 votes
DL864JhhhhjjjazanameerfmussapdzikidzikDeaconItsClobberinTimeTheExit27LpooAzenstarRohtagaThePredator1001LBN1orpimeSTheRoguesAnas_wick99PennybutspookyLordParkerWindows10 19 votes
Symbiote Supreme
HaveinchbutChris_Summershyp3r05 3 votes
The Hood
bhuv9191Spity68MoeyTehrGogimagnus_xixJaffa_Suhshehshserik613 8 votes
IvarTheBonelessPikoluLittleduckykinsVedantMehtaUltragamerMarvelfan30spider_man_guy_123TheGame84 8 votes


  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    The Hood
    Doom is good but boring in the long run, I would go with hood such a fun champ. In the end go with who you enjoy playing.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    For BGS, doom or Rintrah, or Hood are better. For utility BWCV is better. In the end, choose who you like, it is a tough choice regardless.
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    Dr. Doom
    Doom, he just controls fights with ease and is a nightmare on defence.

    Followed closely by Rintrah
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Black Widow Claire Voyant
    I took Claire to r5 as my first 6*r5 and even though I had doom and Diablo who I could r5,there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted claire as my first r5…for me she is the most versatile mystic champ and she benefits significantly from the rankup as it boosts her sp2 red numbers in incinerate phase (ranking her up is the only way to increase those numbers) and the increased combat power rate makes it that much easier to get to her sp2 in non buff heavy matchups
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,874 ★★★★★
    Dr. Doom
    Doom is great for Abyss, BG and story content.

    BWCV if you run suicides.

    A r4 Rintrah will get the job done that he's needed for at r4
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    Iron fist
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    Dr. Doom

    Black Widow Claire Voyant is literally the best mystic champion in the game.

    Sixth best*
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 172
    Thank you, everyone. Looks like Dr. Doom is still the king in Mystic!
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    If you have him and awakened absorbing man
  • spider_man_guy_123spider_man_guy_123 Member Posts: 162 ★★
    Whoever you like the most
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    Dr. Doom

    Thank you, everyone. Looks like Dr. Doom is still the king in Mystic!

  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,938 ★★★★
    Black Widow Claire Voyant

    I'm in the same position as you.
    Dr. Doom is great for damage and power control but BWCV is great for versatility and DOTs.
  • LittleduckykinsLittleduckykins Member Posts: 16
    I'm going other and saying get your hands on an OG SW, team her with QS and go nuts. At sig200 my r4 OG SW is just an insane amount of fun to play, and she hits soooo hard with QS on the team.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,321 Guardian
    Chavez if you don't have her as a 7*
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,938 ★★★★
    Black Widow Claire Voyant

    I'm going other and saying get your hands on an OG SW, team her with QS and go nuts. At sig200 my r4 OG SW is just an insane amount of fun to play, and she hits soooo hard with QS on the team.

    Does she have to have max sig to hit hard?
  • LittleduckykinsLittleduckykins Member Posts: 16
    doctorb said:

    I'm going other and saying get your hands on an OG SW, team her with QS and go nuts. At sig200 my r4 OG SW is just an insane amount of fun to play, and she hits soooo hard with QS on the team.

    Does she have to have max sig to hit hard?
    The closer to max sig you get, the more ROI you receive on her sig ability. But, you should be at least sig 80 for that 50/50 chance of her awakened ability to kick in. The QS team synergy relies on her awakened ability triggering, which is what makes her hit so hard. I'd say get her to r4 and minimum sig100, team her with QS and see what you think. I'd also say that both Doom and BWCV don't require being awakened to be awesome, so at some point pulling them as a 7* will move them to the top of your 7* r2 list, whereas a champ like OG SW isn't likely to be released as a 7* for a very long time, and getting a 7* to max sig is going to be rough.
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 172

    I'm going other and saying get your hands on an OG SW, team her with QS and go nuts. At sig200 my r4 OG SW is just an insane amount of fun to play, and she hits soooo hard with QS on the team.

    I love her, too. She is rank 3, max sig. I just don’t like giving up a spot on my questing team to make her great.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    Black Widow Claire Voyant
    I run suicides and have always preferred BWCV. I’m in the minority in regards to this list, and I accept that.
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