Missing Items in Stash [Merged Threads]



  • DragoDogs367DragoDogs367 Member Posts: 1
  • BeefsteakblakeBeefsteakblake Member Posts: 3
    A lot of people are saying this is happening to them. I hope this is just a bug because if it’s not we need a compensation of some sort. Game state is horrible
  • ShuGokisShuGokis Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    edited August 2023
    Literally just finished my featured opening and went into bgs had well over 2k items in my stash iso, energy refills revives, and now it’s ALL GONE?


    After every restart stash vanishes again.
  • TheWeave23TheWeave23 Member Posts: 16
    I had a ton of catalysts including t6 basic, t3a, t5 basic and T2A, 7000 or so ISO and loads of items including level 2 revives, potions and team revives. Now they are all gone. I log in and all I see is emptiness. What the heck is going on? I don’t have an exact list of what was in my stash down to the last catalyst or energy refill, but it better be back.

  • DanielRandDanielRand Member Posts: 460 ★★★★
    I guess this will teach us all to manage our resources better so they don’t end up in the stash
  • Mentalboy1Mentalboy1 Member Posts: 178
    Mone gone too on both of my accounts
  • MrAkielMrAkiel Member Posts: 5
    Same here
  • Kingofkongs4242Kingofkongs4242 Member Posts: 1
    Same issue here on both of my accounts, I opened a premium crystal and the overflow came back
  • ILLUSION8ILLUSION8 Member Posts: 243
    Fryday said:

    Please tell me this is a very bad and late April fool joke.

    I literally just opened load of daily Crystal's, ran Apothecary and Hall of healing, to get ready to do GmG again.

    Also had about 5 x T3A and T6BC in overflow.

    Also lots of unclaimed (not expired) rewards too.

    All gone!

    Please tell me Kabam got data that they can go back to ensure everyone have their items back correctly.

    The data does exist in the background. My stash disappeared, then reappeared then went again. The fact it managed to come back shows the data is still in the system. Just need a fix in place from kabams side
  • IroncityIroncity Member Posts: 15
    Hi community
    My stash has completely disappeared, saved rewards, Iso, catalysts, excess potions. Everything is gone. Kabam please help🙏🏻. Has anyone else experienced this?
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    I spun one crystal, everything came back, then closed out/restarted. All gone again
  • BeefsteakblakeBeefsteakblake Member Posts: 3
    Found the fix. Pop a crystal to reveal your stash again. Don’t spin but pop anything
  • ra_wrra_wr Member Posts: 68
    esse said:

    So I logged into the game and found out that *all* of my inventory disappeared. Literally everything from it has been cleared out. Many players are facing this issue. Please look into this issue Kabam.

    all of my stash items are gone too. kabam better fix this.

  • Vegeta0801Vegeta0801 Member Posts: 3
    Same here Bro...Logged in and Found my 3k iso's and 13 full energy recharages and lot of stuffs empty..
    Fun fact:- I opened a legendary crystal and got a t2 revive it went to the stash only to find it empty when re-entering the stash
    ..those things went into the black hole
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,363 ★★★★
    My stuff has returned!
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,416 ★★★★★
  • Jaymix79Jaymix79 Member Posts: 246 ★★★

    Found the fix. Pop a crystal to reveal your stash again. Don’t spin but pop anything

    Just goes back missing again. But at least you can screen shot what you have so no questions later.

  • totheendoftotheendof Member Posts: 50
    Yep. Same thing.
  • ra_wrra_wr Member Posts: 68

    I guess this will teach us all to manage our resources better so they don’t end up in the stash

    so tell kabam to increase gold standards 😂

    i have resources unspent because gold is such an issue. blaming it on us for not spending resources when we dont have a piece of the puzzle is baffling to me.
  • Keahqv001Keahqv001 Member Posts: 1
    Happened with me too
  • Sgt_nick_furious2222Sgt_nick_furious2222 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2023
    Lost my entire stash, restart didn't fix it! 😂😥😰

  • IroncityIroncity Member Posts: 15
    Mine too
  • casper2018casper2018 Member Posts: 2
    A mi también me pasa, mi almacén está vacío. Alguien sabe como solucionarlo?
  • Viz_NorvisViz_Norvis Member Posts: 29
    I can confirm as well that this method works, though the bug persists
  • Kev2020Kev2020 Member Posts: 1
    Same for me!
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 797 ★★★★
    My stash was intact when this thread went up but disappeared when the game restarted.

    Opening a crystal didn’t restore it but I didn’t open any that would send something to the stash.
  • blackhumorblackhumor Member Posts: 3
    Pure a me sta succedendo, se kabam non si decide di fixarlo non si può maxare nulla
  • GalactusbusterXGalactusbusterX Member Posts: 1
    When I logged in today, my entire stash was deleted. I had over 50 catalysts and over 2k iso in it. Are we getting these items back?!?!?
  • Vegeta0801Vegeta0801 Member Posts: 3
    @Jaymix79 , It worked bro , I popped a 4 str crystal and everythings back

  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,262 ★★★★★
    Thank you for notifying us about this. I assure you none of us had heard of this before you posted
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