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Missing Items in Stash [Merged Threads]

KhalilhkjKhalilhkj Posts: 2
edited August 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
Hi ppl ,
For some reason the overflow inventory is empty in my account , Even the T2 Alpha that cant be sold , Anyone else having the same issue ?
Didnt know where to report this hence posting here

Post edited by Kabam Miike on


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    M4nM4n Posts: 2
    Same here
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    PechyPechy Posts: 14
    I also have this issue
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    TotellTotell Posts: 5
    Same here
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    Same, all my overflow is gone as well!
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    IgorCIgorC Posts: 14
    Me too, at least I'm not alone
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    IcedarkIcedark Posts: 2
    Me too... What's happens??
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    esseesse Posts: 2
    edited August 2023
    So I logged into the game and found out that *all* of my inventory disappeared. Literally everything from it has been cleared out. Many players are facing this issue. Please look into this issue Kabam.

    Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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    Hendo2014Hendo2014 Posts: 67
    Glad it wasn't just me!!
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    KhalilhkjKhalilhkj Posts: 2
    After getting some Iso the items appear in the stash again. But whenever you restart the game they disappear again
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    CampynnCampynn Posts: 19
    Same here
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    TeufelHundenTeufelHunden Posts: 104
    edited August 2023
    Some people in my alliance are all of a sudden missing the stash...kabam, y'all aware of this?

    is this a visual bug or not?
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    XSquadXSquad Posts: 151 ★★
    This is not good...
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    allinashesallinashes Posts: 818 ★★★
    edited August 2023
    Yup just went to claim from the stash and it's gone!

    Edit: Now it's back.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,507 ★★★★
    edited August 2023
    Same, hope it's easily fixable. Had a bunch of revives and t5b / t2a in the overflow. Idc about iso although I'd rather have that back too.

    Edit: thought they may just be hidden, but nope, gone entirely as new items appear there just old ones gone.
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    SquashiniSquashini Posts: 5
    Same here, nothing in my stash, what’s going on @Kabam Miike
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    Zachary54765Zachary54765 Posts: 9
    Same here roo I had 4k iso and tons of t2a and t5cc
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    SquashiniSquashini Posts: 5
    Same here
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    Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Posts: 1,066 ★★★★
    edited August 2023
    It happened to me too, but a simple restart fixed it.

    Edit: ppl saying a restart didn't fix theirs, strange.
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    Cpt_Awesomeo55Cpt_Awesomeo55 Posts: 81
    I had t6b, t3a and then t5b and t2a a lot in overflow saved for the upcoming featured today. Plus war compensation that I haven’t claimed yet and aq rewards from last round as I was waiting for the store to reset. Plus all that iso and pots and boosts. I keep. A lot in overfow. Like a lot of hard to come by resources.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,890 ★★★★★
    edited August 2023
    Same here, all vanished

    Restart didn’t solve the issue
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    HoitadoHoitado Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Do you not have a Kabam Account?
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,507 ★★★★
    edited August 2023
    Mine are back for now, strange half hour.

    Edit: they gone again 😂
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    mgj0630mgj0630 Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Mine is empty also, and a full restart (exit game>force stop>clear cache) didn't resolve it either.
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    It happened to me too, but it was fixed just by restarting the game
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    NBK1999NBK1999 Posts: 27
    I’ve also lost my entire stash, most of it wasnt even close to expiring! Wth happened?
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    KickSsKickSs Posts: 2
    Same here
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,507 ★★★★
    To all those saying a restart fixed it, they will disappear again. Mine keep popping in and out of existence. Got some class clown thanos at the back of the class just snapping every few minutes I guess.
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    Drew_D23Drew_D23 Posts: 102
    I lost everything too, I had a ton of ISO and catalysts saved in the overflow for today's featured crystal.
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