Help me choose 6* Mystic Rank 5

I finished Carina’s Challenges Vol. 3 and got a Mystic rank up gem yesterday. BWCV was my sole 6* rank 4 in Mystic for a long time. I still use her a lot. I recently took Dr. Doom to rank 4. It was a hard choice between him or Rintrah. I went with Dr. Doom as I thought he probably has more utility. However, Rintrah is so much fun to play, and his Sp2 is awesome. Now I’m debating who to rank 5. I have resources to rank 4 and sig 200 any Mystic champions. My main focus is to clear contents like EOP, Abyss, and story quests chapter 8. BG and AW are important, too.
Help me choose 6* Mystic Rank 5 122 votes
For me he’s soooo good and got utilities I love. I got Rintrah for 5* and I’m enjoying him too but I wish I can have Doom for 6* cos I’m so longing for him… I overused his 4* for most of my Act 4 and 5 and very helpful.
Followed closely by Rintrah
BWCV if you run suicides.
A r4 Rintrah will get the job done that he's needed for at r4
I'm in the same position as you.
Dr. Doom is great for damage and power control but BWCV is great for versatility and DOTs.
I love her, too. She is rank 3, max sig. I just don’t like giving up a spot on my questing team to make her great.